T-junction Deadlock

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T-junction Deadlock

Post by Raphksio »

Hi, can somone help me with this deadlock, i'm new to the game and i'm loving it so far but i'm not very good at trains so any help is very appreciated.
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Re: T-junction Deadlock

Post by Koub »

This topic should be of some help for your T-Junction signalling : viewtopic.php?f=194&t=18621
Should you build one day 4 way intersections, this will quickly become your bible : viewtopic.php?f=194&t=46855

Personnally, I don't see the point of having 1 way tracks for all your rail system while using 2 way trains. It would be a lot easier for you not to merge both tracks before your station, but to make a U-Turn on the right of the station. That way, a train waiting to enter the station wouldn't be in the intersection.
Koub - Please consider English is not my native language.
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Re: T-junction Deadlock

Post by Greybeard_LXI »

I second Koub's recommended threads.

F4 gives a menu of debug items. One of them shows which track pieces are part of which blocks.

In your picture, it looks like the signal near the south most engine is a rail signal. This should be a chain signal to prevent the train carrying plate and coal from getting into the intersection. Near the car carrying coal is a rail signal that should probably either be a chain signal or be removed.

I cannot see if there is a signal next to the car carrying the plate. That would not be a bad place for a chain signal.

The track where the coal car sits is part of the same block as the northbound rail and the two curves to between the station and the south bound rail. There should be a chain signal separating them.

The fixes I recommend will leave a waiting train on the main line while the station is occupied. To fix that you need to leave enough room between the main line and the station for all trains that might use the station. Just moving the station right would work here if you only have two trains but you would need a stacker design if you want more.
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Re: T-junction Deadlock

Post by paouk »


consider Koub's good suggestions. They should definitely give you a very helpfull base for the future understanding trains.

Anyway, for this particular case you posted:

There are some basic problem you should certainly fix a part from personal opinions:

1)you should use chain signals in all little segments to make trains able to more probably find a clear path.
Koub wrote:It would be a lot easier for you not to merge both tracks before your station
Like he said. Having a one track station (so two way incoming/leaving) you shouldn't have two separate junction/tracks, especially in so little space.

Sorry for paintjob, i'm trying to briefly bring you to the point. I hope it could be helpful.

Blue dot are chain signals you should place so that the white path should be clear to go.
I'm using conditional because there would be missing some other chains in the yellow circle, where you have no place to place it.
Talking about point 2), the solution i'm trying to represent on the left is what i mean with 1 single juntion managing both leaving and incoming direction keeping the main line style on "2 separate one way tracks"
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(forgive me for eventually bad english, i'm trying my best)
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