charcoal out of woods ?

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charcoal out of woods ?

Post by Hellatze »

i never use blast furnace, and for trains i used solid fuel.

leaving some useless fuel to burn.
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Joined: Fri Apr 15, 2016 11:09 am

Re: charcoal out of woods ?

Post by ftbreizhbugs »

I use wood as primary fuel for the backup steam engines. You can also use it as primary fuel to generate steam for coal liquefaction!
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wood arrived from car via inserters or via train and go into logistic chest then in requester chest and is put on belt. Solid fuel then fills the gap, if any and same thing for coal thereafter. As this is for a backup that only start when i am low energy with my nuclear setup, the time i resized the nuclear setup, most of the woods will have been burnt.

If you do coal liquefaction, you can use it on a more regular basis to generate the required steam!
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