Bugs & FAQ

Infinite Ores, Refining, Ore Processing ...

Moderator: Arch666Angel

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Re: Bugs & FAQ

Post by steinio »

StormTAG wrote:If you're using the add-loader mod, the loaders in the regular logistics section have only 1 filter while the loader in the Angels Logistics section has 5 despite having the same resource cost. Is this intentional?

Also, the angels loaders are missing their locale strings.
BTW the two additional loader types of Bob's extreme fast belts are missing a nice graphic.

Greetings steinio

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Re: Bugs & FAQ

Post by nickla23 »

I seem to be missing the technology "Barreling". I'd expect it to be researchable after water bore 1, but its missing. Any ideas? I have Fluid Barreling just missing Barreling.

List of mods below all updated. If I load my existing game the technology isnt there, if I load a game from 3 months ago it is there, if I start a new game the technology isn't there. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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Re: Bugs & FAQ

Post by Airat9000 »

bug bug 2 new verions
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Re: Bugs & FAQ

Post by Arch666Angel »

Airat9000 wrote:bug bug 2 new verions
You also need the 0.2.1 experimental for smelting https://github.com/Arch666Angel/angelso ... _0.2.1.zip
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Re: Bugs & FAQ

Post by nagapito »

Repost from Mods and Development coz I derped...:

Not sure if an intended feature coz of future plans but with current Smelting 0.2.1, if I need to manually craft anything that requires copper cable and I dont have copper cable, the game doesnt let me craft it. It assumes copper cable can only be made from copper wire coil and locks the recipe.

But, if I have at least one single unit of copper cable and try to craft something that requires more then the amount I have, it will craft the required copper cable .
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Re: Bugs & FAQ

Post by Mikeathom »

Zelenka wrote:Hello,

Just a heads up, I'm noticing a technology at the end of the bioprocessing chain without a proper name or any kind of recipe after the update.
Unknown key:"technology-name.big-alien-artifacts" (unavailable)
Also experiencing the same problem. Any info?
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Re: Bugs & FAQ

Post by nagapito »

Angels PetroChem Flare Stack recipe is overwriting Flare Stack recipe from Flare Stack Mod.
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Re: Bugs & FAQ

Post by Zelenka »

I'm not sure if this is a bug or intentional, but I can't seem to locate the recipe to barrel Liquid Fuel anymore after all the barreling was consolidated to the Barreling and Fluid Handling tab.
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Re: Bugs & FAQ

Post by Lochar »

Throwing a fit with Bob's MCI (bobplates) and Angel's refining. Loaded into an error in assignID, item with name 'basic-circuit-board' does not exist.

Refining: 0.6.11
bobplates 0.14.0
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Re: Bugs & FAQ

Post by steinio »

Lochar wrote:Throwing a fit with Bob's MCI (bobplates) and Angel's refining. Loaded into an error in assignID, item with name 'basic-circuit-board' does not exist.

Refining: 0.6.11
bobplates 0.14.0
Probably you're missing Bob's electronics: https://mods.factorio.com/mods/Bobingab ... lectronics

You need ALL Bobingabout"s mods.

Greetings steinio

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Missing plastic recipe

Post by nehkron »

Im playing only with angels refining and no petrochem, but i do not have a plastic recipe so i am unable to make plastic. Also i am missing a oil barrel recipe. How can i fix this?
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Re: Bugs & FAQ

Post by nagapito »

Dont know when this started to happen but probably with the increase of production of the compressed air, now we can make a close loop with compressed air to nitrogen and nitrogen to compressed air.

Compressed air gives 5 nitrogen and 5 oxygen but you only need 4 nitrogen and 6 oxygen to receive the 20 compressed air which can be converted back to 10 nitrogen and 10 oxygen....
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Re: Bugs & FAQ

Post by Arch666Angel »

nagapito wrote:Dont know when this started to happen but probably with the increase of production of the compressed air, now we can make a close loop with compressed air to nitrogen and nitrogen to compressed air.

Compressed air gives 5 nitrogen and 5 oxygen but you only need 4 nitrogen and 6 oxygen to receive the 20 compressed air which can be converted back to 10 nitrogen and 10 oxygen....
Which mod add the nitrogen to compressed air recipe?
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Re: Bugs & FAQ

Post by aklesey1 »

Arch666Angel wrote:
nagapito wrote:Dont know when this started to happen but probably with the increase of production of the compressed air, now we can make a close loop with compressed air to nitrogen and nitrogen to compressed air.

Compressed air gives 5 nitrogen and 5 oxygen but you only need 4 nitrogen and 6 oxygen to receive the 20 compressed air which can be converted back to 10 nitrogen and 10 oxygen....
Which mod add the nitrogen to compressed air recipe?
Bio industries mod have similar recipe

Some questions which began to suffer me many time:
1) Where to use rubber in resin - now they aren't so necessary, even resin isn't necessary for solder? and in bio processing mod recipe for wood which used algae fiber + resin is now missing
2) Where u planing to use 3 new plates - chrome palte, manganese plate and platinum plate
3) Angel components mod will be replacement for bobplates mod? For now smelting mod requires bobplates mod, so i think u can strongly expand the project that it corresponded to the same parameters and entities as well as in bobplates
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Re: Bugs & FAQ

Post by Light »

aklesey1 wrote:
Arch666Angel wrote:
nagapito wrote:Dont know when this started to happen but probably with the increase of production of the compressed air, now we can make a close loop with compressed air to nitrogen and nitrogen to compressed air.

Compressed air gives 5 nitrogen and 5 oxygen but you only need 4 nitrogen and 6 oxygen to receive the 20 compressed air which can be converted back to 10 nitrogen and 10 oxygen....
Which mod add the nitrogen to compressed air recipe?
Bio industries mod have similar recipe
No it doesn't.
Bio industries only creates compressed air and nitrogen, there's nothing oxygen related.
aklesey1 wrote:Some questions which began to suffer me many time:
1) Where to use rubber in resin - now they aren't so necessary, even resin isn't necessary for solder? and in bio processing mod recipe for wood which used algae fiber + resin is now missing
Resin is still used to make solder. Smelting may add a new method to make solder but I'm pretty sure most will still use the original method since it's compact and easy to make in the early-mid game. Another method doesn't instantly overwrite the others, it's just another avenue for us to take if we so desire.

With that said, I would be curious to know if the direct solder from ingots recipe would provide a vast number in comparison to the original recipe. As smelting increased yields of tin and lead plates into solder plates could still be superior to making solder directly from ingots.
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Re: Bugs & FAQ

Post by terror_gnom »

I cant Build a Sintering Oven MK1. It just doesnt show up in the crafting Menu. MK 2-4 are listed. If I try to craft a MK2, the game states "not enough ingredients"
Another thing: The Blast Furnace MK2 is the only Tier2 Machine that takes Aluminium. Is this on purpose?

*edit* can´t choose the Oven MK1 as a recipie in an Assembler neither.
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Re: Bugs & FAQ

Post by Arch666Angel »

terror_gnom wrote:Hi,
I cant Build a Sintering Oven MK1. It just doesnt show up in the crafting Menu. MK 2-4 are listed. If I try to craft a MK2, the game states "not enough ingredients"
Another thing: The Blast Furnace MK2 is the only Tier2 Machine that takes Aluminium. Is this on purpose?

*edit* can´t choose the Oven MK1 as a recipie in an Assembler neither.

Did you update a save from an older versions of smelting?
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Re: Bugs & FAQ

Post by faraway9912 »

I can't produce cobalt powder needed to convert Tungsten powder into tungsten powder mixture.

I looked in the mod code (0.2.2) and couldn't find anything in prototypes/recipes/smelting-cobalt for cobalt powder or for that matter nickel powder, either.

Can you add something in?
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Re: Bugs & FAQ

Post by terror_gnom »

Yep, I just updated all mods.Is there a way to force it in?
If it helps: Heres the Mods and Savefile
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Re: Bugs & FAQ

Post by CTSCommando »

There appears to be a problem with the last few versions of Angel's Refining. While it doesn't list Bob's Logistics as a requirement, the "washing-plant" and "washing-plant-2" recipies require "steel-pipe", which is only available in Bob's Logistics.

We were playing a game without Bob's Logistics and updated Angel's Refining to the latest version, and it immediately errored and prevented us from loading Factorio. After some messing around we reinstalled an older version of Angel's Refining (0.6.7 or 0.6.8 I believe) and the problem disappeared.

Please could you take a look? Ideally we don't want to run to have to run Bob's Logistics if it can be avoided. If it can't be avoided then it should probably be listed as a required mod to prevent Factorio from crashing when it's not installed.
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