U must install angel's refining - there is a separate branch with water washing, with refining mod u can get chrome ore (or chromium - you on a miscellaneous interpret names of this ore)pyanodon wrote:aklesey1 wrote:Pyanodon, what u can say about processing chain for chromium in angel's refining and angel's smelting
Yes it's long path but looks really interesting
Eh, i want to cast gems into crystal slurry to produce more crystal catalysts, it would be convenient, but its all from angel mods
I didnt played that new version yet. Where i can see the cromium chain from him?
If u want to get chrome plates, which for some reason so still aren't used anywhere that it is even amusing, u can get chrome plates
Angel's smelting requires angel's infinte ores and bobplates mod and angel's petrochem mod, yes angel's petrochem is one of the main mod's in angel system - he has done huge work building a long realistic chain, i like this mod