help: bobs logistics - belts and inserters only?

Some mods, made by Bob. Basically streaks every Factroio-area.

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help: bobs logistics - belts and inserters only?

Post by JohnyDL »

I realise this is a mad request but I don't want/need the rest of the logistics mod disabling the things like modular robots and stuff doesn't go far enough for me, I don't want the pipes or trains or anything else (I realise once I play with them all those things will likely become indispensable still I really want it to feel like a vanilla+ kind of thing not an overhaul for now) so if anyone could talk me through or suggest some additional things I could try to remove the sections I don't want without breaking the mod entirely that'd be helpful, here's what I'd like and have done, I've not deleted any files so far just changed some and kept backups

I'd like Vanilla stuff not to get any upgrades or changes (that's yellow undergrounds with a reach of 4 spaces, red with 6, blue with 8, and maybe then green can have 12, and purple 16)

I'm pretty sure I found where to change the green and purple how I want (max_distance = 20 and max_distance = 25 respectfully just drop the numbers) but I can't find where the vanilla ones are modified

I'm hoping the rest might work by changing data.lua to be this

Code: Select all

if not bobmods then bobmods = {} end
if not bobmods.logistics then bobmods.logistics = {} end




I'm not sure if there are any technologies I'd need to remove that're now redundant from those files (the extra space in inventory is a bonus I'm not opposed to). Do I also need to include technology updates or will some of that (being that it refers to things I'm not using) break the mod or use it and modify it a bunch?

I'm not doing this to say Bob's mod is bad, it's just far more than I need or want, I'm gonna keep code diving but any and all suggestions would be helpful
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