Since Nickel ore is a requirement for Bob's Metals, Chemicals and Intermediates mod, the config option "GalenaGivesNickel" is enabled by default.
You might be thinking some of these ores sound familier, well, you'd be right, these are the ores of DyTech, and F-Mod, that you'd normally have to mine asteroids, or underground drilling to get. The original purpose of the mod is was to make these ores easier to get, but then was expanded as a base for my own mods.
now also available: Bob's Metals, Chemicals and Intermediates mod. Use it to create metal plates from these ores! ... 733#p30733
Download Links:
Latest: V0.12.8 - 26th June 2016
Dropbox Latest
As of 0.12.6, the Library Mod is required.
My new ores will spawn automatically on old maps, if you do not want this to happen you should delete the migration folder, and instead use the following command to add them manually."bobores", "Regenerate")
This was removed in the 0.12.x version. It has been re-added in 0.12.5
Neither the migration folder, nor the previously listed command will add Nickel, Cobalt or Sulfur, if you want to add those you should use the following commands. They will only work if the desired ore is enabled in the config file.
Late 0.11.x requires a /c in front.
These have been changed in 0.12.x, example as follows
/c game.regenerate_entity("nickel-ore")
This command will also work for the other ores, if you replace the ore in quotes with the desired ore.
full list of ores: bauxite-ore cobalt-ore gem-ore gold-ore lead-ore nickel-ore quartz rutile-ore silver-ore sulfur tin-ore tungsten-ore zinc-ore
This shows what the 12 ores look like in game.
This one shows what the map generation options screen looks like with this mod.
Here are the mined ores in my inventory