Logistic integrated green+red+blue circuit

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Logistic integrated green+red+blue circuit

Post by vanatteveldt »

See below a bot-based design for integrated green+red+blue production. blue:red:green is 1:1.2:1.2, so I used speed1 modules on most plants to even the ratios. Obviously, you can also accept the slight underperformance of the blue plants, which is probably cheaper in terms of output / cost (but less OCD friendly :)).


The only thing not in perfect ratio are the central cable plants (that feed the red circuit plants), they are used only 80% of the time.

Production stats:


Output occasionally dips below the calculated maximum of 18/minute but good enough for me. The setup seems to use about 30 bots, depending on resource distance of course.
(edit: corrected missing modules)
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