The information about what is infinite research is not consistent. The robot count got the research stage in the bottom right corner and the "infinite" information in the top right corner. Every other research seems to have both information in the bottom right corner.
I made a post about this earlier, but it got pushed to "not a bug" because another related topic in that post was not a bug, but misinterpretation of the ui. (viewtopic.php?f=23&t=48130) I don't know, why the mod burried that one. (And I still think the other topic belongs to the bug forum because stating you researched 1-6 of infinite and now are at part 8 ist just wrong since you researched 1-7. But i will post this again at "Ideas and Suggestions")
Edit: I found were the inconsistency starts. Its not related to "robot count" but rather the stage of infintie research. The first stage always shows both information in the bottom right corner, after researching any infinite research for the first time, the information for that research is split and the infinite sign takes off to the top right corner. I can't possible think of any reaseon why this would be intended behaviour.
[0.15.12] Infinite research UI not consistent
[0.15.12] Infinite research UI not consistent
- Attachments
- nonconsistentinfiniteresearchui.PNG (27.42 KiB) Viewed 1045 times
Re: [0.15.12] Infinite research UI not consistent
Well this is the way we decided it to work. Before the first level is researched, it is more important to make it clear on which level it starts. Later on we prefer to just show what is the next level, and indicate, that this is infinite research tech.