I've created a Kovarex enrichment process loop that's easily expandable.
You can see on the left I have pairs of centrifuges that perform the process. I loop the U-238 and have a logic cable attached at 2 points on the belt loop. I allow the belt to push U-238 in if the other belt on the link has less than 3 U-238 on it. The train going to get the processed uranium pieces usually has to bring back around 70 each trip right now, but as I expand the loop it will use more at my centrifuge plant.
The output of the U-235 from the process is put into a wooden chest, loaded to a steel chest with logic, then back into the centrifuge. If at any time the steel chest has more than 30 U-235, the electric inserter will activate if there is some U-235 to move toward the output belt. I don't have too much on the belt because I've been using the excess to get more pairs of the process running. Only started with 2.