[0.15] add toggle section and column controls to sync mods

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[0.15] add toggle section and column controls to sync mods

Post by factoriouzr »

The sync mods with save isn't very user friendly with even around 10-20 mods being used between games. It would be great to make this list more user friendly like by dragging down a column of checkboxes to set them all to what you set the first one to, or at the very least add a button for each option (enable, download, etc) AND for each section to toggle the entire column's checkboxes to all checked or all unchecked.

Just to be clear, if adding the buttons, the buttons would be needed for EACH SECTION and EACH COLUMN OF CHECKBOXES. Ie. there should be a button for each checkbox column under correct, each checkbox column under not enabled (or whatever the section is called, can't remember now). So for example, the not enabled section should have two buttons, one for the enabled checkboxes and one for the download checkboxes. It would be great to have the dragging functionality as explained earlier as well.
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