Bugs & FAQ

Infinite Ores, Refining, Ore Processing ...

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Re: Bugs & FAQ

Post by SphynxLoL »

Not sure if this has been posted already or if it's even a bug. Using Angels Petro, it is required to use a "Converter Valve" in order to fuel mining drills with sulfuric acid. Angel's Sulfuric acid will not work on it's own. It must first be converted to the "Vanilla" Sulfuric Acid. Spent 10-15 minutes trying to figure out why my miners were not working until I realized the miners were requiring a "Sulfuric acid" with a different icon. Could be quite confusing to anybody that is new or doesn't know about the converter valve.
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Re: Bugs & FAQ

Post by Arch666Angel »

SphynxLoL wrote:Not sure if this has been posted already or if it's even a bug. Using Angels Petro, it is required to use a "Converter Valve" in order to fuel mining drills with sulfuric acid. Angel's Sulfuric acid will not work on it's own. It must first be converted to the "Vanilla" Sulfuric Acid. Spent 10-15 minutes trying to figure out why my miners were not working until I realized the miners were requiring a "Sulfuric acid" with a different icon. Could be quite confusing to anybody that is new or doesn't know about the converter valve.
Yeah sry for that, I forgot that the fluid in the resource entities is not changed with the global override that is only for recipes. I have included a fix for the next petrochem, as well as an option to add fluid requirements to infinite ores. Sulfuric acid as default and if you enable the acid-override it will change some of them to use other petrochem acids.
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Re: Bugs & FAQ

Post by DrTrunks »

For anyone getting this error (im typing it out for people googling it):
error loading mods
failed to load mods: error while loading recipe prototype "nodule-crystallization-1" (recipe): Difficulty normal: Recipe must have at least one result product.
Modifications: angelsrefining

Mods to be disabled:

You need bobs library!
Since i registered to tell everyone this, i cannot post a URL in my first post.

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Re: Bugs & FAQ

Post by Mobius1 »

Bug Report on mods: angelsrefining_0.7.6, angelspetrochem_0.5.2, angelsinfiniteores_0.6.7

- Crude Oil barreling and unbarreling doesn't exist on the recipes table. Existing crude oil barrels have angel barrels' appearance

Changed (angelsrefining_0.7.6/migrations/angelsrefining_0.7.6.lua)

Code: Select all


for index, force in pairs(game.forces) do
  	if force.technologies["angels-fluid-control"].researched then
		force.recipes["storage-tank"].enabled = true

Code: Select all


for index, force in pairs(game.forces) do
  	if force.technologies["angels-fluid-control"].researched then
		force.recipes["storage-tank"].enabled = true
  force.technologies["fluid-handling"].enabled = true    
That enabled the barreling tech but crude oil is missing.

To enable Crude Oil I did this:
Changed (angelspetrochem_0.5.2/prototypes/petrochem-global-override.lua::Line 16)

Code: Select all

16    angelsmods.functions.OV.disable_recipe({ "plastic-bar", "fill-crude-oil-barrel", "empty-crude-oil-barrel" })

Code: Select all

16    angelsmods.functions.OV.disable_recipe({ "plastic-bar" })
And it shows up the crude oil barrels, the only issue is that the existing angel's crude oil barrels don't convert into the new one

I think I managed to make the conversion work:
Changed (angelsrefining_0.7.6/migrations/angelsrefining_0.7.6.json)

Code: Select all

92    ["angels-barrel-crude-oil", "crude-oil-barrel"]
Loaded my save after the changes that I've made and so far the crude barrels were converted and there isn't any angel's crude barrel recipe.

Recipe bugs:
All bobs recipes and their angel's equivalent are active at the same time, giving 2 variants of the same fluid.
List of recipes that has 2 variants:
- Hydrogen
- Oxygen
- Nitrogen
- Nitrogen Dioxide
- Chlorine
- Hydrogen Chloride
- Tungstic Acid

- Vanilla sulfuric acid and angel's sulfuric acid are active at the same time.
- Uranium mining requires vanilla sulfuric acid instead of angel's sulfuric acid.

- Lubricant Barrels don't convert after the save, existing ones still have the angel's appearance, new ones gets the proper appearance.
- Ferric Chloride Barrels same thing.

Autobarreling bugs:
- With the Auto-barreling feature the recipes changes again, "chlorine gas barrel" becomes "chlorine barrel" on the autobarreler pump (bob's one).
- "Naphta" becomes "Heavy Oil barrel"
Last edited by Mobius1 on Thu May 11, 2017 5:15 am, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: Bugs & FAQ

Post by TheDoctor89 »

Your valves seem to have only 2 rotations left on 0.15.10. Either down or left, (south and west). This issue was also in Flow Control mod, maybe it's the same issue?
All existing valves that point to the other 2 directions, up or right (north and east) do not function.
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Re: Bugs & FAQ

Post by Randonx »

Yes, any valves from your mod now will only face Left or Down. It's got half of my factory down at the moment. Can't trade the issue in the luas.
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Re: Bugs & FAQ

Post by Randonx »

The creator of Flow Control (GotLag) told me to add the following line to any storage type entity:

Code: Select all

two_direction_only = false
Not sure exactly where all it needs to go in Angel's mod, but kudos to him for letting me know the change.
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Re: Bugs & FAQ

Post by Randonx »

Does anybody know how to get Fluid Handling back if you're using Angel's mods and Bob's mods together? Bob's adds higher tier storage tanks and pumps, but they are inaccessible since Angel has removed Fluid Handling 1 research. I know lots of people use both sets together, so I'm wondering if anybody has found a way around it.
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Re: Bugs & FAQ

Post by Mobius1 »

Randonx wrote:Does anybody know how to get Fluid Handling back if you're using Angel's mods and Bob's mods together? Bob's adds higher tier storage tanks and pumps, but they are inaccessible since Angel has removed Fluid Handling 1 research. I know lots of people use both sets together, so I'm wondering if anybody has found a way around it.
Just check my post 4 posts above yours, its here in this page, the link :> viewtopic.php?f=185&t=25468&p=271760#p271760
Its not that simple to just enable the tech as you need to enable the crude oil recipe as well and remove the bob's barreling recipes to enable only angel's or leave it be if you don't mind having double barrels for the same recipe, just beware that they're easy to confuse.
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Re: Bugs & FAQ

Post by Arch666Angel »

Mobius1 wrote:
Randonx wrote:Does anybody know how to get Fluid Handling back if you're using Angel's mods and Bob's mods together? Bob's adds higher tier storage tanks and pumps, but they are inaccessible since Angel has removed Fluid Handling 1 research. I know lots of people use both sets together, so I'm wondering if anybody has found a way around it.
Just check my post 4 posts above yours, its here in this page, the link :> viewtopic.php?f=185&t=25468&p=271760#p271760
Its not that simple to just enable the tech as you need to enable the crude oil recipe as well and remove the bob's barreling recipes to enable only angel's or leave it be if you don't mind having double barrels for the same recipe, just beware that they're easy to confuse.
Thanks for the lengthy bug report and figuring out were the issue is in the big mess that is my mods :D
For the migration you actually have to delete the reference to "angels-fluid-control" from the migration files because it isn't there anymore. Done did it.
Removed the code to disable the crude oil barreling recipes.
Added the item migration.
Added function to add fluid icon to the barrel items.
Added function to disable barreling recipes.
-disabled double barreling recipes for overridden bobs and vanilla chemicals
Added migration for lubricant and ferric chloride barrels
Randonx wrote:The creator of Flow Control (GotLag) told me to add the following line to any storage type entity:

Code: Select all

two_direction_only = false
Not sure exactly where all it needs to go in Angel's mod, but kudos to him for letting me know the change.
Thanks for the hint, saved me some headaches figuring out whats wrong :D
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Re: Bugs & FAQ

Post by Airat9000 »

:( :(
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Re: Bugs & FAQ

Post by QuackerJ4ck »

Here in English:

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Re: Bugs & FAQ

Post by Arch666Angel »

Forgot to add a check for the changes in infinite ores to petrochem, uploading a fix if the mod portal lets me do it :P
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Re: Bugs & FAQ

Post by Mobius1 »

I believe angel will curse me, as I'm always showing bugs here lol :D

petrochem 0.5.3 added the fixes from the previous version yay! But also added a loading bug related to the infinite ores settings.

Changed (angelspetrochem_0.5.3/prototypes/petrochem-global-override.lua::Line35)

Code: Select all

35     if angelsmods.ores.enablefluidreq then
			if angelsmods.enableinfiniteangelsore1 then
				data.raw.resource["infinite-angels-ore1"].minable.required_fluid = "liquid-sulfuric-acid"
			if angelsmods.enableinfiniteangelsore2 then
				data.raw.resource["infinite-angels-ore2"].minable.required_fluid = "liquid-hydrofluoric-acid"
			if angelsmods.enableinfiniteangelsore3 then
				data.raw.resource["infinite-angels-ore3"].minable.required_fluid = "liquid-sulfuric-acid"
			if angelsmods.enableinfiniteangelsore4 then
				data.raw.resource["infinite-angels-ore4"].minable.required_fluid = "liquid-hydrochloric-acid"
			if angelsmods.enableinfiniteuranium then
				data.raw.resource["infinite-uranium-ore"].minable.required_fluid = "liquid-sulfuric-acid"
			if bobmod and bobmod.plates then
				if angelsmods.enableinfiniteangelsore5 then
					data.raw.resource["infinite-angels-ore5"].minable.required_fluid = "liquid-nitric-acid"
				if angelsmods.enableinfiniteangelsore6 then
					data.raw.resource["infinite-angels-ore6"].minable.required_fluid = "liquid-sulfuric-acid"
Since each infinite ore can be individually disabled on the config part of the mod settings GUI, I believe we have to add one "if" for every ore, also uranium ore is still using vanilla sulfuric acid, my uranium mine didn't stop working after the update and I'm using a converter valve to input vanilla sulfuric acid on it.
The solution above fixes the loading issue, but I will wait on angel's update for a proper elegant fix.
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Re: Bugs & FAQ

Post by Arch666Angel »

Mobius1 wrote:I believe angel will curse me, as I'm always showing bugs here lol :D

petrochem 0.5.3 added the fixes from the previous version yay! But also added a loading bug related to the infinite ores settings.

Changed (angelspetrochem_0.5.3/prototypes/petrochem-global-override.lua::Line35)

Code: Select all

35     if angelsmods.ores.enablefluidreq then
			if angelsmods.enableinfiniteangelsore1 then
				data.raw.resource["infinite-angels-ore1"].minable.required_fluid = "liquid-sulfuric-acid"
			if angelsmods.enableinfiniteangelsore2 then
				data.raw.resource["infinite-angels-ore2"].minable.required_fluid = "liquid-hydrofluoric-acid"
			if angelsmods.enableinfiniteangelsore3 then
				data.raw.resource["infinite-angels-ore3"].minable.required_fluid = "liquid-sulfuric-acid"
			if angelsmods.enableinfiniteangelsore4 then
				data.raw.resource["infinite-angels-ore4"].minable.required_fluid = "liquid-hydrochloric-acid"
			if angelsmods.enableinfiniteuranium then
				data.raw.resource["infinite-uranium-ore"].minable.required_fluid = "liquid-sulfuric-acid"
			if bobmod and bobmod.plates then
				if angelsmods.enableinfiniteangelsore5 then
					data.raw.resource["infinite-angels-ore5"].minable.required_fluid = "liquid-nitric-acid"
				if angelsmods.enableinfiniteangelsore6 then
					data.raw.resource["infinite-angels-ore6"].minable.required_fluid = "liquid-sulfuric-acid"
Since each infinite ore can be individually disabled on the config part of the mod settings GUI, I believe we have to add one "if" for every ore, also uranium ore is still using vanilla sulfuric acid, my uranium mine didn't stop working after the update and I'm using a converter valve to input vanilla sulfuric acid on it.
The solution above fixes the loading issue, but I will wait on angel's update for a proper elegant fix.
Arumba yelled at me, so I already added that, forgot to add that to accommodate the changes I made in infinite ores. That's the problem if you have options, the more you have, the more cases there are and I cannot go through each before I upload a new version. But thanks for the heads up.
I need some feedback if the issue with the flare stack, clarifier and barreling pump got better, worse or is still the same.
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Re: Bugs & FAQ

Post by Airat9000 »

bug new version(((
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Re: Bugs & FAQ

Post by Mobius1 »

Don't yell at me angel, please!!!

Newest version you did an oopsy:

Code: Select all

35		if angelsmods.ores.enablefluidreq and then
There's an "and" lost there, send him home and everything works fine :D
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Re: Bugs & FAQ

Post by Arch666Angel »

Yeah wrong upload :)
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Re: Bugs & FAQ

Post by nagapito »

Arch666Angel wrote: Arumba yelled at me, so I already added that, forgot to add that to accommodate the changes I made in infinite ores. That's the problem if you have options, the more you have, the more cases there are and I cannot go through each before I upload a new version. But thanks for the heads up.
I need some feedback if the issue with the flare stack, clarifier and barreling pump got better, worse or is still the same.
About the flare stack and clarifier, I just tested it on a save that I had with some stuck flare stacks and they started to work.

I think this is a vanilla bug, some rounding error, since I see this happening in other places like tanks with 2.4k instead of 2.5k or loading pumps at stations, at 99 and with a continuous animation while the pump next to it has 100 and its still...
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Re: Bugs & FAQ

Post by Arch666Angel »

nagapito wrote:
Arch666Angel wrote: Arumba yelled at me, so I already added that, forgot to add that to accommodate the changes I made in infinite ores. That's the problem if you have options, the more you have, the more cases there are and I cannot go through each before I upload a new version. But thanks for the heads up.
I need some feedback if the issue with the flare stack, clarifier and barreling pump got better, worse or is still the same.
About the flare stack and clarifier, I just tested it on a save that I had with some stuck flare stacks and they started to work.

I think this is a vanilla bug, some rounding error, since I see this happening in other places like tanks with 2.4k instead of 2.5k or loading pumps at stations, at 99 and with a continuous animation while the pump next to it has 100 and its still...
Well fluid mechanics were always wonky, now they are ten times wonky :D I played a bit around with the fluid boxes, I hope that this fixes the issues and thanks for the feedback.
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