Impact force: damage model

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Impact force: damage model

Post by leoch »

Annoying that small bumps in the car always require repair? That rocks have "hit points"?

Change the damage model slightly: have an "absorption threshold" for each object, which is the number of damage points removed from a "hit" before any hit points are removed (this is what many RPGs do).

Use it so that:
  • a car doesn't take any damage in a small bump, but still does if you ram trees etc.
  • your factory buildings and walls can also survive undamaged, so long as it's a small bump
  • ditto for a tree; you can't just keep "pushing" them with a car to knock them down now
  • tanks and walls could be completely invulnerable to small biters/spitters; not sure about this
  • give rocks 1HP and a high absorption threshold so that they either get destroyed or are left undamaged
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