[0.15.6] /help server console command inconsistent

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[0.15.6] /help server console command inconsistent

Post by Titan21 »

If you enter different /help <command> commands in the Server console they always have

Code: Select all

- Server console commands.
/quit - Terminates the server cleanly.
/save <name> - Saves the current game with the specified name.
even though it's irrelevant to the currently requested help.

Ironically then

Code: Select all

/help quit

Code: Select all

/help save
don't work

Code: Select all

/help config
- Server console commands.
/quit - Terminates the server cleanly.
/save <name> - Saves the current game with the specified name.

/config <get/set> <option> <value> - Gets or sets various multiplayer game settings. Available configs are: afk-auto-kick, allow-commands, autosave-interval, autosave-only-on-server, ignore-player-limit-for-returning-players, max-players, max-upload-speed, only-admins-can-pause, password, require-user-verification, visibility-lan and visibility-public.

/help kick
- Server console commands.
/quit - Terminates the server cleanly.
/save <name> - Saves the current game with the specified name.

/kick <player> <reason> - Kicks the specified player.

/help save
- Server console commands.
/quit - Terminates the server cleanly.
/save <name> - Saves the current game with the specified name.

Unknown command Unknown key:"save"

/help quit
- Server console commands.
/quit - Terminates the server cleanly.
/save <name> - Saves the current game with the specified name.

Unknown command Unknown key:"quit"

- Server console commands.
/quit - Terminates the server cleanly.
/save <name> - Saves the current game with the specified name.

Type /h <command> to get details of it.
Available commands are: /admins /alerts /ban /banlist /bans /clear /color /command /config /demote /evolution /help /ignore /ignores /kick /measured-command /mute /mute-programmable-speaker /mutes /open /perf-avg-frames /permissions /players /promote /purge /reply /screenshot /seed /shout /silent-command /time /toggle-heavy-mode /unban /unignore /unmute /whisper /whitelist
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Re: [0.15.6] /help server console command inconsistent

Post by Rseding91 »

Thanks for the report. I've fixed it so now when you do /help *anything* it doesn't include the server console commands.

There are no extended help options for /quit or /save so them being empty is expected.
If you want to get ahold of me I'm almost always on Discord.
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