A mode for the locomotive called "Manual with assist" which is similar to manual, but will automatically stop you when a rail signal is yellow or red.What ?
Detailed description:This mode will allow the player to drive the train similar to manual mode. Whenever the train sees a signal that is yellow or red, it will slam on the brakes in time to stop at the signal. It will try prevent a player from going into a block with another train.
Here is a situation in this image:
A player is controlling train A with "Manual with assist" mode and is going full speed. The player is holding the 'W' button so their original intent is to go straight. If the player continues holding 'W', they will go straight just fine. But let's say the player changes their mind and hits 'D' just before the intersection, now the player wants to go right. The train will see the red signal and initiate an emergency stop, which will bring the train to a complete stop even if the train passes the red signal. This will hopefully prevent a collision with train B. Now let's say the player was holding 'W' and 'D' long before the intersection, so their original intent was to go right. The train would see that red signal and will have plenty of time to stop at the signal.
This concept would work better with the higher tiers of the "Braking force" research. In fact, it would be nice if this mode had its own research within braking force.
Why ?
Having this mode enabled will prevent a player from driving into a block with another train and thus preventing a collision.Players will be able to drive around the track manually with much more confidence.