When I try to load my save that I was playing yesterday, I get this error in the log file (below). This also pops up as shown in the screenshot. Nevertheless, my save is not loaded and I am back at the load screen. I had this problem a few days ago (with 0.15.4, I believe) and my "solution" was to remove factorio and redownload it. I could do this again, but this will quickly get old Let me know if there is any other information required.
323.964 Error AppManagerStates.cpp:1111: create_directories(p): invalid argument: operation not permitted
factorio_create_directories.png (1.4 MiB) Viewed 9633 times
I have cleared out my factorio directory recently (I was playing 0.14 modded, so I moved all the saves elsewhere and reinstalled factorio). It happens with the main save and all 3 auto-saves.
Reinstalling Factorio: I removed it in steam, and completely removed C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Factorio then reinstalled it with steam.
When I was playing yesterday (0.15.5) I was able to save, restart factorio, and load the game. I did it several times that day. After it updated this morning, I got this error.
None of them appear to be read-only. I can open them without any administrative privileges (though my user is an administrator). I can create a file in the save directory with no problems too.
I can't seem to create a new game regardless of settings. It gives me the same error anywhere. Is there anything else you want a screenshot of or me to do? I am a programmer by profession, so I can probably get you anything you may need.
I restarted my machine, and it appears that file was actually removed (I've had this problem a couple times, unrelated to Factorio). It's a brand new laptop on Windows 10, so it's a bit surprising.
After a restart and the file is fully gone, I can load my saves. Strange.