Units and quantities: Use real prefixes and proper rounding

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Units and quantities: Use real prefixes and proper rounding

Post by Distelzombie »

Hi there

just saw this in a video. Fluids are using kilo, mega, giga etc prefixes in production graph.
(Instead of million, billion, trillion, quadrillion ... septuagintillion ...)

EDIT: I changed my mind:

My Idea would be a complete overhaul of the entire thing:
  • -Show the number outside of the icon.
    -It needs to show at least three decimals and the correct prefix
    -Actually USE proper rounding. (Currently 0.999 is 0) See this thread: viewtopic.php?f=23&t=46750
----Then either this:
  • -Use International System of Units in conjunction with International System of Quantities
    -In the case of the picture above it would be this for water: 1,222Mm³
----Or that:
  • -Use Scientific- or better Engineering notation: 6,721,000,000m = 6.721×10^9m, or 6.721E9 or 6.721e9
    -In the case of the picture above it would be this for water: 1.222 e12 m³, or 1.222 x 10^12 m³, or 1.222e12m³, or 1.222x10^12m³
Give some options for this and then its finally good. :)
Unit-Errors in fluids.png
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Last edited by Distelzombie on Tue May 16, 2017 4:52 pm, edited 7 times in total.
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Re: [0.15] Units of fluids are using wrong prefix in prod.graph

Post by kovarex »

I believe that consistency is more important here. I'm sorry but I'm going to move it to not a bug.
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Re: [0.15] Units of fluids are using wrong prefix in prod.graph

Post by Distelzombie »

kovarex wrote:I believe that consistency is more important here. I'm sorry but I'm going to move it to not a bug.
You guys really want to make everything different than the rest of the world regarding numbers: No number rounding (0.99=0), "gigawater" instead of a million liter.

Thats really bad actually. :(
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Re: [0.15] Units of fluids are using wrong prefix in prod.graph

Post by daniel34 »

Moved to Ideas and Suggestions on author's request.

"k" (for "kilo") is used throughout the game to mean a thousand, what do you propose as a replacement?
Distelzombie wrote:"gigawater" instead of a million liter.
A million water (not liters since that is nowhere specified) is 1M ("mega") water, "gigawater" would be 1 billion (10^9) water.
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Re: [0.15] Units of fluids are using wrong prefix in prod.graph

Post by Distelzombie »

You're right. I was thinking:

My Idea would be a complete overhaul of the entire thing:
  • -Show the number outside of the icon.
    -It needs to show at least three decimals and the correct prefix
    -Actually USE proper rounding. (Currently its 0.999=0)
----Then either this:
  • -Use International System of Units in conjunction with International System of Quantities (You would still use the G but not alone)
    -In the case of the picture above it would be this for water: 1.222Gm³ 1,222Mm³
----Or that:
  • -Use Scientific- or better Engineering notation: 6,721,000,000m = 6.721×10^9m, or 6.721E9 or 6.721e9
    -In the case of the picture above it would be this for water: 1.222 e12 m³, or 1.222 x 10^12 m³, or 1.222e12m³, or 1.222x10^12m³
Give some options for this and then its finally good. :)

BTW: I would prefer engineering notation over scientific and over Gm³ Mm³
EDIT; Am I allowed to change a thread this much?
Last edited by Distelzombie on Tue May 16, 2017 4:54 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Units and quantities: Use real prefixes and proper rounding

Post by steinio »

What is a Gm³?

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Re: Units and quantities: Use real prefixes and proper rounding

Post by Distelzombie »

steinio wrote:What is a Gm³?
Cubic gigameter
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Re: Units and quantities: Use real prefixes and proper rounding

Post by steinio »

Distelzombie wrote:
steinio wrote:What is a Gm³?
Cubic gigameter
Sounds fantastic but it's no think at all :)

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Re: Units and quantities: Use real prefixes and proper rounding

Post by Distelzombie »

steinio wrote:
Distelzombie wrote:
steinio wrote:What is a Gm³?
Cubic gigameter
Sounds fantastic but it's no think at all :)
It is a unit of the International System of Units with its correct prefix. Your country just does it differently (wrong) or the people around you have chosen to not use giga and mega as a prefix and stop at kilo for some odd reason. People use megatons and gigatons. This is just the same for meters
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Re: Units and quantities: Use real prefixes and proper rounding

Post by steinio »

Distelzombie wrote:
steinio wrote:
Distelzombie wrote:
steinio wrote:What is a Gm³?
Cubic gigameter
Sounds fantastic but it's no think at all :)
It is a unit of the International System of Units with its correct prefix. Your country just does it differently (wrong) or the people around you have chosen to not use giga as a prefix and stop at kilo for some odd reason.
It's the same as yours but according to here: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gr%C3%B6% ... _(Volumen) km³ is the last resort.

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Re: Units and quantities: Use real prefixes and proper rounding

Post by Distelzombie »

steinio wrote:It's the same as yours but according to here: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gr%C3%B6% ... _(Volumen) km³ is the last resort.
The page is not a scientific compendium but rather a list of examples.
A cubic gigameter is totally correct, but just sounds odd.
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Re: Units and quantities: Use real prefixes and proper rounding

Post by mp0011 »

Just note that 1 Gm³ is not equal to 1000 Mm³, 1k Mm³, 1000000 km³, 1M km³ or 1G m³...

Prefixes works well on regular (not squared or cubed) units.
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Re: Units and quantities: Use real prefixes and proper rounding

Post by Distelzombie »

mp0011 wrote:Just note that 1 Gm³ is not equal to 1000 Mm³, 1k Mm³, 1000000 km³, 1M km³ or 1G m³...

Prefixes works well on regular (not squared or cubed) units.
Ups you're right: A cubic gigameter would be 1,000,000,000Mm³
So then it would be 1222Mm³ and not 1.2Gm³

Just another point for my favourite... (engineering notation)
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Re: Units and quantities: Use real prefixes and proper rounding

Post by Mendel »

Then in that case changing to cubic meters as measurement of liquids would make the game inconsistent since everything else is changing prefixes in increments of 1000
pro: It would be correct
con: it would be confusing

I fear in this case the con would outweigh the pro

I would fully support 3 decimal precision and more logical rounding though!
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Re: Units and quantities: Use real prefixes and proper rounding

Post by Distelzombie »

Mendel wrote:Then in that case changing to cubic meters as measurement of liquids would make the game inconsistent since everything else is changing prefixes in increments of 1000
pro: It would be correct
con: it would be confusing

I fear in this case the con would outweigh the pro

I would fully support 3 decimal precision and more logical rounding though!
You can make it cubic meter but without prefix. Thats why I like engineering notation so much. It is perfectly fitted for this game.
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Re: Units and quantities: Use real prefixes and proper rounding

Post by mp0011 »

But, just to add some confusion, since we can convert water to steam, volume based units loose the point.

1k units of water is 1k units of steam, but 1m3 of water is not 1m3 of steam...
Now, imagine some new recipies, heat expanding, preassure, and whatever they may add to the game in future.

Kilograms/tons can work...
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Re: Units and quantities: Use real prefixes and proper rounding

Post by Distelzombie »

mp0011 wrote:But, just to add some confusion, since we can convert water to steam, volume based units loose the point.

1k units of water is 1k units of steam, but 1m3 of water is not 1m3 of steam...
Now, imagine some new recipies, heat expanding, preassure, and whatever they may add to the game in future.

Kilograms/tons can work...
Forget pressure and 1m³ water can be 1m³ steam
Complete 2-Lane system as a Blueprint-Book! The perfect OCD reactor? Testing chained science lab efficiency Please use real prefixes and proper rounding!
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