Hey guys,
random observation time! Does it seem to you like the heat in heat pipes favors expanding to the north east? (top-right) And on the other side of course only sparely expands to the south west?
I experimented with multiple reactors setups and this impression kind of stuck, since it always turned out that the bottom left heater would be the one to not get enough heat.
Leave your impression or maybe someone figures out a conclusive way to prove/disprove this?
[0.15.3] Heat pipe favors direction?
Re: [0.15.3] Heat pipe favors direction?
Oh wow. I didn't think it actually was a bug. Thanks for the links.
Re: [0.15.3] Heat pipe favors direction?
If the bug is related to this bug, then it has likely been fixed in the upcoming 0.15.6.
Re: [0.15.3] Heat pipe favors direction?
Only testing in 0.15.6 will tell.
I think its more likely to be a bug in how the game iterates over entities for update. Similar to how fluids flow better if pipes are dragged in flow direction.
I think its more likely to be a bug in how the game iterates over entities for update. Similar to how fluids flow better if pipes are dragged in flow direction.
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