[0.15.5] CTD when clicking map power network display

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[0.15.5] CTD when clicking map power network display

Post by triffid_hunter »


I'd been playing for many hours. I went into map view and saw a strange cyan square in an area I'd recently been doing turret creep but had subsequently removed the turrets.

I may have been in a train at the time, the crash was very sudden and I was paying attention to the map rather than my character.

Noticing that turrets are red and walls are white, I thought it might be a lone power pole I'd somehow missed since I had power network display enabled, and the power network is drawn in cyan.

I clicked the offending thing on the map a couple of times in case it would light up like vehicles do, and when I then clicked the toggle button to disable power network display, factorio suddenly crashed to desktop.

I checked the log but there's nothing useful in there that I can see, it seems to have not logged anything for quite a long time before the crash - last modification time on the file is 13 hours ago!

Since I've previously toggled power network display a number of times without problems, I'm not currently sure how to reproduce this - I'll report back if I find a reliable way.

Log and latest autosave at https://we.tl/vgk2AWcEHJ
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Re: [0.15.5] CTD when clicking map power network display

Post by Rseding91 »

As you've said: the log file doesn't show a crash.

Without a way to reproduce the crash or a log file with a crash report there's nothing we can do.
If you want to get ahold of me I'm almost always on Discord.
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