[0.15.20] Sounds/Music does not resume after research screen

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Burner Inserter
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[0.15.20] Sounds/Music does not resume after research screen

Post by Dragonmystic »

Windows 10, 64 bit.

Here are the steps, as best as I can remember.

* Had an open inventory screen.
* Was zoomed in nearly to full on an area.
* I believe a background music track had just ended, or was about to end.

* Research Finished, tech tree popped up.
* Spent a while in the Tech tree. Scrolled my infinite mouse wheel a bit.
* Selected a research.

* No sounds at all were active on return to the game.

Going into and out of a menu fixed the issue.

Just got it as well when laying down rails and an auto-save popped up.
Factorio Staff
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Re: [0.15.20] Sounds/Music does not resume after research screen

Post by Rseding91 »

Have you found any way to reproduce the problem? Does it happen on all of your computers or just the one?
If you want to get ahold of me I'm almost always on Discord.
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