Nuclear power, teleporter, world generation machine and more

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Nuclear power, teleporter, world generation machine and more

Post by Berndue »

Hi guys,
i use this thread to write down my ideas. I hope you like them, maybe some of them are already mentioned. Im also sorry for my bad english.

Nuclear power plant:
The nuclear power plant produces a intense amount of energy. It needs enriched uranium and water to run. It produce ab very big amount of energy and radioactive waste.

It needs a new ressource, natural uranium, that can be mined like coal, stone, iron and copper with mining drills and is only found in very small amounts.

The uranium has to be transported into an enrichment facility. The enrichment facility needs just power and creates from normal uranium enriched uranium. For 1 enriched uranium, it needs about 100 natural uranium.

Now the enriched uranium has to be transported to the nuclear power plant. With water and enriched uranium, it produce a very high amount of energy (Its needed to repump the watter back into the lake or it vaporize). The enriched uranium get used and nuclear waste is produced. This nuclear waste has to be storaged in a "waste isolation plant". The waste isolation plant is basically just a big pit where the nuclear waste is storaged.

Interesting here is, that the produced nuclear waste hurts the player with its radiation when not transported properly. That means the player can them transport without protection (and get hurt while standing near to them) or he has also to produce some nuclear barrels (made from stone and barrel in a normal factory). These nuclear barrels get transported into the nuclear power plant, and it put the nuclear waste in it.

Note: There could also be a possibility from a very low percentage that the nuclear power plant can explode or the aliens mutade from the nuclear waste or the nuclear waste can be used to create mroe powerfull weapons etc.

Summary nuclear power plant:

New Bulding:
Enrichment faciility
Nuclear power plant
Waste solation lant
(Reverse pump)

New Items:
Natural uranium
Enriched uranium
Radioactive waste
Nuclear barrel (Made from stone and barrel)

World generation machine:
The world generation machine is a endtier facility that allows you to start a new game (with the ressoruces in your inventory and in the machine) or to change the options of your current world. So you can start easy a new world or change the current setting fo the world if you are done with gameing and everything gets boring. The good thing is, you can keep your inventory, so you have a easier start.

Traveling over a far distance can be very anoying and exhausting so there are teleporters needed. (also mentioned in the forums. they should use high energy and just able to transport the player etc.)

I will expand this thread with new ideas when i have some. Feel free to discuss.
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Last edited by Berndue on Wed May 14, 2014 8:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Nuckear power, teleporter, world generation machine and

Post by Garm »

Berndue wrote: Note: There could also be a possibility from a very low percentage that the nuclear power plant can explode or the aliens mutade from the nuclear waste or the nuclear waste can be used to create mroe powerfull weapons etc.

Aaaand you just killed entire suggestion right there.
Berndue wrote: World generation machine:
The world generation machine is a endtier facility that allows you to start a new game (with the ressoruces in your inventory and in the machine) or to change the options of your current world. So you can start easy a new world or change the current setting fo the world if you are done with gameing and everything gets boring. The good thing is, you can keep your inventory, so you have a easier start.
Whats the purpose? just edit inventory before start playing. Besides 1 inventory is nothing.
Berndue wrote: Teleporters:
Traveling over a far distance can be very anoying and exhausting so there are teleporters needed. (also mentioned in the forums. they should use high energy and just able to transport the player etc.)
Aaand you just killed cars and partially trains.
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Re: Nuckear power, teleporter, world generation machine and

Post by Drury »

How did he kill anything?

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Re: Nuckear power, teleporter, world generation machine and

Post by andzoak »

Nuclear power plant has been suggested many times. Teleports too. World generation machine is odd.
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Re: Nuckear power, teleporter, world generation machine and

Post by Garm »

Drury wrote:How did he kill anything?


Will one build a reactor, that has x% change of randomly getting blown up for no reason? Or just use old established (end some - free) powerplants, that don't randomly explode.

Same with cars. Will you use clunky and slow car if you have instant teleportation?
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Re: Nuckear power, teleporter, world generation machine and

Post by Drury »

Well yes it would be silly if it were luck-based, but it doesn't kill the core idea.

And saying that teleporters would kill cars is the same as saying that trains killed cars.
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Re: Nuckear power, teleporter, world generation machine and

Post by Garm »

Drury wrote: And saying that teleporters would kill cars is the same as saying that trains killed cars.
No not really. Cars are free roaming but not automatable, trains are track-bound but can be automated. You can't compare the two. Currently cars are rather weak however, they are not great for exploration (trees) as such they are mostly used for biter base attacks or moving from 1 established area to the other. biter attacks with cars are usually only viable early in the game while evolution is low, as such in the mid-late game proposed functionality of teleports way overshadows current functionality of cars.
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Re: Nuckear power, teleporter, world generation machine and

Post by Drury »

So what you're saying here is that cars are useless in endgame anyway due to power armor - what would teleporters change?
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Re: Nuckear power, teleporter, world generation machine and

Post by Berndue »

Garm wrote:
Drury wrote:How did he kill anything?


Will one build a reactor, that has x% change of randomly getting blown up for no reason? Or just use old established (end some - free) powerplants, that don't randomly explode.

Same with cars. Will you use clunky and slow car if you have instant teleportation?
Well its just a suggestion. Nothing more. Its like this because the nuclear power should not be "the" power plant. So it should have a weakness that players have to chose is it worth to take the risk or not. But yeah, a % chance on blowing up is not the best option. Another option is that the nuclear power plant is overheating when cut of from the water supply and then after a while exploding. For example the aliens attack the base and the water supply is destroyed, so the reactor is overheating and the player get a warning about that. Like a attack warning just with a nuclear sign. After a while the hole thing is exploding. What do you think?

About the cars, the teleporter would need shitloads of energy and you still would need a car to explore new areas. A teleporter just allows you to get to locations where you already where and have established a base. As mentioned there are alrady threads about teleporters this is why i didnt wrote more about it.
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Re: Nuckear power, teleporter, world generation machine and

Post by Garm »

Berndue wrote: Well its just a suggestion. Nothing more. Its like this because the nuclear power should not be "the" power plant. So it should have a weakness that players have to chose is it worth to take the risk or not. But yeah, a % chance on blowing up is not the best option. Another option is that the nuclear power plant is overheating when cut of from the water supply and then after a while exploding. For example the aliens attack the base and the water supply is destroyed, so the reactor is overheating and the player get a warning about that. Like a attack warning just with a nuclear sign. After a while the hole thing is exploding. What do you think?

About the cars, the teleporter would need shitloads of energy and you still would need a car to explore new areas. A teleporter just allows you to get to locations where you already where and have established a base. As mentioned there are alrady threads about teleporters this is why i didnt wrote more about it.

I believe adding something just for the sake of adding new stuff is wrong. Even with water requirement this plant is essentially glorified boiler with custom "coal" fuel. It doesnt really add that much to the game. It would've been much better if it somehow was able to integrate and interact with current playstyle on different levels. Or filled up some uncovered playstyle. ATm it doesnt.

About me power requirement is a joke really. Energy is only a limiting factor early in the game. As soon as you have roboports and laser turrets having ludicrous energy outputs is an easy task.
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Re: Nuclear power, teleporter, world generation machine and

Post by Drury »

Well still it doesn't kill cars because their roles don't intersect anywhere.

If anything it would kill personal rail transport which is a joke anyway.
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Re: Nuckear power, teleporter, world generation machine and

Post by Sedado77 »

I really like the ideas!!!
Especially the Nuclear power plant BUT as a high tier research (like with 450 alien science packs).
I specially like that produces waste. This can make you build a train for transporting the waste far away from your base, and in turn make new enemys (Nuclear bitters) apear near the waste disposal site! :)

I especially like the "World generation machine", but as an ENDGAME THING!, and i'd call it "Spacecraft", and maybe place it instead of Rocket defense. When you finish your factory and your research, you'd fill your pockets with w/e you think you'll need in the new world, and start a new world, wich you CAN'T RESTART just because you haven't got (ex) a big iron deposit close by. It would feel like you finished colonizing a planet and are going to the next one to start over, but with increased difficulty :D

On other issues:
Garm wrote:
Drury wrote: And saying that teleporters would kill cars is the same as saying that trains killed cars.
No not really. Cars are free roaming but not automatable, trains are track-bound but can be automated. You can't compare the two. Currently cars are rather weak however, they are not great for exploration (trees) as such they are mostly used for biter base attacks or moving from 1 established area to the other. biter attacks with cars are usually only viable early in the game while evolution is low, as such in the mid-late game proposed functionality of teleports way overshadows current functionality of cars.
You are compleatly contradicting yourself. As you said yourself, Cars are free roaming, trains are automatable, AND Teleporting isn't any of those. It is like a "tunnel" from place A to place B. You can't use it to transport resources efficiently, neither for free roaming. MAYBE only for defense pourposes, as if some bitters are attaking your FAR FAR away resource gathering facility, it lets you go there to defend it, but it has no other real pourpuse. I like the idea :)
Resuming, as said by
berndue wrote:About the cars, the teleporter would need shitloads of energy and you still would need a car to explore new areas. A teleporter just allows you to get to locations where you already where and have established a base. As mentioned there are alrady threads about teleporters this is why i didnt wrote more about it.
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Re: Nuckear power, teleporter, world generation machine and

Post by Garm »

Sedado77 wrote: You are compleatly contradicting yourself. As you said yourself, Cars are free roaming, trains are automatable, AND Teleporting isn't any of those. It is like a "tunnel" from place A to place B. You can't use it to transport resources efficiently, neither for free roaming. MAYBE only for defense pourposes, as if some bitters are attaking your FAR FAR away resource gathering facility, it lets you go there to defend it, but it has no other real pourpuse.

No I was not. because I wasn't comparing the three. I was comparing Car vs teleporter AND car vs train. Car and trains can exist together, as well as trains and teleporters, while car and teleporters are nearly exclusive simply because what car can do well teleporter does best, due to car limitations. Hence why I said it will bring car to the same level as burner inserters.

Besides it also does not fit the level of the game, most advanced stuff we have are flying drones and laser turrets....teleporters just don't fit to the techlevel we have.
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Re: Nuckear power, teleporter, world generation machine and

Post by Sedado77 »

Garm wrote:
Sedado77 wrote: You are compleatly contradicting yourself. As you said yourself, Cars are free roaming, trains are automatable, AND Teleporting isn't any of those. It is like a "tunnel" from place A to place B. You can't use it to transport resources efficiently, neither for free roaming. MAYBE only for defense pourposes, as if some bitters are attaking your FAR FAR away resource gathering facility, it lets you go there to defend it, but it has no other real pourpuse.

No I was not. because I wasn't comparing the three. I was comparing Car vs teleporter AND car vs train. Car and trains can exist together, as well as trains and teleporters, while car and teleporters are nearly exclusive simply because what car can do well teleporter does best, due to car limitations. Hence why I said it will bring car to the same level as burner inserters.

Besides it also does not fit the level of the game, most advanced stuff we have are flying drones and laser turrets....teleporters just don't fit to the techlevel we have.
Not even close. Cars are for
  • exploring
  • free roaming
  • attacking enemy bases
  • going from A to B

Teleporters will only work for going from A to B, AND both A and B need electricity, and have the Teleporter building built. IF teleporter is expensive enough, you'll agree with me that it will also need to be defended, so it would be ONLY at "big" bases OR in the edges of 1 big base
(If you look at OfficialStuffPlus LP's in youtube for ex, you'll see he spends almost a full minute going from the NE of the base to the SE.)
This can be the main use of the Teleport. For going from one edge of your BIG factory to the other without having to run around the pipes, buildings, etc.

And looking from the "Tecnologic" view, you can say it's not a teleporter, it is a "personal roboport" with a gigantic logistic robot that takes you as if you were a resource, but instead of moving things from chest to chest, it will move you from "Teleporter/call it whatever you want" to another Teleporter! :)

I think it could add something to gameplay, as you can use it as a gate also, placing a TP outside your base, surrounded by lasser turrets, and the other side inside your base, and you can go in/out without deconstructing the walls, for example :)

AND even more fun if bitters can use them too!!!!
Imagine you loose a small base that wasn't well defended and had a TP in it. And when you realize, you've got bitters coming over the TP inside the heart of your base!
If would be hilarious :)
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Re: Nuckear power, teleporter, world generation machine and

Post by Garm »

Sedado77 wrote: Not even close. Cars are for
  • exploring
  • free roaming
  • attacking enemy bases
  • going from A to B

Teleporters will only work for going from A to B, AND both A and B need electricity, and have the Teleporter building built. IF teleporter is expensive enough, you'll agree with me that it will also need to be defended, so it would be ONLY at "big" bases OR in the edges of 1 big base
(If you look at OfficialStuffPlus LP's in youtube for ex, you'll see he spends almost a full minute going from the NE of the base to the SE.)
This can be the main use of the Teleport. For going from one edge of your BIG factory to the other without having to run around the pipes, buildings, etc.
You forgot my previous posts
Garm wrote: ...Currently cars are rather weak however, they are not great for exploration (trees) as such they are mostly used for biter base attacks or moving from 1 established area to the other. biter attacks with cars are usually only viable early in the game while evolution is low, as such in the mid-late game proposed functionality of teleports way overshadows current functionality of cars...
Garm wrote: About me power requirement is a joke really. Energy is only a limiting factor early in the game. As soon as you have roboports and laser turrets having ludicrous energy outputs is an easy task.
Where I specifically stated why cars and teleporters are so alike compared to trains.
Sedado77 wrote: And looking from the "Tecnologic" view, you can say it's not a teleporter, it is a "personal roboport" with a gigantic logistic robot that takes you as if you were a resource, but instead of moving things from chest to chest, it will move you from "Teleporter/call it whatever you want" to another Teleporter! :)
Thats shoddy design, you cant just claim its same level of technology simply because you change the name. I can name my apple shoes - it wont make great for wearing on my feet,
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Re: Nuckear power, teleporter, world generation machine and

Post by Sedado77 »

Garm wrote:
Sedado77 wrote: Not even close. Cars are for
  • exploring
  • free roaming
  • attacking enemy bases
  • going from A to B

Teleporters will only work for going from A to B, AND both A and B need electricity, and have the Teleporter building built. IF teleporter is expensive enough, you'll agree with me that it will also need to be defended, so it would be ONLY at "big" bases OR in the edges of 1 big base
(If you look at OfficialStuffPlus LP's in youtube for ex, you'll see he spends almost a full minute going from the NE of the base to the SE.)
This can be the main use of the Teleport. For going from one edge of your BIG factory to the other without having to run around the pipes, buildings, etc.
You forgot my previous posts
Garm wrote: ...Currently cars are rather weak however, they are not great for exploration (trees) as such they are mostly used for biter base attacks or moving from 1 established area to the other. biter attacks with cars are usually only viable early in the game while evolution is low, as such in the mid-late game proposed functionality of teleports way overshadows current functionality of cars...
That's YOUR opinion. I think that cars are great for exploration, if you know how to drive. (Tell me if not, how do you explore the map. Radars only?)
Also, I can attack a BIG bitter base (10+ spawners and 5+ worms) with my car and a shotgun, maybe some slow and poison capsules, but before exoesqueleton, it's the best (IMO) way to attack bases. The other one is with turrets, witch in a DEATHWORLD is not viable.
Also, In any case, exoesqueleton is what renders the car useless, so TP, if it's research is AFTER exo and power armor, i don't see what's the problem. Is like saying that steel furnances are bad because they render stone furnances useless...
Garm wrote:
About me power requirement is a joke really. Energy is only a limiting factor early in the game. As soon as you have roboports and laser turrets having ludicrous energy outputs is an easy task.
Where I specifically stated why cars and teleporters are so alike compared to trains.
If you think so, i DARE you to play a Game with bitter bases in high, and enemy density high. Let's see if you've got the space for those sweet solar arrays, or the "balls" for using boilers and getting hit by 20+ big biters in less than 30 minutes and before getting lasser turrets...
Garm wrote:
Sedado77 wrote: And looking from the "Tecnologic" view, you can say it's not a teleporter, it is a "personal roboport" with a gigantic logistic robot that takes you as if you were a resource, but instead of moving things from chest to chest, it will move you from "Teleporter/call it whatever you want" to another Teleporter! :)
Thats shoddy design, you cant just claim its same level of technology simply because you change the name. I can name my apple shoes - it wont make great for wearing on my feet,
shoddy design? I don't know what that means, but if we're playing a game where we are in another world, fighting aliens and building a big ass factory by ourselves without any help, i don't think i have to explain how does the TP work, as i don't need to explain how we arrived in another world in first place (MAYBE we were teleported here xD ), or how 1 coper bar and one gear transforms into a little glass bottle with a red liquid inside...
let's stay on point please.
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Re: Nuclear power, teleporter, world generation machine and

Post by Garm »

First of all please stop yelling.

Secondary - yes this is my opinion - because that is the purpose of this forum. Suggestions are posted here to be "peer-reviewed" by users, in order to figure out where player base consensus is, polish details or ween off useless stuff.

Tertiary - I've played this game on maximum biter settings, and I do know what I am talking about. I've built boilers, and solars there as well. heck i've been playing Factorio since summer 2013 and as DF player I prefer hardcore settings most of the time. Otherwise there is no FUN.

Quaternary - What I meant is you cant just suck out of your thumb unreasonable excuses - A good suggestion doesn't need these. And game lore wise - you have crashed on this planet, and establishing a safe zone to land ships either for your rescue or future colonization of the planet.
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Re: Nuclear power, teleporter, world generation machine and

Post by Drury »

Garm wrote:First of all please stop yelling.
Fair enough.
Garm wrote:Secondary - yes this is my opinion - because that is the purpose of this forum. Suggestions are posted here to be "peer-reviewed" by users, in order to figure out where player base consensus is, polish details or ween off useless stuff.
Garm wrote:Tertiary - I've played this game on maximum biter settings, and I do know what I am talking about. I've built boilers, and solars there as well. heck i've been playing Factorio since summer 2013 and as DF player I prefer hardcore settings most of the time. Otherwise there is no FUN.
Garm wrote:Quaternary - What I meant is you cant just suck out of your thumb unreasonable excuses - A good suggestion doesn't need these. And game lore wise - you have crashed on this planet, and establishing a safe zone to land ships either for your rescue or future colonization of the planet.
You've provided invalid criticism and we're correcting you. Those aren't "excuses," you've just made a mistake in your judgement and we're pointing it out.
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Re: Nuclear power, teleporter, world generation machine and

Post by Sedado77 »

Drury wrote:
Garm wrote:First of all please stop yelling.
Fair enough.
Garm wrote:Secondary - yes this is my opinion - because that is the purpose of this forum. Suggestions are posted here to be "peer-reviewed" by users, in order to figure out where player base consensus is, polish details or ween off useless stuff.
Garm wrote:Tertiary - I've played this game on maximum biter settings, and I do know what I am talking about. I've built boilers, and solars there as well. heck i've been playing Factorio since summer 2013 and as DF player I prefer hardcore settings most of the time. Otherwise there is no FUN.
Garm wrote:Quaternary - What I meant is you cant just suck out of your thumb unreasonable excuses - A good suggestion doesn't need these. And game lore wise - you have crashed on this planet, and establishing a safe zone to land ships either for your rescue or future colonization of the planet.
You've provided invalid criticism and we're correcting you. Those aren't "excuses," you've just made a mistake in your judgement and we're pointing it out.
TY Drury.

Only one thing:
Garm wrote:...Otherwise there is no FUN.
Why do you yell "fun"?

You weren't? Well, I wasn't yelling either. I was just emphasising the words. I apologise if you took it as shouting :S
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Re: Nuclear power, teleporter, world generation machine and

Post by Garm »

Drury wrote: You've provided invalid criticism and we're correcting you. Those aren't "excuses," you've just made a mistake in your judgement and we're pointing it out.
Please don't pick my quotes out of context - that was a specific response for a specific question raised by Sedado77, all of them were.
Selado77 wrote: Why do you yell "fun"?
That was not an emphasis but closer to yell indeed - it was tongue in cheek joke from game Dwarf Fortress, which I`ve referenced as part of "hardcore" discussion. please disregard that, if you are not DF player.
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