Modding Program

Things that we aren't going to implement
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Modding Program

Post by NSArray »

I started messing around with mods and modding and I find that keeping track of all of the files and resources (for bigger mods) gets increasingly difficult as the number of files grows.

My idea is to have a program that assists with making mods by providing an interface that allows easy editing of the info.json, data.lua and the prototype files much like how Xcode or Visual Studios helps manage some plist or xml files for projects.

I've started working on the mac version of such a program, however there isn't too much documentation on the prototype definitions, and since there would be a lot of work involved with updating the program to the newest version of the game on every release I've stopped working on the project.
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Re: Modding Program

Post by Schmendrick »

While I admire your initiative (and would be very interested in what you come up with), to be honest I think you're mostly wasting your time with something like this before Factorio is at least in version 1.0; too many things might change, possibly quite drastically, until then.
Like my mods? Check out another! Or see older, pre-0.12.0 mods.
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