I'm not sure that it makes a difference. The consumption of T1 modules in science should be irrelevant. To me it's like you are asking if iron gear wheels should be cheaper because they are used more heavily in 0.15 than previous. If you think that T2 & T3 modules are just too expensive then it might be worth changing, but just because an item is used elsewhere makes little difference IMO as it's only relevant where it's being used.Harkonnen wrote:Ok, Tier-2 staysNow the question - should tier-2 speed module consume 3 tier-1 modules (instead of 4) or maybe 4 circuits instead of 5 to compensate for tier-1 speed modules consumption by other recipes?
Personally, I think that T1 modules are too introduced too late: They should just use green circuits (maybe 20 or 25 of them, so similar cost) and should be available with green science. The main issue with T1 & T2 is that their usefulness is too short. By the time you get to researching them & manufacturing them, it's possible to skip the tiers going straight for T3. Also, making them available earlier (before oil) will more evenly spread out the tech introduction. Green science really doesn't give you any new interesting mechanics. I think T1 modules would be a great gap filler here.
To clarify, There are a bunch of things that are interesting with green science. Trains, Circuit networks, Construction bots, etc, but none of them are widespread applicable. I think that most maps played would not have a train on it, nor a circuit network. Everything else with greed science is an upgrade of an existing mechanic: power, belts, etc. I think that moving modules back here will remove the "mechanic" pressure that comes later, when you get logistics robots, decent module armor, etc, while also filling a mechanic "hole". (does this idea need it's own topic?)