Ideas that are too old (too many things have changed since) and ones which won't be implemented for certain reasons or if there are obviously better suggestions.
You know all those people who go AFK spinning in a cirle belt? Well, what if you spinned too much in a red/blue belt you puked after a while? It would be like an easter egg and you would throw "puke" like greenish-brown puddle around you, lol.
PS: If you want me to stop posting strange suggestions please release .15 already
✧COMFY FACTORIO✧ - Home of Biter Battles, Fish Defense, Chronotrain.. And More!
Look at what you have done now. Your suggestion made devs start implementing this puking feature, they also need to optimize it and run another two weeks of automated and manual testing to make sure they don´t puke all over the nuclear reactors as well and destroy the whole factorio.
Cool suggestion: Eatable MOUSE-pointers. Have you used the Advanced Search today? Need help, question? FAQ -Wiki -Forum help I still like small signatures...