(Although I probably still won't use it because I want to use armor slots for other things.)
Can't wait for those "100 minor features"!

HEY! I love your videos! I'm realising now that making an account was more work than this post was worth. But keeep it upKatherineOfSky wrote:Nightvision is looking GREAT! (Thanks for listening to the community's feedback on that!!!)
I'm so excited to see the new changes in 0.15 -- thank you, Devs, for all the hard work you are doing!
Full moonbergi9 wrote:the night vision looks nice, but there is an issue: in the night you dont have shadows.
then we wouldnt need the nightvisionrolfl wrote:Full moonbergi9 wrote:the night vision looks nice, but there is an issue: in the night you dont have shadows.
You sure that x27 is real? Because I'm not...hitzu wrote:For those who are sceptical this is how modern night vision looks like
Marc90 wrote:You sure that x27 is real? Because I'm not...hitzu wrote:For those who are sceptical this is how modern night vision looks like
A Reactive Environment is certainly one step closer to more drastic variations in terrain -such as multiple levels, and something I have bee n thinking about a lot lately. I started using the scorched earth mod for this very reason (though its only teasing the potential of what could be featured in the game). Makes interactivity with the environment reactive - leaving behind more drastic permanent visual cues as your stay on the planet lengthens. As you would expect, the construction of a factory should cause more than just pollution in the air - the next step would be like you suggest: Dead soil, as well as dead trees etc. in the proximity of polluting equipment, changes to the land as its 'used'. Possibly altering the grass/trees etc initially to be greener - to give the impression of the effect of change as you build your imposing dirty/polluting factory on this clean planet.. -At least this is what I envision from Factorio - a game that's a lot of fun to explore/build/play, but also makes you consider the moral side of your actions (more than it currently does ie efficiency modules) -- (thinking towards the film Avatar - though to a lessor degree so the game is still fun).RaviorMetal wrote:Regarding this:
To be honest, when I first saw this image without reading the text beforehand, i thought you made the terrain look like died out (grey and just dead) where theres oily machinery nearby.
good catch!Elecen wrote:Just wanted to mention in your screenshot in the latest post it looks like the shadow of the big pole is wrong. Has wrong angle and should be bigger compared to small poles.
There are tons of examples of the shadows being in the wrong direction. My favourite is the underground belt. The underground belt always has the light source shining "into" the opening when facing north/south.Speadge wrote:good catch!Elecen wrote:Just wanted to mention in your screenshot in the latest post it looks like the shadow of the big pole is wrong. Has wrong angle and should be bigger compared to small poles.
The shadows are the way they currently are because it's a limitation to the engine. Although the models are made in 3D, the sprites itself (what makes it into the game) are purely 2D. The shadows that big poles have are included into the image that Factorio draws within the game, there's no way to remove that shadow or change it in any way. The game just has a picture like and will always place power poles in that manner, always drawing the shadow the same way, regardless of actual light sources.BenSeidel wrote:There are tons of examples of the shadows being in the wrong direction. My favourite is the underground belt. The underground belt always has the light source shining "into" the opening when facing north/south.Speadge wrote:good catch!Elecen wrote:Just wanted to mention in your screenshot in the latest post it looks like the shadow of the big pole is wrong. Has wrong angle and should be bigger compared to small poles.
This is also the same reason you can't rotate the world view or certain buildings, Factorio just doesn't know what they look like from another side, it just has a picture of them from the front.kovarex wrote:This is not really a bug, the shadows are not dynamically calculated and it won't change until we use 3d, which might (or might not) happen in Factorio 2 or later, if it ever happen to exist
It's more that the images were rendered using an inconsistent lightsource, not an issue with the engine.daniel34 wrote:The shadows are the way they currently are because it's a limitation to the engine.