Map - Train Visibility Enahancements

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Map - Train Visibility Enahancements

Post by BlackKnight »

I would just like to say how useful I've found Pollution as it makes it much easier to see where trains / train stations are - specifically if/where jams have taken place with a very quick review.
I'm not sure how the map will be implemented in 0.15 but wanted to state my preference in some solution to make this possible even without pollution being present. That would be awesome, Thanks!

Train Visibility Without vs. With Pollution-- (6x zoom of just a small quadrant of my map) -- See the blockage for example on image 1 versus image 2?
Factorio-Map-TrainVisibility.png (26.15 KiB) Viewed 2237 times
PS. Related to Suggestions - I have been posting suggestions/brainstorming ideas in FFF topics even though its recommended to post them under Suggestions because I imagine more people view those pages and perhaps there will be more conversations. This aside, in my opinion I think I've posted a few good suggestions in the past on other pages. Should I repost them each as suggestions (or assume they've been considered/and not waste the time of the devs by reposting)? If so, would it be recommended I wait until after the release of the new version? Thanks!

EDIT: Clarity
Last edited by BlackKnight on Thu Apr 13, 2017 7:06 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Map - Train Visibility

Post by noliVe »

Should I repost them each as suggestions (or assume they've been considered/and not waste the time of the devs by reposting)? If so, would it be recommended I wait until after the release of the new version?
if you read the announcement
viewtopic.php?f=6&t=30240 I want to make suggestions, but I got links to mods!! :(
viewtopic.php?f=6&t=27087 How is This Board Working? Revision #3
viewtopic.php?f=6&t=3394 Read this OR be ignored!

The answer is YES each post is welcome IF the Search failed because there are SO MANY good sugguestions already!
and dont wait for the new release Read the Forum and FFF´s to keep on track whats implemented and what is waste ;P

keep on with your good ideas please!
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Re: Map - Train Visibility Enahancements

Post by BlackKnight »

Thanks, yes I had read it - just wanted to limit redundancy.. I never ventured outside the news / releases portions of the forums until months and months after getting into factorio - not into the Suggestions portion, certainly. Thus , although its recommended - a good idea or brainstorming reply that is inspired by a previous post in a FFF topic seems like a better idea - especially since there are so many more viewers (who don't visit this part of the forums). Then again, maybe the more serious players / devs / modders do focus on the Suggestions portion more and are thus more likely to take notice of a good idea. Of course its a better platform for managing suggestions.

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Re: Map - Train Visibility Enahancements

Post by ssilk »

Would you laugh if I would say that I like this red surface with the little blue dots moving on it. On a big screen with clear colors it gives me a little kind of "hypnotic input". For me it's something like art. :)

But this topic is coming again and again so I added it to viewtopic.php?f=80&t=22760 Support for Color Blinds / Better Visibility ...
And point to viewtopic.php?f=80&t=18153 Information-Layers (for map and/or normal view)

Edit: The map will change a lot in 0.15.
Cool suggestion: Eatable MOUSE-pointers.
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Re: Map - Train Visibility Enahancements

Post by BenSeidel »

The ability to turn terrain colouring on and off would be helpful. It's a common feature in most RTS's.
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