[Klonan] On Start/Reload of Tight Spot inserters drop their items

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[Klonan] On Start/Reload of Tight Spot inserters drop their items

Post by Striped_Monkey »

Screenshot from 2017-04-29 23-03-40.png
Screenshot from 2017-04-29 23-03-40.png (427.23 KiB) Viewed 2363 times
While messing around and trying out the Tight spot maps I discovered this little bug
Basically whenever you reload/restart the game the inserters drop whatever they have in their hands wherever that happens to be. As it happened to be that was right onto my output line. The items can be picked up however so this is not a huge issue. ALTHOUGH this could be used to cheat by having the items put onto a belt and then picking them up repeatedly after each round until you get enough of each item to get through the level. This entire problem could be solved by clearing item entities every reload.
It can get to the point where if you spam it enough you get something that looks like this
Screenshot from 2017-04-29 23-20-27.png
Screenshot from 2017-04-29 23-20-27.png (673.09 KiB) Viewed 2363 times
I've tested it on the very latest .15.4
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Re: [Klonan] On Start/Reload of Tight Spot inserters drop their items

Post by Klonan »

Thanks for the report,

This is fixed for the next release
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