Combat is secondary in Factorio, it's not an RTS, the combat cannot be too complex or hard, but that does not mean it needs to be bland and boring, it just needs to be elegantly designed. The general spirit of the current implementation can be kept, but some big changes are necessary for the combat to be elevated from what we have now to something truly engaging and fun that is challenging for all types of players.
>The goal is that you don't spend more time with the enemies than now (you need your time for factory building) but to make the time you spend dealing with them FUN and WORTHWHILE<
- Very few nests on the map
- Nests are difficult to kill
- Biters attack regularly from nests, large scale attacks, but with long intervals inbetween
- More and more nests spawn, requiring better defenses or the player to take some out
- Whenever a nest becomes active it is marked on the map and the attack route lined out (and regularly updated) so players can prepare defenses that - if properly built - will stop the enemies without interaction from the player
- More enemy types, enemies and defenses have distinct strengths/weaknesses
Selected Difficulty
Very important - the difficulty scales significantly with the player options. We don't want to force players to play a semi-RTS if they want to focus solely on factory building. There should be at least 2, preferably 3-4 difficulty types, think "Easy, Medium, Hard, Insane".
- Certain enemy types don't spawn on lower difficulties
- The attack waves are smaller
- The nests are less fortified
- The stats of some enemies are weakened (e.g. armor of big/behemoth biters)
- Player Score = Production and Research increase player score
- Active nests and evolution factor increase alien score
- Evolution is still determined by pollution, time and nest-kills
- Alien evolution slows when player has a lower score and raises when he has a higher score than the aliens
- Starting from minute 15-30, depending on difficulty setting a nest becomes spawns within a set distance of player structures
- The nest is heavily fortified and takes resources and time to take out
- It keeps periodically spawning attack waves that follow a pre-determined path and attack regardless of pollution
- The nest location and the attack path are marked red on the map, so the player can prepare - factory is all about preparation and planning right?
- After some time another nest spawns
- If enough attacks are carried out, the attack path can change so the player has to build new defenses (harder difficulties)
- Biters and Spitters, along with turrets get an overhaul so they have distinct weaknesses and strengths (e.g. all biters have high flat armor against bullets)
- New enemy types and turret types (0 on easy, 1 on medium, 2 on hard, 3 on insane)
- Nests spawn with modifiers (e.g. "50% more enemies, 33% less health" or "spawns only large units")
- Nests give information about what they spawn (unit composition, modifiers) for the player to prepare accordingly
- Modifiers + Enemy Types = Tons of combinations = Stays interesting
- All turrets are a lot more expensive
- Upgrading turrets now increases their cost