Hello everybody.
I wish to introduce You my 3rd mod. Force Shield mod is most advanced mod I have made so far. I'm writing this because there might be some bugs that I couldn't catch. This mod add three types of new building, it's Force Shield Generator MK1/2/3. Mod also add five types of force shield. Each shield with different resistance.
Each Force Shield Generator with different speed of generating and different max amount of shield.
Max shield is 250 for MK1, 375 for MK2 and 500 for MK3.
Shield generation speed (crafting_speed): 0.5 0.75 1.25 (MK1, Mk2, MK3)
After you build Force shield generator right click on It to choose force shield type.

There is a GUI for configuring the generator. Hover mouse over the generator for about 1-2 seconds and menu will appear:

Shield Generator MK1 to MK3:

Force Shield MK1 to MK5: I know its look like wall... you can find my own graphic in ForceShield\graphics\entity\wall_blue_2 just try my one by renaming folder.

Shields are free to build... bud consumes energy when are building in generator... just like force shield generator should.
You can use speed or effectivity module. Except normal benefits, each module increase max power of generator. Each module lvl1 add 5% bonus, lvl2 add 10% bonus and lvl3 add 15% bonus, but max bonus is 30%.
If you have any questions just ask I will answer.
I hope You will enjoy.