ComputerCraft [V1]

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Burner Inserter
Burner Inserter
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ComputerCraft [V1]

Post by Monsterbolt101 »

Adds a computer.
You make a simple script, and every few ticks (config file has the tickdelay labeled "runtime_ticks"), the script does basic calculations such as "+", "-", "*", "/", "<", ">", "==", "!=", when the script is finished you can decide what gets outputed.
Cuts down on combinators, and tick lag.
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Please comment any and all errors so that I may address them and make this mod better.
Fast Inserter
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Re: ComputerCraft [V1]

Post by Nightinggale »

How is this different from ... ontrollers?

I need to explore both ingame, but my first impression is that both mods tries to do the same, but using totally different approaches, which means they end up being totally different and as such it's not a question of which one is better, but more which one is better for my specific case.

It sounds to me like tickdelay is not much of a delay, but rather frequency. If it's a delay, it be like having a bunch of combinators in a chain. It takes say 4 ticks to get data through, but you get new data each tick. I do like the concept of only doing stuff every xth tick. It might be even more useful if it has tickdelay as a changable number in the GUI. While infrequent updates are useful for reducing lag, it can be useful for gameplay as well. Say we have a crafting combinator, which is set to produce A, but switch to B whenever it's below a certain threshold. If storage is around the threshold, it can end up switching production so fast that it never finishes producing either. Adding a combinator, which updates the output every say 300 ticks will solve that problem. I know unmodded combinators can solve this problem as well, but I currently have a setup using around 30.

I will certainly keep an eye on this one. It sounds awesome.
Burner Inserter
Burner Inserter
Posts: 17
Joined: Fri Aug 28, 2015 2:03 am

Re: ComputerCraft [V1]

Post by Monsterbolt101 »

I did not know that the other mod exsists, thank you for telling me about it. I will check out how the other mod does it, and see how I could improve. Thank you for checking out this mod! :D
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