[0.14.22] Can't connect robochest to circuit network

Some mods, made by Bob. Basically streaks every Factroio-area.

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[0.14.22] Can't connect robochest to circuit network

Post by derpumu »

When I try to connect a green or red wire to a Robochest MK1, I get the error sound (like when you try to place something out of reach). Since it works with Roboports and Robochests are meant to be similar to those I would have expected to be able to connect them to the CN. The Robochest displays the circuit network connection widget, which is another hint.

Same goes for the charging point and zone expander. They were all connected to a LN with Roboports. It works for the Logistic zone interface.

I am using all of Bob's except adjustable inserters, all of Angel's and a handful of smaller mods.

If this is by design, I'd expect the items to not have the circuit network widget.
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Re: [0.14.22] Can't connect robochest to circuit network

Post by bobingabout »

The code I used for all of my Roboport gadgets (Except the interface) are all pre-0.13 code based, and therefore have nothing in them to tell them that they should be a network connection widget (Nothing to tell them that they're not either), so I suspect that this mis-reported information that they should be able to connect to the network is something hardcoded into the game to say "It's a Roboport! It can be connected to the network!".

By design...
A Roboport is the complete unit. Storage, Zone expansion, Charging facility, Network interface.
The Logistic Zone Expander, Charging ports, Robochest and Logistic Zone Interface are a single component, for doing a single Job. Sure the Chest has a charging port, but that's only because the game logic demands that it requires one.

The Interface is the only Robo part that should be able to connect to the wired network.
Creator of Bob's mods. Expanding your gameplay since version 0.9.8.
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