You can see the effect in this image:
I am asking for the day/night cycle to be even with each other (and much longer too), such that a solar panel outputs 50% of its power averaged across a day/night cycle.
Moderator: ickputzdirwech
That mod doesn't change the ratio between the two. I use it, and I hate that I still have a day that lasts over twice as long as the night. I've talked with the person who made the mod and he seemed to want to make day and night equal length for the mod, but he says because of the way the code is designed, there is nothing he can do about it.ssilk wrote:There are some mods, that make longer night.
E.g. ... htExtender
binbinhfr wrote:since factorio 0.13 night/day cycle is now dependant of the surface. The result is that night/day shift are not synchronized anymore on different surfaces : you can have different noon on different surfaces. As I can only slow down time globally, I cannot implement a difference between nights and days that would work on every surfaces... Sorry.thereaverofdarkness wrote:Night seems to be significantly shorter than day, in particular full darkness is very brief. This makes solar panels generate too much electricity--they generate well over 50% average output across the day/night cycle. Someone told me this is just part of vanilla day and night cycle, but I want to change it to make day and night have equal length, and make twilight a lot shorter. Is there a way Day Night Extender can do this?
What's realistic? That day is longer than night?Distelzombie wrote:It is quite realistic. Why would you want to change that? Because of the solar cells?
For part of the year in parts of the world, and only when the sun never gets high enough in the sky to make solar panels worthwhile. Other parts of the year in the same places, nights are twice as long as day.Distelzombie wrote:Yes. Here look at the app I have on my phone. At these times the night is only about as third as long as a day. (Not current time)
I don't want to wander in the dark. But I want that pressure to deal with that environment.5thHorseman wrote:Nights suck, gameplay wise. Why do you want to wander around in the dark for a longer time? If you ask me, they're already too long.
Night sucks for a different reason than lack of water sucks. Lack of water is a gameplay hindrance. Night is a black screen. Lamps help in your factory, your flashlight technically helps outside the factory. Night vision (finally) eliminates the problem but that's fairly late tech.thereaverofdarkness wrote:I don't want to wander in the dark. But I want that pressure to deal with that environment.5thHorseman wrote:Nights suck, gameplay wise. Why do you want to wander around in the dark for a longer time? If you ask me, they're already too long.
Resource scarcities suck. Biters suck. Having your character get killed sucks. Not being able to find water sucks. Not being able to find good land because there's too much water in your way sucks. Making a good sandbox game isn't about making nothing suck, it's about giving the player problems to solve and the tools to solve them with.
It's not much of a nerf if power output is adjusted to compensate for the change. Then all it would change is you'd need more accumulators to last the night, and you already don't need very many on full solar, less if you're partially dependent on other energy sources. But most importantly I'm not asking to nerf them here, and adjusting their output can always compensate for any way in which you feel the change would be a nerf.5thHorseman wrote:Though if you nerf Solar any more, it'll always lose to Nuclear. Instead of nearly always losing like it does now.