I really want to like this game....

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I really want to like this game....

Post by Heartstrace »

it just seems like a big headache : ( there are no instructions, and i dont like having to hit one button to open inv and another to close it. i wish there was an option to get back to whatever it told me at the start of the level- like a journal of sorts. if I want to play a game where i spend half the time looking at forums instead of actually playing the game, then ill just go back to feed the beast. at least there i actually have years put into minecraft and actually know xactly where to go to find my information or what im even looking for in the first place.

as is the title of this thread I REALLY want to like this game and i have watched some cool videos on it, but i need direction and not a headache. stuck on level two of the campaign and i just dont have it in me right now to figure this crap out. maybe im just tired. the devs can keep my twenty if it means they can make the game better.

maybe it's just hard to go from minecraft where i have folders of links and tons of youtubers subbed and people i know and so on to this. i just feel like i have puzzle without the box to look at. and none of my friends on fb would care about me complaining about some minecraft like game when most people just see it as a kids game.
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Re: I really want to like this game....

Post by British_Petroleum »

I found it a headache to begin with as well, but after you learn how things work, the game is very rewarding. I never played the campaign, so I can't help you with that, but I'm sure someone else will :)
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Re: I really want to like this game....

Post by Eiretek »

It is still in Alpha; they are currently working on a tutorial system to help guide players.
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Re: I really want to like this game....

Post by brunzenstein »

Eiretek wrote:It is still in Alpha; they are currently working on a tutorial system to help guide players.
If one looks at the excellent videos on Youtube, its a breeze to get in the saddle a very short time.
Factorio is a gem for intellectual dedicated folks who can not also play chess well, but are inclined to think a lot.
A nowadays nearly extinct virtue - and and surely and definitely not aimed at hit & run gamers
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Re: I really want to like this game....

Post by Koub »

The "newbie friendly polishing" is due before or with 1.0 release.
Until then, I bet you'd have as much headache starting Minecraft as a beginner as you would have to start Factorio as beginner. You're comparing your mastery of a game you've played for years with one you've never tested.
I have the same sort of headaches when I go back to Minecraft after 2-3 years without touching it, everything to relern (first of all being the way to have HD textures with a 3rd party patcher, because stock are always immensely crappy).
Koub - Please consider English is not my native language.
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Re: I really want to like this game....

Post by hoho »

Heartstrace wrote:there are no instructions
They added some in-game tutorials in lastest unstable version. It's not for the very beginning of the game but they did say they plan on adding more to cover more areas of the game.

Meanwhile, looking at couple of let's-play videos might help you.
Heartstrace wrote:i dont like having to hit one button to open inv and another to close it.
Huh? I'm pretty sure the default 'e' both opens and closes inventories.
Heartstrace wrote:i wish there was an option to get back to whatever it told me at the start of the level- like a journal of sorts
As sad as it is, those hints at the beginning aren't really all that useful and there are less than half a dozen of them.

Heartstrace wrote:if I want to play a game where i spend half the time looking at forums instead of actually playing the game, then ill just go back to feed the beast. at least there i actually have years put into minecraft and actually know xactly where to go to find my information or what im even looking for in the first place.
I'd be extremely surprised if at the beginning of your minecraft "career" you didn't have exactly the same issues. I'm willing to bet back then you powered through it and kept at it. Perhaps you've just grown up now and aren't willing to put in similar effort? :)

Heartstrace wrote:stuck on level two of the campaign and i just dont have it in me right now to figure this crap out.
I have at least 4000 hours in this game. I've never completed the campaign. Pretty much all I play is the freeplay thingy. From what I understand, some of the campaign missions are quite difficult and probably not that easy for beginners.

I'm 100% certain if you asked specific questions about the game and how to solve some situations, you'd get a ton of people explaining in detail how to do what you want to do.
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Re: I really want to like this game....

Post by SeigneurAo »

hoho wrote:
Heartstrace wrote:i dont like having to hit one button to open inv and another to close it.
Huh? I'm pretty sure the default 'e' both opens and closes inventories.
I do concur.
hoho wrote:From what I understand, some of the campaign missions are quite difficult and probably not that easy for beginners.
I definitely would recommend watching some Let's Play videos instead of playing the campaign straight away. Some parts are indeed tricky for a newcomer, IMHO.

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Re: I really want to like this game....

Post by Shokubai »

Im curious how he got through minecraft without forums, videos, etc... or just plugging in hours.
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Re: I really want to like this game....

Post by hoho »

This should probably also be advertised a bit more: http://guide.factorio.com/

Put it as a popup for starting a new game or something, perhaps? Add it to background in the main menu?
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Re: I really want to like this game....

Post by NosajDraw »

Shokubai wrote:Im curious how he got through minecraft without forums, videos, etc... or just plugging in hours.
Curious? I'm out right puzzled, a browser window open on the Wiki, another on Youtube looking at various HowTo's or Lets Plays are until the yet to be released 1.12 version of MC the only way to play when first learning.
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Re: I really want to like this game....

Post by BHakluyt »

Hi Heartstrace.

I personally think Factorio is one of the most awesomely fantastic games ever, and it is not even done yet. It is like a big box of Legos and you can pretty much do whatever however you want. The game requires patience and time. A LOT OF TIME. I really think you are going to miss out on something great if you give up too soon. Yes the game is currently marred by insufficient explanations and information and tutorials, but its all on the forums and youtube or else logic goes a great way sometimes to figure things out.

What I love most about the game is all the little gizmos you can build for yourself. I will post a few screenshots to show you. In the end, if you are really stuck, I am sure the people on the forum will be very helpful, so just ask away.

To the best game EVER!!! CHEERS!!!
From here I can switch on and off my different "factories" when too much aliens attack and power is in need...
From here I can switch on and off my different "factories" when too much aliens attack and power is in need...
Screenshot 02.jpg (133.68 KiB) Viewed 8937 times
Some graphs which show accumulator charge over time so I can see how things are going.
Some graphs which show accumulator charge over time so I can see how things are going.
Screenshot 01.jpg (724.41 KiB) Viewed 8937 times
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Re: I really want to like this game....

Post by iceman_1212 »

Did you do the tutorial levels prior to the campaign?

Fwiw, I also found the campaign extremely challenging as a new player. I was unable to beat some of the levels without turret rushing to clear spawners, which was an idea I got off the forums after i got tired of failing multiple times. Default free play is nowhere near as resource constrained or as heavy on biter aggro as the campaign.
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Re: I really want to like this game....

Post by Mr. Tact »

It really isn't any harder than survival Minecraft. If you drop most people into survival Minecraft without any knowledge of the game, they would be completely puzzled. They would look around for a bit and then say, "What am I supposed to do?" It isn't exactly intuitive to punch a tree.

If the original poster is not interested in puzzling it all out on his own (some like doing that, some don't) the best bet would be to watch a Let's Play of someone playing the vanilla game. If your favorite list of youtubers doesn't have anyone doing it, I can probably dig up some suggestions...
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Re: I really want to like this game....

Post by Mr. Tact »

Thinking about this some more, Factorio really does have a lot of similarities to survival Minecraft. Optional enemies. Resource collection. Lots of storage chests. A base game which can be played for hundreds, if not thousands of hours. And a modding community which stretches the replay-ability significantly.
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Re: I really want to like this game....

Post by Guenni7 »

I didn't watch any video nor read any forums when I started Factorio.
The first steps are quite easy to understand (for me), and I didn't even play minecraft, I was an absolute beginner.
The first time I needed to ask the internet was when starting trains (signals, arghh), and nuclear (Kovarex and Reactor setup, arghh). :)
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Re: I really want to like this game....

Post by joni65 »

Hi, I am new at this game too and am totally fascinated with it. The way I got started is by watching certain people on you tube and literally playing the same game they are along with them on the same map they are using. Most post the map string on the you tube information area. (The area that you reach by clicking on the little down arrow directly at the bottom of the video box) The people who I am playing along with right now are Katherine of Sky - Nilaus - and Steejo. They all have a vanilla play through happening right now and it is the best way to get to know the game.

The little tutorial or opening games or what ever they are called are just frustrating. skip those and move to normal play along with one of the experts I have listed above and you will learn how to play. Katherine of Sky play through is called Tasty Vanilla, Nilaus is Vanilla Done Right - and Steejo is Factorio 0.15

I highly recommend all of them. They all have different styles and you will learn different things from them all, but also just learn what the heck to do first, second, third and so on.

i can't say enough good things about them and how they have helped me. Even being bad at math I can play this game because of them!
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Re: I really want to like this game....

Post by Factorie »

It's not for everyone. That said once you figure out how to do things, it becomes so freakin' addicting.
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