Enhance the Destruction!

Post your ideas and suggestions how to improve the game.

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Burner Inserter
Burner Inserter
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Joined: Wed May 17, 2017 3:35 am

Enhance the Destruction!

Post by Sneyon »

Hello everyone!

Atomic bomb is great, but it's the edge about maximum destruction in the game. Some players (like me) love to do damage, and I thought some things to do it:
  • There are uranium cannon shells, but what about atomic cannon shells? it could have a larger distance and maybe stronger.
  • A new turret model that can use cannon shells like an artillery. Alike the other turrets that shot automatically at any direction, this type could have similar flamethrower turret angle but huge range.
    (I think also about use coal or another fuels like a propeller for the shots).
I'm passionated with Factorio, and I want to send a lot more ideas.
Thank you so much you all.

My best regards.
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