Headless server - Lan play unable to keep up

Anything that prevents you from playing the game properly. Do you have issues playing for the game, downloading it or successfully running it on your computer? Let us know here.
Long Handed Inserter
Long Handed Inserter
Posts: 52
Joined: Fri Mar 17, 2017 4:28 pm

Headless server - Lan play unable to keep up

Post by Caennanu »

So, recently i opened up a post in regards to not being able to log on to my own headless server hosted within my LAN.
This has been fixed, i can get on it, no more password messages etc. others are also able to connect over the interwebs, awesome!

Now we're in 40+ hours (from local host moving to headless), and i am starting to run into trouble myself.
I can connect, but catching up takes ages. When i'm in the game i have to drop the game speed to 0.7 to be able to keep up.
Funny thing is, friends who are outside the LAN can play the game full speed and keep up.

When i transfer the save to my gamepc and host it from there, me AND friends can play it at normal speed in the same setup.

So this leads me to believe to settings that need to be altered for the LAN, but which?
I cannot open the port to my game pc, as its set to the headless server.
I have the issue on both the TP-Link Archer C7 as a Linksys router.

I would post logs, but i don't see a reason too. As it seems to be a latency issue of some sorts.

Any idea's welcome!
Long Handed Inserter
Long Handed Inserter
Posts: 52
Joined: Fri Mar 17, 2017 4:28 pm

Re: Headless server - Lan play unable to keep up

Post by Caennanu »

So, i've tried some additional things.
I overclocked my cpu from 3.5 to 4.2 no effect.
Overclocked the cpu for the server from 3.2 to 4ghz, no effect.
redid firewall settings, no effect.
tried to join local server from open list. Back to former issue, disconnect with password missing message on server. (even tho 1ms ping)

this is the only game i have it with. no issues with for say, conan exiles with same setup.
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Re: Headless server - Lan play unable to keep up

Post by Loewchen »

Post the logs of the same session of the server and the troubled client.
Long Handed Inserter
Long Handed Inserter
Posts: 52
Joined: Fri Mar 17, 2017 4:28 pm

Re: Headless server - Lan play unable to keep up

Post by Caennanu »

Server log:
3 login attempts, 2x with lan play, 3rd time with public browser (had to make screenshot with the fps etc.)

Code: Select all

   0.002 2017-03-22 16:39:12; Factorio 0.14.22 (build 25342, win64, alpha)
   0.003 Operating system: Windows 10 (version 1607) 
   0.003 Program arguments: "factorio.exe" "--start-server" "C:\Servers\Factorio\saves\spacex.zip " "--server-settings" "C:\Servers\Factorio\bin\x64\server-settings.json" 
   0.003 Read data path: C:/Servers/Factorio/data
   0.003 Write data path: C:/Servers/Factorio
   0.003 Binaries path: C:/Servers/Factorio/bin
   0.046 System info: [CPU: AMD FX(tm)-4300 Quad-Core Processor            , 4 cores, RAM: 7661MB]
   0.047 Running in headless mode
   0.701 Loading mod core 0.0.0 (data.lua)
   0.726 Loading mod base 0.14.22 (data.lua)
   1.210 Loading mod FARL 0.7.4 (data.lua)
   1.300 Loading mod what-is-it-used-for 1.1.5 (data.lua)
   1.393 Loading mod advanced-logistics-system 0.4.0 (data.lua)
   1.486 Loading mod auto-research 2.2.1 (data.lua)
   1.590 Loading mod autofill 1.4.6 (data.lua)
   1.682 Loading mod Big_Brother 0.3.3 (data.lua)
   1.825 Loading mod Blueprint_Flipper 0.1.8 (data.lua)
   1.931 Loading mod bobconfig 0.14.0 (data.lua)
   2.063 Loading mod bobinserters 0.14.3 (data.lua)
   2.167 Loading mod boblibrary 0.14.3 (data.lua)
   2.279 Loading mod Bottleneck 0.6.2 (data.lua)
   2.426 Loading mod bullet-trails 0.1.2 (data.lua)
   2.532 Loading mod color-coding 1.1.1 (data.lua)
   2.665 Loading mod Crafting_Speed_Research 0.1.4 (data.lua)
   2.780 Loading mod Enhanced_Map_Colors 1.3.9 (data.lua)
   2.890 Loading mod EvoGUI 0.4.108 (data.lua)
   3.040 Loading mod FLAN 1.0.3 (data.lua)
   3.148 Loading mod Flow Control 2.1.4 (data.lua)
   3.272 Loading mod Foreman 1.1.5 (data.lua)
   3.427 Loading mod HandyHands 1.4.0 (data.lua)
   3.546 Loading mod long-reach-research 0.2.1 (data.lua)
   3.690 Loading mod ModuleInserter 1.0.0 (data.lua)
   3.807 Loading mod More_Floors 1.2.0 (data.lua)
   3.978 Loading mod nixie-tubes 0.14.12 (data.lua)
   4.099 Loading mod Orphan Finder 1.0.3 (data.lua)
   4.228 Loading mod RailTanker 1.4.0 (data.lua)
   4.403 Loading mod Red Alerts 1.1.2 (data.lua)
   4.529 Loading mod ScoreExtended 1.0.22 (data.lua)
   4.662 Loading mod StoneWaterWell 1.0.2 (data.lua)
   4.805 Loading mod upgrade-planner 1.2.14 (data.lua)
   4.990 Loading mod Warehousing 0.0.11 (data.lua)
   5.122 Loading mod YARM 0.7.108 (data.lua)
   5.261 Loading mod bobenemies 0.14.0 (data.lua)
   5.453 Loading mod bobores 0.14.0 (data.lua)
   5.613 Loading mod bobvehicleequipment 0.14.2 (data.lua)
   5.812 Loading mod long-loot-research 0.1.1 (data.lua)
   5.965 Loading mod bobtech 0.14.0 (data.lua)
   6.140 Loading mod rso-mod 2.3.5 (data.lua)
   6.360 Loading mod bobplates 0.14.0 (data.lua)
   6.536 Loading mod angelsrefining 0.6.5 (data.lua)
   6.721 Loading mod bobassembly 0.14.0 (data.lua)
   6.935 Loading mod bobelectronics 0.14.0 (data.lua)
   7.148 Loading mod bobgreenhouse 0.14.0 (data.lua)
   7.342 Loading mod boblogistics 0.14.5 (data.lua)
   7.638 Loading mod bobmining 0.14.0 (data.lua)
   7.858 Loading mod bobpower 0.14.0 (data.lua)
   8.081 Loading mod bobrevamp 0.14.2 (data.lua)
   8.365 Loading mod add-loader 0.0.8 (data.lua)
   8.587 Loading mod angelsaddons-oresilos 0.2.2 (data.lua)
   8.826 Loading mod angelscomponents 0.1.0 (data.lua)
   9.149 Loading mod angelspetrochem 0.4.1 (data.lua)
   9.407 Loading mod bobmodules 0.14.2 (data.lua)
   9.683 Loading mod bobwarfare 0.14.2 (data.lua)
  10.027 Loading mod flowcontrolbobs 0.14.0 (data.lua)
  10.387 Loading mod angelsaddons-pressuretanks 0.1.1 (data.lua)
  10.667 Loading mod angelsbioprocessing 0.3.0 (data.lua)
  11.048 Loading mod angelsinfiniteores 0.5.4 (data.lua)
  11.328 Loading mod angelslogistics 0.1.1 (data.lua)
  11.640 Loading mod angelssmelting 0.1.3 (data.lua)
  12.060 Loading mod Laser_Beam_Turrets 0.1.8 (data.lua)
  12.371 Loading mod LateUpgrades 0.2.2 (data.lua)
  12.752 Loading mod Orbital Ion Cannon 1.4.6 (data.lua)
  13.086 Loading mod SpaceMod 0.2.3 (data.lua)
  13.090 Script technology-functions.lua:155: Technology electric-energy-accumulators-4 does not exist.
  13.456 Loading mod Satellite Uplink Station 1.0.6 (data.lua)
  13.890 Loading mod FARL 0.7.4 (data-updates.lua)
  14.222 Loading mod Big_Brother 0.3.3 (data-updates.lua)
  14.556 Loading mod bobconfig 0.14.0 (data-updates.lua)
  14.906 Loading mod bobinserters 0.14.3 (data-updates.lua)
  15.362 Loading mod bullet-trails 0.1.2 (data-updates.lua)
  15.706 Loading mod Enhanced_Map_Colors 1.3.9 (data-updates.lua)
  16.007 Loading mod Omnibarrels 1.1.3 (data-updates.lua)
  16.341 Loading mod Squeak Through 1.1.6 (data-updates.lua)
  16.671 Loading mod bobenemies 0.14.0 (data-updates.lua)
  17.167 Loading mod bobores 0.14.0 (data-updates.lua)
  17.503 Loading mod bobvehicleequipment 0.14.2 (data-updates.lua)
  17.505 Script technology-functions.lua:152: Technology vehicle-big-turret-4 does not exist.
  17.874 Loading mod bobtech 0.14.0 (data-updates.lua)
  18.220 Loading mod rso-mod 2.3.5 (data-updates.lua)
  18.682 Loading mod bobplates 0.14.0 (data-updates.lua)
  18.986 Loading mod angelsrefining 0.6.5 (data-updates.lua)
  19.366 Loading mod bobassembly 0.14.0 (data-updates.lua)
  19.822 Loading mod bobelectronics 0.14.0 (data-updates.lua)
  20.161 Loading mod bobgreenhouse 0.14.0 (data-updates.lua)
  20.476 Loading mod boblogistics 0.14.5 (data-updates.lua)
  20.813 Loading mod bobmining 0.14.0 (data-updates.lua)
  20.816 Script technology-functions.lua:152: Technology water-miner-2 does not exist.
  20.816 Script technology-functions.lua:152: Technology water-miner-3 does not exist.
  20.817 Script technology-functions.lua:152: Technology water-miner-3 does not exist.
  20.817 Script technology-functions.lua:152: Technology water-miner-3 does not exist.
  20.818 Script technology-functions.lua:152: Technology water-miner-4 does not exist.
  20.818 Script technology-functions.lua:152: Technology water-miner-4 does not exist.
  20.819 Script technology-functions.lua:152: Technology water-miner-4 does not exist.
  20.819 Script technology-functions.lua:24: Technology water-miner-5 does not exist.
  20.820 Script technology-functions.lua:152: Technology water-miner-5 does not exist.
  20.820 Script technology-functions.lua:152: Technology water-miner-5 does not exist.
  20.821 Script technology-functions.lua:152: Technology water-miner-5 does not exist.
  20.821 Script technology-functions.lua:152: Technology water-miner-5 does not exist.
  21.255 Loading mod bobpower 0.14.0 (data-updates.lua)
  21.562 Loading mod bobrevamp 0.14.2 (data-updates.lua)
  21.882 Loading mod angelspetrochem 0.4.1 (data-updates.lua)
  22.242 Loading mod bobmodules 0.14.2 (data-updates.lua)
  22.683 Loading mod bobwarfare 0.14.2 (data-updates.lua)
  23.016 Loading mod angelsbioprocessing 0.3.0 (data-updates.lua)
  23.360 Loading mod angelslogistics 0.1.1 (data-updates.lua)
  23.714 Loading mod angelssmelting 0.1.3 (data-updates.lua)
  24.211 Loading mod Orbital Ion Cannon 1.4.6 (data-updates.lua)
  24.584 Loading mod all-tiles-stack-to-1k 1.0.0 (data-final-fixes.lua)
  24.993 Loading mod FARL 0.7.4 (data-final-fixes.lua)
  25.421 Loading mod GDIW 0.14.13 (data-final-fixes.lua)
  25.794 Loading mod ModuleInserter 1.0.0 (data-final-fixes.lua)
  26.262 Loading mod RailTanker 1.4.0 (data-final-fixes.lua)
  26.612 Loading mod bobelectronics 0.14.0 (data-final-fixes.lua)
  27.073 Loading mod angelspetrochem 0.4.1 (data-final-fixes.lua)
  27.442 Loading mod flowcontrolbobs 0.14.0 (data-final-fixes.lua)
  27.902 Loading mod longer-belts-redux 0.14.3 (data-final-fixes.lua)
  28.259 Loading mod angelsinfiniteores 0.5.4 (data-final-fixes.lua)
  28.630 Loading mod angelslogistics 0.1.1 (data-final-fixes.lua)
  29.018 Checksum for core: 1291735968
  29.018 Checksum for mod all-tiles-stack-to-1k: 3558932609
  29.019 Checksum for mod base: 786624017
  29.019 Checksum for mod FARL: 3325049299
  29.020 Checksum for mod what-is-it-used-for: 3913150713
  29.021 Checksum for mod advanced-logistics-system: 2163846892
  29.021 Checksum for mod artifact-deconstuctor: 0
  29.022 Checksum for mod auto-research: 1737942890
  29.022 Checksum for mod AutoDeconstruct: 0
  29.023 Checksum for mod autofill: 3086359458
  29.024 Checksum for mod Big_Brother: 180679385
  29.024 Checksum for mod Blueprint_Flipper: 213493222
  29.025 Checksum for mod bobconfig: 1774049703
  29.026 Checksum for mod bobinserters: 2966285250
  29.026 Checksum for mod boblibrary: 3645220963
  29.030 Checksum for mod Bottleneck: 4008105457
  29.030 Checksum for mod bullet-trails: 3097468026
  29.031 Checksum for mod color-coding: 1364593114
  29.032 Checksum for mod CopyAssemblerPipeDirection: 0
  29.032 Checksum for mod Crafting_Speed_Research: 3928230558
  29.033 Checksum for mod Enhanced_Map_Colors: 2058466975
  29.033 Checksum for mod EvoGUI: 1040096666
  29.034 Checksum for mod FLAN: 574514439
  29.034 Checksum for mod Flow Control: 2427578159
  29.035 Checksum for mod Foreman: 889675380
  29.035 Checksum for mod GDIW: 1439289939
  29.036 Checksum for mod HandyHands: 1828761107
  29.037 Checksum for mod InitialScan: 0
  29.037 Checksum for mod long-reach-research: 3901688132
  29.038 Checksum for mod ModuleInserter: 1557794654
  29.041 Checksum for mod More_Floors: 1026709371
  29.042 Checksum for mod nixie-tubes: 3456191073
  29.042 Checksum for mod Omnibarrels: 2132636919
  29.043 Checksum for mod Orphan Finder: 169567895
  29.043 Checksum for mod RailTanker: 1260574978
  29.044 Checksum for mod Red Alerts: 1595245396
  29.044 Checksum for mod ScoreExtended: 2617688541
  29.045 Checksum for mod Squeak Through: 1088258958
  29.045 Checksum for mod StoneWaterWell: 538038787
  29.046 Checksum for mod upgrade-planner: 696037660
  29.046 Checksum for mod Warehousing: 3149064619
  29.047 Checksum for mod YARM: 4206050284
  29.048 Checksum for mod bobenemies: 1291207459
  29.048 Checksum for mod boblocale: 0
  29.049 Checksum for mod bobores: 4029799065
  29.049 Checksum for mod bobvehicleequipment: 3240547125
  29.051 Checksum for mod long-loot-research: 2063512167
  29.052 Checksum for mod bobtech: 84910783
  29.053 Checksum for mod rso-mod: 2545235294
  29.053 Checksum for mod bobplates: 674308856
  29.054 Checksum for mod angelsrefining: 611351027
  29.054 Checksum for mod bobassembly: 4145366400
  29.055 Checksum for mod bobelectronics: 422703435
  29.055 Checksum for mod bobgreenhouse: 2288073750
  29.056 Checksum for mod boblogistics: 3474649282
  29.056 Checksum for mod bobmining: 3435149013
  29.057 Checksum for mod bobpower: 3291248052
  29.058 Checksum for mod bobrevamp: 1985954238
  29.058 Checksum for mod add-loader: 2182132170
  29.059 Checksum for mod angelsaddons-oresilos: 1159434045
  29.059 Checksum for mod angelscomponents: 3425253387
  29.061 Checksum for mod angelspetrochem: 2954612889
  29.062 Checksum for mod bobmodules: 1536552859
  29.063 Checksum for mod bobwarfare: 1825633840
  29.063 Checksum for mod flowcontrolbobs: 2715719464
  29.064 Checksum for mod longer-belts-redux: 883706356
  29.064 Checksum for mod angelsaddons-pressuretanks: 1263032783
  29.065 Checksum for mod angelsbioprocessing: 3634188277
  29.065 Checksum for mod angelsinfiniteores: 957701388
  29.066 Checksum for mod angelslogistics: 3497137260
  29.067 Checksum for mod angelssmelting: 3507317914
  29.067 Checksum for mod Laser_Beam_Turrets: 3880469623
  29.068 Checksum for mod LateUpgrades: 730746805
  29.068 Checksum for mod Orbital Ion Cannon: 574120698
  29.069 Checksum for mod SpaceMod: 2727789151
  29.069 Checksum for mod Satellite Uplink Station: 1201537956
  31.667 Info PlayerData.cpp:55: Local player-data.json available, timestamp 1490171099
  31.667 Info PlayerData.cpp:62: Cloud player-data.json unavailable
  31.738 Custom inputs active: 0
  31.739 Info Updater.cpp:749: Downloading https://updater.factorio.com/get-available-versions?username=Caennanu&token=<private>&apiVersion=2
  32.327 0 packages available to download (experimental updates disabled).
  32.341 Factorio initialised
  32.347 Info HttpSharedState.cpp:44: Downloading https://auth.factorio.com/api-login?api_version=2
  33.047 Info HttpSharedState.cpp:111: Status code: 200
  33.048 Info AuthServerConnector.cpp:165: Got token from auth server for username(Caennanu).
  33.051 Info ServerSynchronizer.cpp:27: nextHeartbeatSequenceNumber(0) initialized Synchronizer nextTickClosureTick(0).
  33.053 Info ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:658: mapTick(-1) changing state from(Ready) to(PreparedToHostGame)
  33.054 Info ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:658: mapTick(-1) changing state from(PreparedToHostGame) to(CreatingGame)
  33.056 Loading map C:\Servers\Factorio\saves\spacex.zip 
  33.263 Info Scenario.cpp:152: Map version 0.14.22-0
  36.809 Checksum for script C:/Servers/Factorio/temp/currently-playing/control.lua: 1057114497
  36.824 Checksum for script __FARL__/control.lua: 2794579332
  36.827 Checksum for script __what-is-it-used-for__/control.lua: 293016820
  36.839 Checksum for script __advanced-logistics-system__/control.lua: 4246309343
  36.841 Checksum for script __artifact-deconstuctor__/control.lua: 3645274775
  36.844 Checksum for script __auto-research__/control.lua: 890816168
  36.848 Checksum for script __AutoDeconstruct__/control.lua: 4247438605
  36.858 Checksum for script __autofill__/control.lua: 1591109431
  36.865 Checksum for script __Big_Brother__/control.lua: 2900820270
  36.867 Checksum for script __Blueprint_Flipper__/control.lua: 2485142552
  36.872 Checksum for script __bobinserters__/control.lua: 733646391
  36.874 Checksum for script __Bottleneck__/control.lua: 539679015
  36.876 Checksum for script __CopyAssemblerPipeDirection__/control.lua: 2343582375
  36.878 Checksum for script __Crafting_Speed_Research__/control.lua: 1826326919
  36.880 Checksum for script __Enhanced_Map_Colors__/control.lua: 3669121904
  36.887 Checksum for script __EvoGUI__/control.lua: 3075659584
  36.889 Checksum for script __FLAN__/control.lua: 1226841149
  36.891 Checksum for script __Flow Control__/control.lua: 3027294436
  36.913 Checksum for script __Foreman__/control.lua: 2230170983
  36.915 Checksum for script __GDIW__/control.lua: 597420826
  36.918 Checksum for script __HandyHands__/control.lua: 922340473
  36.920 Checksum for script __InitialScan__/control.lua: 1873624607
  36.922 Checksum for script __long-reach-research__/control.lua: 1164165240
  36.927 Checksum for script __ModuleInserter__/control.lua: 2637225382
  36.930 Checksum for script __nixie-tubes__/control.lua: 4264452596
  36.932 Checksum for script __Orphan Finder__/control.lua: 155176166
  36.934 Checksum for script __RailTanker__/control.lua: 2344758156
  36.938 Checksum for script __Red Alerts__/control.lua: 3369270117
  36.942 Checksum for script __ScoreExtended__/control.lua: 4146191189
  36.945 Checksum for script __StoneWaterWell__/control.lua: 4261078911
  36.949 Checksum for script __upgrade-planner__/control.lua: 2594213730
  36.951 Checksum for script __Warehousing__/control.lua: 4246273150
  36.958 Checksum for script __YARM__/control.lua: 619421599
  36.960 Checksum for script __bobores__/control.lua: 3601237961
  36.962 Checksum for script __long-loot-research__/control.lua: 2609844052
  36.986 Checksum for script __rso-mod__/control.lua: 1928144952
  36.988 Checksum for script __angelsrefining__/control.lua: 884011260
  36.991 Checksum for script __boblogistics__/control.lua: 1852913318
  36.993 Checksum for script __add-loader__/control.lua: 1462944630
  36.995 Checksum for script __flowcontrolbobs__/control.lua: 1920800109
  37.002 Checksum for script __Orbital Ion Cannon__/control.lua: 793905272
  37.005 Checksum for script __SpaceMod__/control.lua: 977979184
  37.008 Checksum for script __Satellite Uplink Station__/control.lua: 1656246971
  38.943 Info UDPSocket.cpp:27: Opening socket at (
  38.943 Hosting game at
  38.944 Info ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:658: mapTick(14670084) changing state from(CreatingGame) to(InGame)
  38.945 Info ServerRouter.cpp:604: Asking pingpong servers (pingpong1.factorio.com:34197, pingpong2.factorio.com:34197) for own address
  38.975 Info UDPSocket.cpp:39: Opening socket for broadcast
  39.048 Info ServerRouter.cpp:497: Own address is
  39.597 Info ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:587: Matching server connection resumed
 225.591 ConnectionRequestReplyConfirm (type(ConnectionRequestReplyConfirm) ) from(
 225.592 Refusing connection for address( Unknown key:"password-missing"
 228.846 ConnectionRequestReplyConfirm (type(ConnectionRequestReplyConfirm) ) from(
 228.847 Info ServerRouter.cpp:413: Replying to connectionRequest for address(
 228.848 Info ServerSynchronizer.cpp:524: nextHeartbeatSequenceNumber(3975) adding peer(1)
 228.873 Info ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:658: mapTick(14670084) changing state from(InGame) to(InGameSavingMap)
 228.896 Info ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:742: mapTick(14670084) received stateChanged peerID(1) oldState(Ready) newState(ConnectedWaitingForMap)
 231.524 Info ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:779: MapTick(14670084) Serving map(C) for peer(1) size(21685674) crc(1380486015)
 231.526 Info ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:658: mapTick(14670084) changing state from(InGameSavingMap) to(InGame)
 231.591 Info ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:742: mapTick(14670087) received stateChanged peerID(1) oldState(ConnectedWaitingForMap) newState(ConnectedDownloadingMap)
 233.926 Info ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:742: mapTick(14670188) received stateChanged peerID(1) oldState(ConnectedDownloadingMap) newState(ConnectedLoadingMap)
 238.934 Info ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:742: mapTick(14670399) received stateChanged peerID(1) oldState(ConnectedLoadingMap) newState(TryingToCatchUp)
 269.349 Info ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:742: mapTick(14671676) received stateChanged peerID(1) oldState(TryingToCatchUp) newState(WaitingForCommandToStartSendingTickClosures)
 269.351 Info GameActionHandler.cpp:2556: MapTick(14671676) processed PlayerJoinGame peerID(1) playerIndex(0) mode(connect)
 269.434 Info ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:742: mapTick(14671680) received stateChanged peerID(1) oldState(WaitingForCommandToStartSendingTickClosures) newState(InGame)
 370.758 Info ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:822: Disconnect notification for peer (1)
 370.758 Info ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:742: mapTick(14676306) received stateChanged peerID(1) oldState(InGame) newState(DisconnectScheduled)
 370.782 Info ServerSynchronizer.cpp:539: nextHeartbeatSequenceNumber(7655) removing peer(1).
 765.258 ConnectionRequestReplyConfirm (type(ConnectionRequestReplyConfirm) ) from(
 765.258 Refusing connection for address( Unknown key:"password-missing"
 768.132 ConnectionRequestReplyConfirm (type(ConnectionRequestReplyConfirm) ) from(
 768.133 Info ServerRouter.cpp:413: Replying to connectionRequest for address(
 768.135 Info ServerSynchronizer.cpp:524: nextHeartbeatSequenceNumber(16126) adding peer(2)
 768.160 Info ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:658: mapTick(14676308) changing state from(InGame) to(InGameSavingMap)
 768.185 Info ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:742: mapTick(14676308) received stateChanged peerID(2) oldState(Ready) newState(ConnectedWaitingForMap)
 770.638 Info ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:779: MapTick(14676308) Serving map(C) for peer(2) size(21654355) crc(1271768610)
 770.640 Info ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:658: mapTick(14676308) changing state from(InGameSavingMap) to(InGame)
 770.706 Info ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:742: mapTick(14676312) received stateChanged peerID(2) oldState(ConnectedWaitingForMap) newState(ConnectedDownloadingMap)
 773.126 Info ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:742: mapTick(14676416) received stateChanged peerID(2) oldState(ConnectedDownloadingMap) newState(ConnectedLoadingMap)
 778.176 Info ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:742: mapTick(14676628) received stateChanged peerID(2) oldState(ConnectedLoadingMap) newState(TryingToCatchUp)
 814.942 Info ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:742: mapTick(14678173) received stateChanged peerID(2) oldState(TryingToCatchUp) newState(WaitingForCommandToStartSendingTickClosures)
 814.944 Info GameActionHandler.cpp:2556: MapTick(14678173) processed PlayerJoinGame peerID(2) playerIndex(0) mode(connect)
 815.022 Info ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:742: mapTick(14678176) received stateChanged peerID(2) oldState(WaitingForCommandToStartSendingTickClosures) newState(InGame)
 881.286 Info ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:822: Disconnect notification for peer (2)
 881.286 Info ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:742: mapTick(14681153) received stateChanged peerID(2) oldState(InGame) newState(DisconnectScheduled)
 881.287 Info ServerSynchronizer.cpp:539: nextHeartbeatSequenceNumber(19149) removing peer(2).
 893.265 ConnectionRequestReplyConfirm (type(ConnectionRequestReplyConfirm) ) from(
 893.266 Refusing connection for address( Unknown key:"password-missing"
 896.597 ConnectionRequestReplyConfirm (type(ConnectionRequestReplyConfirm) ) from(
 896.598 Info ServerRouter.cpp:413: Replying to connectionRequest for address(
 896.598 Info ServerSynchronizer.cpp:524: nextHeartbeatSequenceNumber(19469) adding peer(3)
 896.622 Info ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:658: mapTick(14681154) changing state from(InGame) to(InGameSavingMap)
 896.646 Info ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:742: mapTick(14681154) received stateChanged peerID(3) oldState(Ready) newState(ConnectedWaitingForMap)
 898.977 Info ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:779: MapTick(14681154) Serving map(C) for peer(3) size(21553739) crc(1799405751)
 898.979 Info ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:658: mapTick(14681154) changing state from(InGameSavingMap) to(InGame)
 899.040 Info ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:742: mapTick(14681158) received stateChanged peerID(3) oldState(ConnectedWaitingForMap) newState(ConnectedDownloadingMap)
 924.405 Info ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:822: Disconnect notification for peer (3)
 935.861 Info ServerSynchronizer.cpp:539: nextHeartbeatSequenceNumber(20134) removing peer(3).
 942.354 Received SIGINT, shutting down
 942.369 Info MainLoop.cpp:219: Saving map as C:\Servers\Factorio\saves\spacex.zip 
 944.590 Info ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:115: Disconnecting multiplayer connection.
 944.590 Info ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:658: mapTick(14682227) changing state from(InGame) to(DisconnectingScheduled)
 944.626 Info ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:658: mapTick(14682227) changing state from(DisconnectingScheduled) to(Disconnecting)
 944.663 Info ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:658: mapTick(14682227) changing state from(Disconnecting) to(Disconnected)
 944.663 Info ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:139: Quitting multiplayer connection.
 944.664 Info ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:658: mapTick(14682227) changing state from(Disconnected) to(Closed)
 945.415 Info HttpSharedState.cpp:44: Downloading https://multiplayer.factorio.com/remove-game/1404696
 945.522 Info HttpSharedState.cpp:111: Status code: 200
 945.523 Info UDPSocket.cpp:235: Socket closed
 945.606 Info UDPSocket.cpp:235: Socket closed
 945.742 Goodbye
session 1, connection to server from lan, adjusting gamespeed to 1 from 0.7 and resetting from 1 to 0.7 (so that i can actually log out)

Code: Select all

   0.002 2017-03-22 16:41:35; Factorio 0.14.22 (build 25342, win64, steam)
   0.002 Operating system: Windows 10 (version 1607) 
   0.002 Program arguments: "D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Factorio\bin\x64\Factorio.exe" 
   0.002 Read data path: D:/Steam/steamapps/common/Factorio/data
   0.002 Write data path: C:/Users/Jurgen Pc/AppData/Roaming/Factorio
   0.002 Binaries path: D:/Steam/steamapps/common/Factorio/bin
   0.025 System info: [CPU: AMD FX(tm)-8320 Eight-Core Processor           , 8 cores, RAM: 24533MB]
   0.026 Display options: [FullScreen: 1] [VSync: 0] [UIScale: 100%] [MultiSampling: OFF] [Screen: 255]
   0.031 Available display adapters: 2
   0.031  [0]: \\.\DISPLAY1 - AMD Radeon R9 200 Series {0x80005, [0,0], 1920x1080, 32bit, 59Hz}
   0.031  [1]: \\.\DISPLAY2 - AMD Radeon R9 200 Series {0x80001, [-1920,0], 1920x1080, 32bit, 59Hz}
   0.032 Create display on adapter 0. Size 1280x720 at position [310, 162].
   0.170 Initialised Direct3D:[0] AMD Radeon R9 200 Series; driver: aticfx64.dll 21.19.407.0
   0.175     Video memory size (dedicated video/dedicated system/shared system/available): 3053/0/12266/4088 MB
   0.287 DSound: Starting _dsound_update thread
   0.287 DSound: Enter _dsound_update; tid=9648
   0.289 Device reset internal.
   0.298 Desktop composition is active.
   0.299 Graphics options: [Graphics quality: normal] [Video memory usage: high] [Light scale: 25%] [DXT: auto]
   0.869 Loading mod core 0.0.0 (data.lua)
   0.876 Loading mod base 0.14.22 (data.lua)
   1.014 Loading mod FARL 0.7.4 (data.lua)
   1.101 Loading mod what-is-it-used-for 1.1.5 (data.lua)
   1.188 Loading mod advanced-logistics-system 0.4.0 (data.lua)
   1.276 Loading mod auto-research 2.2.1 (data.lua)
   1.373 Loading mod autofill 1.4.6 (data.lua)
   1.450 Loading mod Big_Brother 0.3.3 (data.lua)
   1.589 Loading mod Blueprint_Flipper 0.1.8 (data.lua)
   1.686 Loading mod bobconfig 0.14.0 (data.lua)
   1.795 Loading mod bobinserters 0.14.3 (data.lua)
   1.912 Loading mod boblibrary 0.14.3 (data.lua)
   2.017 Loading mod Bottleneck 0.6.2 (data.lua)
   2.147 Loading mod bullet-trails 0.1.2 (data.lua)
   2.254 Loading mod color-coding 1.1.1 (data.lua)
   2.363 Loading mod Crafting_Speed_Research 0.1.4 (data.lua)
   2.494 Loading mod Enhanced_Map_Colors 1.3.9 (data.lua)
   2.593 Loading mod EvoGUI 0.4.108 (data.lua)
   2.703 Loading mod FLAN 1.0.3 (data.lua)
   2.833 Loading mod Flow Control 2.1.4 (data.lua)
   2.940 Loading mod Foreman 1.1.5 (data.lua)
   3.072 Loading mod HandyHands 1.4.0 (data.lua)
   3.181 Loading mod long-reach-research 0.2.1 (data.lua)
   3.310 Loading mod ModuleInserter 1.0.0 (data.lua)
   3.418 Loading mod More_Floors 1.2.0 (data.lua)
   3.583 Loading mod nixie-tubes 0.14.12 (data.lua)
   3.701 Loading mod Orphan Finder 1.0.3 (data.lua)
   3.814 Loading mod RailTanker 1.4.0 (data.lua)
   3.939 Loading mod Red Alerts 1.1.2 (data.lua)
   4.105 Loading mod ScoreExtended 1.0.22 (data.lua)
   4.224 Loading mod StoneWaterWell 1.0.2 (data.lua)
   4.347 Loading mod upgrade-planner 1.2.14 (data.lua)
   4.502 Loading mod Warehousing 0.0.11 (data.lua)
   4.619 Loading mod YARM 0.7.108 (data.lua)
   4.738 Loading mod bobenemies 0.14.0 (data.lua)
   4.913 Loading mod bobores 0.14.0 (data.lua)
   5.061 Loading mod bobvehicleequipment 0.14.2 (data.lua)
   5.255 Loading mod long-loot-research 0.1.1 (data.lua)
   5.397 Loading mod bobtech 0.14.0 (data.lua)
   5.552 Loading mod rso-mod 2.3.5 (data.lua)
   5.700 Loading mod bobplates 0.14.0 (data.lua)
   5.919 Loading mod angelsrefining 0.6.5 (data.lua)
   6.097 Loading mod bobassembly 0.14.0 (data.lua)
   6.276 Loading mod bobelectronics 0.14.0 (data.lua)
   6.465 Loading mod bobgreenhouse 0.14.0 (data.lua)
   6.743 Loading mod boblogistics 0.14.5 (data.lua)
   6.951 Loading mod bobmining 0.14.0 (data.lua)
   7.167 Loading mod bobpower 0.14.0 (data.lua)
   7.401 Loading mod bobrevamp 0.14.2 (data.lua)
   7.675 Loading mod add-loader 0.0.8 (data.lua)
   7.886 Loading mod angelsaddons-oresilos 0.2.2 (data.lua)
   8.104 Loading mod angelscomponents 0.1.0 (data.lua)
   8.428 Loading mod angelspetrochem 0.4.1 (data.lua)
   8.671 Loading mod bobmodules 0.14.2 (data.lua)
   8.922 Loading mod bobwarfare 0.14.2 (data.lua)
   9.273 Loading mod flowcontrolbobs 0.14.0 (data.lua)
   9.541 Loading mod angelsaddons-pressuretanks 0.1.1 (data.lua)
   9.880 Loading mod angelsbioprocessing 0.3.0 (data.lua)
  10.144 Loading mod angelsinfiniteores 0.5.4 (data.lua)
  10.421 Loading mod angelslogistics 0.1.1 (data.lua)
  10.727 Loading mod angelssmelting 0.1.3 (data.lua)
  11.136 Loading mod Laser_Beam_Turrets 0.1.8 (data.lua)
  11.415 Loading mod LateUpgrades 0.2.2 (data.lua)
  11.734 Loading mod Orbital Ion Cannon 1.4.6 (data.lua)
  12.126 Loading mod SpaceMod 0.2.3 (data.lua)
  12.131 Script technology-functions.lua:155: Technology electric-energy-accumulators-4 does not exist.
  12.421 Loading mod Satellite Uplink Station 1.0.6 (data.lua)
  12.731 Loading mod FARL 0.7.4 (data-updates.lua)
  13.136 Loading mod Big_Brother 0.3.3 (data-updates.lua)
  13.429 Loading mod bobconfig 0.14.0 (data-updates.lua)
  13.735 Loading mod bobinserters 0.14.3 (data-updates.lua)
  14.050 Loading mod bullet-trails 0.1.2 (data-updates.lua)
  14.454 Loading mod Enhanced_Map_Colors 1.3.9 (data-updates.lua)
  14.745 Loading mod Omnibarrels 1.1.3 (data-updates.lua)
  15.061 Loading mod Squeak Through 1.1.6 (data-updates.lua)
  15.368 Loading mod bobenemies 0.14.0 (data-updates.lua)
  15.839 Loading mod bobores 0.14.0 (data-updates.lua)
  16.143 Loading mod bobvehicleequipment 0.14.2 (data-updates.lua)
  16.145 Script technology-functions.lua:152: Technology vehicle-big-turret-4 does not exist.
  16.470 Loading mod bobtech 0.14.0 (data-updates.lua)
  16.910 Loading mod rso-mod 2.3.5 (data-updates.lua)
  17.210 Loading mod bobplates 0.14.0 (data-updates.lua)
  17.529 Loading mod angelsrefining 0.6.5 (data-updates.lua)
  17.894 Loading mod bobassembly 0.14.0 (data-updates.lua)
  18.356 Loading mod bobelectronics 0.14.0 (data-updates.lua)
  18.676 Loading mod bobgreenhouse 0.14.0 (data-updates.lua)
  19.013 Loading mod boblogistics 0.14.5 (data-updates.lua)
  19.456 Loading mod bobmining 0.14.0 (data-updates.lua)
  19.459 Script technology-functions.lua:152: Technology water-miner-2 does not exist.
  19.459 Script technology-functions.lua:152: Technology water-miner-3 does not exist.
  19.459 Script technology-functions.lua:152: Technology water-miner-3 does not exist.
  19.459 Script technology-functions.lua:152: Technology water-miner-3 does not exist.
  19.459 Script technology-functions.lua:152: Technology water-miner-4 does not exist.
  19.459 Script technology-functions.lua:152: Technology water-miner-4 does not exist.
  19.459 Script technology-functions.lua:152: Technology water-miner-4 does not exist.
  19.459 Script technology-functions.lua:24: Technology water-miner-5 does not exist.
  19.459 Script technology-functions.lua:152: Technology water-miner-5 does not exist.
  19.459 Script technology-functions.lua:152: Technology water-miner-5 does not exist.
  19.459 Script technology-functions.lua:152: Technology water-miner-5 does not exist.
  19.459 Script technology-functions.lua:152: Technology water-miner-5 does not exist.
  19.773 Loading mod bobpower 0.14.0 (data-updates.lua)
  20.097 Loading mod bobrevamp 0.14.2 (data-updates.lua)
  20.534 Loading mod angelspetrochem 0.4.1 (data-updates.lua)
  20.880 Loading mod bobmodules 0.14.2 (data-updates.lua)
  21.231 Loading mod bobwarfare 0.14.2 (data-updates.lua)
  21.678 Loading mod angelsbioprocessing 0.3.0 (data-updates.lua)
  22.040 Loading mod angelslogistics 0.1.1 (data-updates.lua)
  22.397 Loading mod angelssmelting 0.1.3 (data-updates.lua)
  22.761 Loading mod Orbital Ion Cannon 1.4.6 (data-updates.lua)
  23.221 Loading mod all-tiles-stack-to-1k 1.0.0 (data-final-fixes.lua)
  23.550 Loading mod FARL 0.7.4 (data-final-fixes.lua)
  23.894 Loading mod GDIW 0.14.13 (data-final-fixes.lua)
  24.299 Loading mod ModuleInserter 1.0.0 (data-final-fixes.lua)
  24.681 Loading mod RailTanker 1.4.0 (data-final-fixes.lua)
  25.213 Loading mod bobelectronics 0.14.0 (data-final-fixes.lua)
  25.598 Loading mod angelspetrochem 0.4.1 (data-final-fixes.lua)
  25.970 Loading mod flowcontrolbobs 0.14.0 (data-final-fixes.lua)
  26.374 Loading mod longer-belts-redux 0.14.3 (data-final-fixes.lua)
  26.923 Loading mod angelsinfiniteores 0.5.4 (data-final-fixes.lua)
  27.294 Loading mod angelslogistics 0.1.1 (data-final-fixes.lua)
  27.678 Checksum for core: 1291735968
  27.678 Checksum for mod all-tiles-stack-to-1k: 3558932609
  27.678 Checksum for mod base: 786624017
  27.678 Checksum for mod FARL: 3325049299
  27.678 Checksum for mod what-is-it-used-for: 3913150713
  27.678 Checksum for mod advanced-logistics-system: 2163846892
  27.678 Checksum for mod artifact-deconstuctor: 0
  27.678 Checksum for mod auto-research: 1737942890
  27.678 Checksum for mod AutoDeconstruct: 0
  27.678 Checksum for mod autofill: 3086359458
  27.678 Checksum for mod Big_Brother: 180679385
  27.678 Checksum for mod Blueprint_Flipper: 213493222
  27.678 Checksum for mod bobconfig: 1774049703
  27.678 Checksum for mod bobinserters: 2966285250
  27.678 Checksum for mod boblibrary: 3645220963
  27.678 Checksum for mod Bottleneck: 4008105457
  27.678 Checksum for mod bullet-trails: 3097468026
  27.678 Checksum for mod color-coding: 1364593114
  27.678 Checksum for mod CopyAssemblerPipeDirection: 0
  27.678 Checksum for mod Crafting_Speed_Research: 3928230558
  27.678 Checksum for mod Enhanced_Map_Colors: 2058466975
  27.678 Checksum for mod EvoGUI: 1040096666
  27.678 Checksum for mod FLAN: 574514439
  27.678 Checksum for mod Flow Control: 2427578159
  27.678 Checksum for mod Foreman: 889675380
  27.678 Checksum for mod GDIW: 1439289939
  27.678 Checksum for mod HandyHands: 1828761107
  27.678 Checksum for mod InitialScan: 0
  27.678 Checksum for mod long-reach-research: 3901688132
  27.678 Checksum for mod ModuleInserter: 1557794654
  27.678 Checksum for mod More_Floors: 1026709371
  27.678 Checksum for mod nixie-tubes: 3456191073
  27.678 Checksum for mod Omnibarrels: 2132636919
  27.678 Checksum for mod Orphan Finder: 169567895
  27.678 Checksum for mod RailTanker: 1260574978
  27.678 Checksum for mod Red Alerts: 1595245396
  27.678 Checksum for mod ScoreExtended: 2617688541
  27.678 Checksum for mod Squeak Through: 1088258958
  27.679 Checksum for mod StoneWaterWell: 538038787
  27.679 Checksum for mod upgrade-planner: 696037660
  27.679 Checksum for mod Warehousing: 3149064619
  27.679 Checksum for mod YARM: 4206050284
  27.679 Checksum for mod bobenemies: 1291207459
  27.679 Checksum for mod boblocale: 0
  27.679 Checksum for mod bobores: 4029799065
  27.679 Checksum for mod bobvehicleequipment: 3240547125
  27.679 Checksum for mod long-loot-research: 2063512167
  27.679 Checksum for mod bobtech: 84910783
  27.679 Checksum for mod rso-mod: 2545235294
  27.679 Checksum for mod bobplates: 674308856
  27.679 Checksum for mod angelsrefining: 611351027
  27.679 Checksum for mod bobassembly: 4145366400
  27.679 Checksum for mod bobelectronics: 422703435
  27.679 Checksum for mod bobgreenhouse: 2288073750
  27.679 Checksum for mod boblogistics: 3474649282
  27.679 Checksum for mod bobmining: 3435149013
  27.679 Checksum for mod bobpower: 3291248052
  27.679 Checksum for mod bobrevamp: 1985954238
  27.679 Checksum for mod add-loader: 2182132170
  27.679 Checksum for mod angelsaddons-oresilos: 1159434045
  27.679 Checksum for mod angelscomponents: 3425253387
  27.679 Checksum for mod angelspetrochem: 2954612889
  27.679 Checksum for mod bobmodules: 1536552859
  27.679 Checksum for mod bobwarfare: 1825633840
  27.679 Checksum for mod flowcontrolbobs: 2715719464
  27.679 Checksum for mod longer-belts-redux: 883706356
  27.679 Checksum for mod angelsaddons-pressuretanks: 1263032783
  27.679 Checksum for mod angelsbioprocessing: 3634188277
  27.679 Checksum for mod angelsinfiniteores: 957701388
  27.679 Checksum for mod angelslogistics: 3497137260
  27.679 Checksum for mod angelssmelting: 3507317914
  27.679 Checksum for mod Laser_Beam_Turrets: 3880469623
  27.679 Checksum for mod LateUpgrades: 730746805
  27.679 Checksum for mod Orbital Ion Cannon: 574120698
  27.679 Checksum for mod SpaceMod: 2727789151
  27.679 Checksum for mod Satellite Uplink Station: 1201537956
  30.507 Info PlayerData.cpp:55: Local player-data.json available, timestamp 1490140163
  30.507 Info PlayerData.cpp:62: Cloud player-data.json unavailable
  31.113 Initial atlas bitmap size is 16384
  31.117 Created atlas bitmap 16384x6689
  31.158 Created atlas bitmap 4096x4096
  31.200 Created atlas bitmap 4096x4088
  31.244 Created atlas bitmap 4096x3948
  31.244 Created atlas bitmap 4096x2016
  31.245 Created atlas bitmap 4096x3652
  62.594 Sprites loaded
  62.594 Convert atlas 4096x4096 to: compressed 
  63.999 Convert atlas 4096x4088 to: compressed 
  65.334 Convert atlas 4096x3948 to: compressed 
  66.390 Convert atlas 4096x2016 to: trilinear-filtering 
  66.461 Convert atlas 4096x3652 to: mipmap 
  67.619 Loading sounds...
  69.900 Custom inputs active: 26
  69.972 Factorio initialised
  81.151 Info UDPSocket.cpp:27: Opening socket at (
  81.152 Info UDPSocket.cpp:27: Opening socket at (
  83.978 Info UDPSocket.cpp:235: Socket closed
  84.041 Info UDPSocket.cpp:235: Socket closed
  84.044 Joining game
  84.044 Info UDPSocket.cpp:33: Opening socket
  84.045 Info ClientMultiplayerManager.cpp:539: MapTick(-1) changing state from(Ready) to(Connecting)
  84.078 Connection refused
  84.087 Info ClientMultiplayerManager.cpp:177: Quitting multiplayer connection.
  84.087 Info ClientMultiplayerManager.cpp:539: MapTick(-1) changing state from(Connecting) to(Disconnected)
  84.179 Info UDPSocket.cpp:235: Socket closed
  87.292 Joining game
  87.293 Info UDPSocket.cpp:33: Opening socket
  87.293 Info ClientMultiplayerManager.cpp:539: MapTick(-1) changing state from(Ready) to(Connecting)
  87.344 Info ClientSynchronizer.cpp:34: Initialized Synchronizer local peer(1) latency(32).
  87.344 Info ClientMultiplayerManager.cpp:539: MapTick(-1) changing state from(Connecting) to(ConnectedWaitingForMap)
  87.344 Info ClientRouter.cpp:219: ConnectionAccepted
  90.028 Info ClientMultiplayerManager.cpp:669: Received mapReadyForDownload
  90.028 Downloading file C:\Users\Jurgen Pc\AppData\Roaming\Factorio\temp\mp-download.zip (21685674 B, 43199 blocks)
  90.029 Info ClientMultiplayerManager.cpp:539: MapTick(-1) changing state from(ConnectedWaitingForMap) to(ConnectedDownloadingMap)
  92.212 Finished download (2 s, 21 MB, 9.9 MB/s)
  92.351 Info ClientMultiplayerManager.cpp:650: mapTick(-1) map download finished creating scenario
  92.351 Info ClientMultiplayerManager.cpp:539: MapTick(-1) changing state from(ConnectedDownloadingMap) to(ConnectedLoadingMap)
  92.352 Loading map C:\Users\Jurgen Pc\AppData\Roaming\Factorio\temp\mp-download.zip
  92.402 Info Scenario.cpp:152: Map version 0.14.22-0
  95.518 Checksum for script C:/Users/Jurgen Pc/AppData/Roaming/Factorio/temp/currently-playing/control.lua: 1057114497
  95.532 Checksum for script __FARL__/control.lua: 2794579332
  95.534 Checksum for script __what-is-it-used-for__/control.lua: 293016820
  95.544 Checksum for script __advanced-logistics-system__/control.lua: 4246309343
  95.546 Checksum for script __artifact-deconstuctor__/control.lua: 3645274775
  95.547 Checksum for script __auto-research__/control.lua: 890816168
  95.550 Checksum for script __AutoDeconstruct__/control.lua: 4247438605
  95.556 Checksum for script __autofill__/control.lua: 1591109431
  95.562 Checksum for script __Big_Brother__/control.lua: 2900820270
  95.563 Checksum for script __Blueprint_Flipper__/control.lua: 2485142552
  95.567 Checksum for script __bobinserters__/control.lua: 733646391
  95.569 Checksum for script __Bottleneck__/control.lua: 539679015
  95.571 Checksum for script __CopyAssemblerPipeDirection__/control.lua: 2343582375
  95.572 Checksum for script __Crafting_Speed_Research__/control.lua: 1826326919
  95.573 Checksum for script __Enhanced_Map_Colors__/control.lua: 3669121904
  95.578 Checksum for script __EvoGUI__/control.lua: 3075659584
  95.580 Checksum for script __FLAN__/control.lua: 1226841149
  95.581 Checksum for script __Flow Control__/control.lua: 3027294436
  95.604 Checksum for script __Foreman__/control.lua: 2230170983
  95.605 Checksum for script __GDIW__/control.lua: 597420826
  95.607 Checksum for script __HandyHands__/control.lua: 922340473
  95.608 Checksum for script __InitialScan__/control.lua: 1873624607
  95.610 Checksum for script __long-reach-research__/control.lua: 1164165240
  95.613 Checksum for script __ModuleInserter__/control.lua: 2637225382
  95.616 Checksum for script __nixie-tubes__/control.lua: 4264452596
  95.618 Checksum for script __Orphan Finder__/control.lua: 155176166
  95.620 Checksum for script __RailTanker__/control.lua: 2344758156
  95.622 Checksum for script __Red Alerts__/control.lua: 3369270117
  95.625 Checksum for script __ScoreExtended__/control.lua: 4146191189
  95.627 Checksum for script __StoneWaterWell__/control.lua: 4261078911
  95.630 Checksum for script __upgrade-planner__/control.lua: 2594213730
  95.631 Checksum for script __Warehousing__/control.lua: 4246273150
  95.635 Checksum for script __YARM__/control.lua: 619421599
  95.637 Checksum for script __bobores__/control.lua: 3601237961
  95.638 Checksum for script __long-loot-research__/control.lua: 2609844052
  95.654 Checksum for script __rso-mod__/control.lua: 1928144952
  95.655 Checksum for script __angelsrefining__/control.lua: 884011260
  95.657 Checksum for script __boblogistics__/control.lua: 1852913318
  95.658 Checksum for script __add-loader__/control.lua: 1462944630
  95.660 Checksum for script __flowcontrolbobs__/control.lua: 1920800109
  95.664 Checksum for script __Orbital Ion Cannon__/control.lua: 793905272
  95.666 Checksum for script __SpaceMod__/control.lua: 977979184
  95.668 Checksum for script __Satellite Uplink Station__/control.lua: 1656246971
  97.342 Info ClientMultiplayerManager.cpp:539: MapTick(14670084) changing state from(ConnectedLoadingMap) to(TryingToCatchUp)
 127.806 Info ClientMultiplayerManager.cpp:539: MapTick(14671673) changing state from(TryingToCatchUp) to(WaitingForCommandToStartSendingTickClosures)
 127.866 Info ClientMultiplayerManager.cpp:539: MapTick(14671673) changing state from(WaitingForCommandToStartSendingTickClosures) to(InGame)
 127.938 Info GameActionHandler.cpp:2556: MapTick(14671676) processed PlayerJoinGame peerID(1) playerIndex(0) mode(connect)
 137.933 Info ClientSynchronizer.cpp:255: Changing local latency from 32 to 11 (nextTickToSend: 14672130, ticksClientWillJumpOver: 0 {})
 152.247 Info ClientSynchronizer.cpp:255: Changing local latency from 11 to 10 (nextTickToSend: 14672708, ticksClientWillJumpOver: 0 {})
 172.628 Info ClientSynchronizer.cpp:255: Changing local latency from 10 to 16 (nextTickToSend: 14673581, ticksClientWillJumpOver: 20 {14673581, 14673582, 14673583, 14673584, 14673585, 14673586, 14673587, 14673588, 14673589, 14673590, 14673591, 14673592, 14673593, 14673594, 14673595, 14673596, 14673597, 14673598, 14673599, 14673600})
 182.703 Info ClientSynchronizer.cpp:255: Changing local latency from 16 to 19 (nextTickToSend: 14674078, ticksClientWillJumpOver: 122 {14674078, 14674079, 14674080, 14674081, 14674082, 14674083, 14674084, 14674085, 14674086, 14674087, 14674088, 14674089, 14674090, 14674091, 14674092, 14674093, 14674094, 14674095, 14674096, 14674097, 14674098, 14674099, 14674100, 14674101, 14674102, 14674103, 14674104, 14674105, 14674106, 14674107, 14674108, 14674109, 14674110, 14674111, 14674112, 14674113, 14674114, 14674115, 14674116, 14674117, 14674118, 14674119, 14674120, 14674121, 14674122, 14674123, 14674124, 14674125, 14674126, 14674127, 14674128, 14674129, 14674130, 14674131, 14674132, 14674133, 14674134, 14674135, 14674136, 14674137, 14674138, 14674139, 14674140, 14674141, 14674142, 14674143, 14674144, 14674145, 14674146, 14674147, 14674148, 14674149, 14674150, 14674151, 14674152, 14674153, 14674154, 14674155, 14674156, 14674157, 14674158, 14674159, 14674160, 14674161, 14674162, 14674163, 14674164, 14674165, 14674166, 14674167, 14674168, 14674169, 14674170, 14674171, 14674172, 14674173, 14674174, 14674175, 14674176, 14674177, 14674178, 14674179, 14674180, 14674181, 14674182, 14674183, 14674184, 14674185, 14674186, 14674187, 14674188, 14674189, 14674190, 14674191, 14674192, 14674193, 14674194, 14674195, 14674196, 14674197, 14674198, 14674199})
 229.202 Info ClientMultiplayerManager.cpp:129: Disconnecting multiplayer connection.
 229.202 Info ClientMultiplayerManager.cpp:539: MapTick(14676297) changing state from(InGame) to(DisconnectScheduled)
 229.210 Info ClientMultiplayerManager.cpp:539: MapTick(14676297) changing state from(DisconnectScheduled) to(WaitingForDisconnectConfirmation)
 229.301 Info ClientMultiplayerManager.cpp:539: MapTick(14676297) changing state from(WaitingForDisconnectConfirmation) to(Disconnected)
 229.302 Info ClientMultiplayerManager.cpp:773: Disconnect notification for peer (1)
 230.166 Info UDPSocket.cpp:235: Socket closed
 233.017 DSound: Stopping voice
 233.018 DSound: Joining thread
 233.022 DSound: Exit _dsound_update; tid=9648
 233.022 DSound: Waiting for voice to stop ... signaled
 233.022 DSound: Joined thread
 233.022 DSound: Destroying thread
 233.022 DSound: Thread destroyed
 233.022 DSound: Releasing buffer
 233.022 DSound: Voice stopped
 233.022 DSound: Deallocating voice
 233.022 DSound: Deallocated voice
 233.193 Steam API shutdown.
 233.197 Goodbye
Long Handed Inserter
Long Handed Inserter
Posts: 52
Joined: Fri Mar 17, 2017 4:28 pm

Re: Headless server - Lan play unable to keep up

Post by Caennanu »

2nd session, local play login to make screenshot. 2nd login via server browser with disconnect.

Code: Select all

   0.002 2017-03-22 16:50:08; Factorio 0.14.22 (build 25342, win64, steam)
   0.002 Operating system: Windows 10 (version 1607) 
   0.002 Program arguments: "D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Factorio\bin\x64\Factorio.exe" 
   0.002 Read data path: D:/Steam/steamapps/common/Factorio/data
   0.002 Write data path: C:/Users/Jurgen Pc/AppData/Roaming/Factorio
   0.002 Binaries path: D:/Steam/steamapps/common/Factorio/bin
   0.020 System info: [CPU: AMD FX(tm)-8320 Eight-Core Processor           , 8 cores, RAM: 24533MB]
   0.021 Display options: [FullScreen: 1] [VSync: 0] [UIScale: 100%] [MultiSampling: OFF] [Screen: 255]
   0.027 Available display adapters: 2
   0.027  [0]: \\.\DISPLAY1 - AMD Radeon R9 200 Series {0x80005, [0,0], 1920x1080, 32bit, 59Hz}
   0.027  [1]: \\.\DISPLAY2 - AMD Radeon R9 200 Series {0x80001, [-1920,0], 1920x1080, 32bit, 59Hz}
   0.029 Create display on adapter 0. Size 1280x720 at position [310, 162].
   0.145 Initialised Direct3D:[0] AMD Radeon R9 200 Series; driver: aticfx64.dll 21.19.407.0
   0.151     Video memory size (dedicated video/dedicated system/shared system/available): 3053/0/12266/4088 MB
   0.216 DSound: Starting _dsound_update thread
   0.217 DSound: Enter _dsound_update; tid=8928
   0.218 Device reset internal.
   0.224 Desktop composition is active.
   0.225 Graphics options: [Graphics quality: normal] [Video memory usage: high] [Light scale: 25%] [DXT: auto]
   0.562 Loading mod core 0.0.0 (data.lua)
   0.569 Loading mod base 0.14.22 (data.lua)
   0.705 Loading mod FARL 0.7.4 (data.lua)
   0.785 Loading mod what-is-it-used-for 1.1.5 (data.lua)
   0.870 Loading mod advanced-logistics-system 0.4.0 (data.lua)
   0.959 Loading mod auto-research 2.2.1 (data.lua)
   1.043 Loading mod autofill 1.4.6 (data.lua)
   1.154 Loading mod Big_Brother 0.3.3 (data.lua)
   1.259 Loading mod Blueprint_Flipper 0.1.8 (data.lua)
   1.357 Loading mod bobconfig 0.14.0 (data.lua)
   1.489 Loading mod bobinserters 0.14.3 (data.lua)
   1.594 Loading mod boblibrary 0.14.3 (data.lua)
   1.697 Loading mod Bottleneck 0.6.2 (data.lua)
   1.800 Loading mod bullet-trails 0.1.2 (data.lua)
   1.900 Loading mod color-coding 1.1.1 (data.lua)
   2.050 Loading mod Crafting_Speed_Research 0.1.4 (data.lua)
   2.148 Loading mod Enhanced_Map_Colors 1.3.9 (data.lua)
   2.246 Loading mod EvoGUI 0.4.108 (data.lua)
   2.352 Loading mod FLAN 1.0.3 (data.lua)
   2.510 Loading mod Flow Control 2.1.4 (data.lua)
   2.614 Loading mod Foreman 1.1.5 (data.lua)
   2.719 Loading mod HandyHands 1.4.0 (data.lua)
   2.833 Loading mod long-reach-research 0.2.1 (data.lua)
   2.993 Loading mod ModuleInserter 1.0.0 (data.lua)
   3.099 Loading mod More_Floors 1.2.0 (data.lua)
   3.225 Loading mod nixie-tubes 0.14.12 (data.lua)
   3.375 Loading mod Orphan Finder 1.0.3 (data.lua)
   3.491 Loading mod RailTanker 1.4.0 (data.lua)
   3.642 Loading mod Red Alerts 1.1.2 (data.lua)
   3.762 Loading mod ScoreExtended 1.0.22 (data.lua)
   3.889 Loading mod StoneWaterWell 1.0.2 (data.lua)
   4.054 Loading mod upgrade-planner 1.2.14 (data.lua)
   4.169 Loading mod Warehousing 0.0.11 (data.lua)
   4.288 Loading mod YARM 0.7.108 (data.lua)
   4.416 Loading mod bobenemies 0.14.0 (data.lua)
   4.602 Loading mod bobores 0.14.0 (data.lua)
   4.736 Loading mod bobvehicleequipment 0.14.2 (data.lua)
   4.886 Loading mod long-loot-research 0.1.1 (data.lua)
   5.068 Loading mod bobtech 0.14.0 (data.lua)
   5.223 Loading mod rso-mod 2.3.5 (data.lua)
   5.366 Loading mod bobplates 0.14.0 (data.lua)
   5.538 Loading mod angelsrefining 0.6.5 (data.lua)
   5.776 Loading mod bobassembly 0.14.0 (data.lua)
   5.956 Loading mod bobelectronics 0.14.0 (data.lua)
   6.142 Loading mod bobgreenhouse 0.14.0 (data.lua)
   6.327 Loading mod boblogistics 0.14.5 (data.lua)
   6.592 Loading mod bobmining 0.14.0 (data.lua)
   6.791 Loading mod bobpower 0.14.0 (data.lua)
   7.006 Loading mod bobrevamp 0.14.2 (data.lua)
   7.228 Loading mod add-loader 0.0.8 (data.lua)
   7.525 Loading mod angelsaddons-oresilos 0.2.2 (data.lua)
   7.741 Loading mod angelscomponents 0.1.0 (data.lua)
   7.961 Loading mod angelspetrochem 0.4.1 (data.lua)
   8.260 Loading mod bobmodules 0.14.2 (data.lua)
   8.503 Loading mod bobwarfare 0.14.2 (data.lua)
   8.845 Loading mod flowcontrolbobs 0.14.0 (data.lua)
   9.093 Loading mod angelsaddons-pressuretanks 0.1.1 (data.lua)
   9.368 Loading mod angelsbioprocessing 0.3.0 (data.lua)
   9.748 Loading mod angelsinfiniteores 0.5.4 (data.lua)
  10.017 Loading mod angelslogistics 0.1.1 (data.lua)
  10.287 Loading mod angelssmelting 0.1.3 (data.lua)
  10.591 Loading mod Laser_Beam_Turrets 0.1.8 (data.lua)
  10.980 Loading mod LateUpgrades 0.2.2 (data.lua)
  11.282 Loading mod Orbital Ion Cannon 1.4.6 (data.lua)
  11.611 Loading mod SpaceMod 0.2.3 (data.lua)
  11.615 Script technology-functions.lua:155: Technology electric-energy-accumulators-4 does not exist.
  12.002 Loading mod Satellite Uplink Station 1.0.6 (data.lua)
  12.303 Loading mod FARL 0.7.4 (data-updates.lua)
  12.625 Loading mod Big_Brother 0.3.3 (data-updates.lua)
  13.021 Loading mod bobconfig 0.14.0 (data-updates.lua)
  13.320 Loading mod bobinserters 0.14.3 (data-updates.lua)
  13.639 Loading mod bullet-trails 0.1.2 (data-updates.lua)
  13.965 Loading mod Enhanced_Map_Colors 1.3.9 (data-updates.lua)
  14.388 Loading mod Omnibarrels 1.1.3 (data-updates.lua)
  14.698 Loading mod Squeak Through 1.1.6 (data-updates.lua)
  14.989 Loading mod bobenemies 0.14.0 (data-updates.lua)
  15.343 Loading mod bobores 0.14.0 (data-updates.lua)
  15.845 Loading mod bobvehicleequipment 0.14.2 (data-updates.lua)
  15.847 Script technology-functions.lua:152: Technology vehicle-big-turret-4 does not exist.
  16.160 Loading mod bobtech 0.14.0 (data-updates.lua)
  16.488 Loading mod rso-mod 2.3.5 (data-updates.lua)
  16.926 Loading mod bobplates 0.14.0 (data-updates.lua)
  17.249 Loading mod angelsrefining 0.6.5 (data-updates.lua)
  17.620 Loading mod bobassembly 0.14.0 (data-updates.lua)
  18.065 Loading mod bobelectronics 0.14.0 (data-updates.lua)
  18.394 Loading mod bobgreenhouse 0.14.0 (data-updates.lua)
  18.734 Loading mod boblogistics 0.14.5 (data-updates.lua)
  19.185 Loading mod bobmining 0.14.0 (data-updates.lua)
  19.188 Script technology-functions.lua:152: Technology water-miner-2 does not exist.
  19.188 Script technology-functions.lua:152: Technology water-miner-3 does not exist.
  19.189 Script technology-functions.lua:152: Technology water-miner-3 does not exist.
  19.189 Script technology-functions.lua:152: Technology water-miner-3 does not exist.
  19.189 Script technology-functions.lua:152: Technology water-miner-4 does not exist.
  19.189 Script technology-functions.lua:152: Technology water-miner-4 does not exist.
  19.189 Script technology-functions.lua:152: Technology water-miner-4 does not exist.
  19.189 Script technology-functions.lua:24: Technology water-miner-5 does not exist.
  19.189 Script technology-functions.lua:152: Technology water-miner-5 does not exist.
  19.189 Script technology-functions.lua:152: Technology water-miner-5 does not exist.
  19.189 Script technology-functions.lua:152: Technology water-miner-5 does not exist.
  19.189 Script technology-functions.lua:152: Technology water-miner-5 does not exist.
  19.523 Loading mod bobpower 0.14.0 (data-updates.lua)
  19.946 Loading mod bobrevamp 0.14.2 (data-updates.lua)
  20.281 Loading mod angelspetrochem 0.4.1 (data-updates.lua)
  20.664 Loading mod bobmodules 0.14.2 (data-updates.lua)
  21.128 Loading mod bobwarfare 0.14.2 (data-updates.lua)
  21.478 Loading mod angelsbioprocessing 0.3.0 (data-updates.lua)
  21.861 Loading mod angelslogistics 0.1.1 (data-updates.lua)
  22.341 Loading mod angelssmelting 0.1.3 (data-updates.lua)
  22.687 Loading mod Orbital Ion Cannon 1.4.6 (data-updates.lua)
  23.051 Loading mod all-tiles-stack-to-1k 1.0.0 (data-final-fixes.lua)
  23.513 Loading mod FARL 0.7.4 (data-final-fixes.lua)
  23.853 Loading mod GDIW 0.14.13 (data-final-fixes.lua)
  24.262 Loading mod ModuleInserter 1.0.0 (data-final-fixes.lua)
  24.761 Loading mod RailTanker 1.4.0 (data-final-fixes.lua)
  25.128 Loading mod bobelectronics 0.14.0 (data-final-fixes.lua)
  25.548 Loading mod angelspetrochem 0.4.1 (data-final-fixes.lua)
  25.977 Loading mod flowcontrolbobs 0.14.0 (data-final-fixes.lua)
  26.563 Loading mod longer-belts-redux 0.14.3 (data-final-fixes.lua)
  26.953 Loading mod angelsinfiniteores 0.5.4 (data-final-fixes.lua)
  27.357 Loading mod angelslogistics 0.1.1 (data-final-fixes.lua)
  27.916 Checksum for core: 1291735968
  27.916 Checksum for mod all-tiles-stack-to-1k: 3558932609
  27.916 Checksum for mod base: 786624017
  27.916 Checksum for mod FARL: 3325049299
  27.916 Checksum for mod what-is-it-used-for: 3913150713
  27.916 Checksum for mod advanced-logistics-system: 2163846892
  27.916 Checksum for mod artifact-deconstuctor: 0
  27.916 Checksum for mod auto-research: 1737942890
  27.916 Checksum for mod AutoDeconstruct: 0
  27.916 Checksum for mod autofill: 3086359458
  27.916 Checksum for mod Big_Brother: 180679385
  27.916 Checksum for mod Blueprint_Flipper: 213493222
  27.916 Checksum for mod bobconfig: 1774049703
  27.916 Checksum for mod bobinserters: 2966285250
  27.916 Checksum for mod boblibrary: 3645220963
  27.916 Checksum for mod Bottleneck: 4008105457
  27.916 Checksum for mod bullet-trails: 3097468026
  27.916 Checksum for mod color-coding: 1364593114
  27.916 Checksum for mod CopyAssemblerPipeDirection: 0
  27.916 Checksum for mod Crafting_Speed_Research: 3928230558
  27.916 Checksum for mod Enhanced_Map_Colors: 2058466975
  27.916 Checksum for mod EvoGUI: 1040096666
  27.916 Checksum for mod FLAN: 574514439
  27.916 Checksum for mod Flow Control: 2427578159
  27.916 Checksum for mod Foreman: 889675380
  27.916 Checksum for mod GDIW: 1439289939
  27.916 Checksum for mod HandyHands: 1828761107
  27.916 Checksum for mod InitialScan: 0
  27.916 Checksum for mod long-reach-research: 3901688132
  27.916 Checksum for mod ModuleInserter: 1557794654
  27.916 Checksum for mod More_Floors: 1026709371
  27.916 Checksum for mod nixie-tubes: 3456191073
  27.916 Checksum for mod Omnibarrels: 2132636919
  27.916 Checksum for mod Orphan Finder: 169567895
  27.916 Checksum for mod RailTanker: 1260574978
  27.917 Checksum for mod Red Alerts: 1595245396
  27.917 Checksum for mod ScoreExtended: 2617688541
  27.917 Checksum for mod Squeak Through: 1088258958
  27.917 Checksum for mod StoneWaterWell: 538038787
  27.917 Checksum for mod upgrade-planner: 696037660
  27.917 Checksum for mod Warehousing: 3149064619
  27.917 Checksum for mod YARM: 4206050284
  27.917 Checksum for mod bobenemies: 1291207459
  27.917 Checksum for mod boblocale: 0
  27.917 Checksum for mod bobores: 4029799065
  27.917 Checksum for mod bobvehicleequipment: 3240547125
  27.917 Checksum for mod long-loot-research: 2063512167
  27.917 Checksum for mod bobtech: 84910783
  27.917 Checksum for mod rso-mod: 2545235294
  27.917 Checksum for mod bobplates: 674308856
  27.917 Checksum for mod angelsrefining: 611351027
  27.917 Checksum for mod bobassembly: 4145366400
  27.917 Checksum for mod bobelectronics: 422703435
  27.917 Checksum for mod bobgreenhouse: 2288073750
  27.917 Checksum for mod boblogistics: 3474649282
  27.917 Checksum for mod bobmining: 3435149013
  27.917 Checksum for mod bobpower: 3291248052
  27.917 Checksum for mod bobrevamp: 1985954238
  27.917 Checksum for mod add-loader: 2182132170
  27.917 Checksum for mod angelsaddons-oresilos: 1159434045
  27.917 Checksum for mod angelscomponents: 3425253387
  27.917 Checksum for mod angelspetrochem: 2954612889
  27.917 Checksum for mod bobmodules: 1536552859
  27.917 Checksum for mod bobwarfare: 1825633840
  27.917 Checksum for mod flowcontrolbobs: 2715719464
  27.917 Checksum for mod longer-belts-redux: 883706356
  27.917 Checksum for mod angelsaddons-pressuretanks: 1263032783
  27.917 Checksum for mod angelsbioprocessing: 3634188277
  27.917 Checksum for mod angelsinfiniteores: 957701388
  27.917 Checksum for mod angelslogistics: 3497137260
  27.917 Checksum for mod angelssmelting: 3507317914
  27.917 Checksum for mod Laser_Beam_Turrets: 3880469623
  27.917 Checksum for mod LateUpgrades: 730746805
  27.917 Checksum for mod Orbital Ion Cannon: 574120698
  27.917 Checksum for mod SpaceMod: 2727789151
  27.917 Checksum for mod Satellite Uplink Station: 1201537956
  30.536 Info PlayerData.cpp:55: Local player-data.json available, timestamp 1490197528
  30.536 Info PlayerData.cpp:62: Cloud player-data.json unavailable
  31.127 Initial atlas bitmap size is 16384
  31.131 Created atlas bitmap 16384x6689
  31.175 Created atlas bitmap 4096x4096
  31.222 Created atlas bitmap 4096x4088
  31.266 Created atlas bitmap 4096x3948
  31.267 Created atlas bitmap 4096x2016
  31.268 Created atlas bitmap 4096x3652
  61.387 Sprites loaded
  61.387 Convert atlas 4096x4096 to: compressed 
  62.791 Convert atlas 4096x4088 to: compressed 
  64.149 Convert atlas 4096x3948 to: compressed 
  65.169 Convert atlas 4096x2016 to: trilinear-filtering 
  65.243 Convert atlas 4096x3652 to: mipmap 
  66.384 Loading sounds...
  68.326 Custom inputs active: 26
  68.374 Factorio initialised
 108.380 Info UDPSocket.cpp:27: Opening socket at (
 108.381 Info UDPSocket.cpp:27: Opening socket at (
 110.760 Info UDPSocket.cpp:235: Socket closed
 110.786 Info UDPSocket.cpp:235: Socket closed
 110.787 Joining game
 110.787 Info UDPSocket.cpp:33: Opening socket
 110.788 Info ClientMultiplayerManager.cpp:539: MapTick(-1) changing state from(Ready) to(Connecting)
 110.833 Connection refused
 110.833 Info ClientMultiplayerManager.cpp:177: Quitting multiplayer connection.
 110.833 Info ClientMultiplayerManager.cpp:539: MapTick(-1) changing state from(Connecting) to(Disconnected)
 110.924 Info UDPSocket.cpp:235: Socket closed
 113.662 Joining game
 113.662 Info UDPSocket.cpp:33: Opening socket
 113.663 Info ClientMultiplayerManager.cpp:539: MapTick(-1) changing state from(Ready) to(Connecting)
 113.717 Info ClientSynchronizer.cpp:34: Initialized Synchronizer local peer(1) latency(32).
 113.717 Info ClientMultiplayerManager.cpp:539: MapTick(-1) changing state from(Connecting) to(ConnectedWaitingForMap)
 113.717 Info ClientRouter.cpp:219: ConnectionAccepted
 116.232 Info ClientMultiplayerManager.cpp:669: Received mapReadyForDownload
 116.233 Downloading file C:\Users\Jurgen Pc\AppData\Roaming\Factorio\temp\mp-download.zip (21654355 B, 43137 blocks)
 116.234 Info ClientMultiplayerManager.cpp:539: MapTick(-1) changing state from(ConnectedWaitingForMap) to(ConnectedDownloadingMap)
 118.507 Finished download (2 s, 21 MB, 9.5 MB/s)
 118.641 Info ClientMultiplayerManager.cpp:650: mapTick(-1) map download finished creating scenario
 118.641 Loading map C:\Users\Jurgen Pc\AppData\Roaming\Factorio\temp\mp-download.zip
 118.641 Info ClientMultiplayerManager.cpp:539: MapTick(-1) changing state from(ConnectedDownloadingMap) to(ConnectedLoadingMap)
 118.687 Info Scenario.cpp:152: Map version 0.14.22-0
 121.811 Checksum for script C:/Users/Jurgen Pc/AppData/Roaming/Factorio/temp/currently-playing/control.lua: 1057114497
 121.823 Checksum for script __FARL__/control.lua: 2794579332
 121.825 Checksum for script __what-is-it-used-for__/control.lua: 293016820
 121.835 Checksum for script __advanced-logistics-system__/control.lua: 4246309343
 121.836 Checksum for script __artifact-deconstuctor__/control.lua: 3645274775
 121.838 Checksum for script __auto-research__/control.lua: 890816168
 121.841 Checksum for script __AutoDeconstruct__/control.lua: 4247438605
 121.847 Checksum for script __autofill__/control.lua: 1591109431
 121.852 Checksum for script __Big_Brother__/control.lua: 2900820270
 121.854 Checksum for script __Blueprint_Flipper__/control.lua: 2485142552
 121.857 Checksum for script __bobinserters__/control.lua: 733646391
 121.859 Checksum for script __Bottleneck__/control.lua: 539679015
 121.860 Checksum for script __CopyAssemblerPipeDirection__/control.lua: 2343582375
 121.861 Checksum for script __Crafting_Speed_Research__/control.lua: 1826326919
 121.863 Checksum for script __Enhanced_Map_Colors__/control.lua: 3669121904
 121.868 Checksum for script __EvoGUI__/control.lua: 3075659584
 121.869 Checksum for script __FLAN__/control.lua: 1226841149
 121.870 Checksum for script __Flow Control__/control.lua: 3027294436
 121.887 Checksum for script __Foreman__/control.lua: 2230170983
 121.888 Checksum for script __GDIW__/control.lua: 597420826
 121.890 Checksum for script __HandyHands__/control.lua: 922340473
 121.891 Checksum for script __InitialScan__/control.lua: 1873624607
 121.892 Checksum for script __long-reach-research__/control.lua: 1164165240
 121.896 Checksum for script __ModuleInserter__/control.lua: 2637225382
 121.898 Checksum for script __nixie-tubes__/control.lua: 4264452596
 121.900 Checksum for script __Orphan Finder__/control.lua: 155176166
 121.901 Checksum for script __RailTanker__/control.lua: 2344758156
 121.904 Checksum for script __Red Alerts__/control.lua: 3369270117
 121.907 Checksum for script __ScoreExtended__/control.lua: 4146191189
 121.909 Checksum for script __StoneWaterWell__/control.lua: 4261078911
 121.911 Checksum for script __upgrade-planner__/control.lua: 2594213730
 121.912 Checksum for script __Warehousing__/control.lua: 4246273150
 121.917 Checksum for script __YARM__/control.lua: 619421599
 121.918 Checksum for script __bobores__/control.lua: 3601237961
 121.919 Checksum for script __long-loot-research__/control.lua: 2609844052
 121.935 Checksum for script __rso-mod__/control.lua: 1928144952
 121.936 Checksum for script __angelsrefining__/control.lua: 884011260
 121.938 Checksum for script __boblogistics__/control.lua: 1852913318
 121.940 Checksum for script __add-loader__/control.lua: 1462944630
 121.941 Checksum for script __flowcontrolbobs__/control.lua: 1920800109
 121.945 Checksum for script __Orbital Ion Cannon__/control.lua: 793905272
 121.947 Checksum for script __SpaceMod__/control.lua: 977979184
 121.949 Checksum for script __Satellite Uplink Station__/control.lua: 1656246971
 123.662 Info ClientMultiplayerManager.cpp:539: MapTick(14676308) changing state from(ConnectedLoadingMap) to(TryingToCatchUp)
 160.459 Info ClientMultiplayerManager.cpp:539: MapTick(14678169) changing state from(TryingToCatchUp) to(WaitingForCommandToStartSendingTickClosures)
 160.566 Info ClientMultiplayerManager.cpp:539: MapTick(14678169) changing state from(WaitingForCommandToStartSendingTickClosures) to(InGame)
 160.662 Info GameActionHandler.cpp:2556: MapTick(14678173) processed PlayerJoinGame peerID(2) playerIndex(0) mode(connect)
 172.612 Info ClientSynchronizer.cpp:255: Changing local latency from 32 to 31 (nextTickToSend: 14678705, ticksClientWillJumpOver: 0 {})
 226.800 Info ClientMultiplayerManager.cpp:129: Disconnecting multiplayer connection.
 226.800 Info ClientMultiplayerManager.cpp:539: MapTick(14681139) changing state from(InGame) to(DisconnectScheduled)
 226.805 Info ClientMultiplayerManager.cpp:539: MapTick(14681139) changing state from(DisconnectScheduled) to(WaitingForDisconnectConfirmation)
 226.875 Info ClientMultiplayerManager.cpp:539: MapTick(14681139) changing state from(WaitingForDisconnectConfirmation) to(Disconnected)
 226.875 Info ClientMultiplayerManager.cpp:773: Disconnect notification for peer (2)
 227.753 Info UDPSocket.cpp:235: Socket closed
 233.650 Info UDPSocket.cpp:27: Opening socket at (
 238.793 Info UDPSocket.cpp:235: Socket closed
 238.794 Joining game
 238.794 Info UDPSocket.cpp:33: Opening socket
 238.794 Info ClientMultiplayerManager.cpp:539: MapTick(-1) changing state from(Ready) to(Connecting)
 238.840 Connection refused
 238.840 Info ClientMultiplayerManager.cpp:177: Quitting multiplayer connection.
 238.840 Info ClientMultiplayerManager.cpp:539: MapTick(-1) changing state from(Connecting) to(Disconnected)
 238.929 Info UDPSocket.cpp:235: Socket closed
 242.128 Joining game
 242.128 Info UDPSocket.cpp:33: Opening socket
 242.129 Info ClientMultiplayerManager.cpp:539: MapTick(-1) changing state from(Ready) to(Connecting)
 242.173 Info ClientSynchronizer.cpp:34: Initialized Synchronizer local peer(1) latency(32).
 242.174 Info ClientMultiplayerManager.cpp:539: MapTick(-1) changing state from(Connecting) to(ConnectedWaitingForMap)
 242.174 Info ClientRouter.cpp:219: ConnectionAccepted
 244.574 Info ClientMultiplayerManager.cpp:669: Received mapReadyForDownload
 244.574 Downloading file C:\Users\Jurgen Pc\AppData\Roaming\Factorio\temp\mp-download.zip (21553739 B, 42936 blocks)
 244.579 Info ClientMultiplayerManager.cpp:539: MapTick(-1) changing state from(ConnectedWaitingForMap) to(ConnectedDownloadingMap)
 265.940 Info ClientMultiplayerManager.cpp:539: MapTick(-1) changing state from(ConnectedDownloadingMap) to(WaitingForUserToSaveOrQuitAfterServerLeft)
 275.175 Info ClientMultiplayerManager.cpp:177: Quitting multiplayer connection.
 275.175 Info ClientMultiplayerManager.cpp:539: MapTick(-1) changing state from(WaitingForUserToSaveOrQuitAfterServerLeft) to(Disconnected)
 275.247 Info UDPSocket.cpp:235: Socket closed
 277.501 DSound: Stopping voice
 277.501 DSound: Joining thread
 277.505 DSound: Exit _dsound_update; tid=8928
 277.505 DSound: Waiting for voice to stop ... signaled
 277.505 DSound: Joined thread
 277.505 DSound: Destroying thread
 277.505 DSound: Thread destroyed
 277.505 DSound: Releasing buffer
 277.505 DSound: Voice stopped
 277.506 DSound: Deallocating voice
 277.506 DSound: Deallocated voice
 277.588 Steam API shutdown.
 277.592 Goodbye
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Re: Headless server - Lan play unable to keep up

Post by Caennanu »

so since i've tried just about everything i can think off, i started to brainstorm.
Could it be possible that i have to buy a 2nd copy and create a 2nd factorio account just to run an headless server?
Cause if that is so, the authentication simply fails because its the same account. Anyone have any experience with this?
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Re: Headless server - Lan play unable to keep up

Post by Loewchen »

I think there are two issues. The first is that you can not keep up with the server (when you are able to connect) and this is simply caused by your machine not being fast enough.
The second issue is the loss of connection, this might be caused by the client pc changing its port, but I would expect additional messages in the log, so I am not sure.
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Re: Headless server - Lan play unable to keep up

Post by orzelek »

Looking at that screenshot you packet your base with a lot of CPU heavy mods.
You could try to set game speed to 0.05 and see if it helps in any way - but your update times are extreme.
I would need to see the file to say more but my guess is that factory is very big or has a lot of containers with high amount of slots.
Or some bugged combination that leads to very high entity processing time. And on top of that you have heavy script use from add loader, FLAN, bottleneck and very high from stone water well.

With all of this going on my guess is that badwith usage might be pretty high due to all global tables that are synced between mods - you are stressing the network code pretty well and something started failing.
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Re: Headless server - Lan play unable to keep up

Post by HOSH »

Not a mod or anything, but we had this same issue with the dedicated servers hosted on a separate Windows computer on the LAN/WAN (over VPN) an Intel Gen6 i5 that went 3.6 Ghz to 4.2 Ghz.

We first tried and could not slow it down with core ratios since it was a dell cheap box... So I created a Ubuntu Server 16.x LTS Linux VM on my run of the mill micro-desktop that runs i5-4590T at 2 GHz to 3 Ghz and low and behold not as many issues on LAN, WAN (VPN), or even Internet Private Server with a password. My friend then tried on one of his laptops that had a similar processor under windows hosting a LAN game and not as many issues either. We even have another friend with a Surface 3 Pro 1.9Ghz - 2.9Ghz connected to the game <80 hour so far as a training game for him.

To sum up what our testing and reading on the forums is the factorio server/client currently only uses 1 core and tends to do better if the server cpu is slower than the clients connecting to it.
From the forums and testing other issues are the sheer number of object moving in game that has to catch up including belts, bots, inserters, trains, and the darn enemies especially if you are feeding them... :D

So like Loewchen said "The first is that you can not keep up with the server (when you are able to connect) and this is simply caused by your machine not being fast enough." quite literally is what we seen. Next is the amount of belts/objects moving since the map save to catch up on... The forums and known issues/bugs point to this as well, especially with Bobs and I see you have Angles as well.
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Re: Headless server - Lan play unable to keep up

Post by Caennanu »

first of all, maybe it helps if i write down all the specs.

Gaming pc:
AMD 8320 (8 core's at 4ghz)
24gb ram
120gb SSD in raid 0
2x 280X in crossfire

AMD 4300 (4 core's at 3.2ghz)
8gb ram
120gb SSD, no raid
onboard video card

Yes, CPU throttling is turned off on both machine's.
Loewchen wrote:I think there are two issues. The first is that you can not keep up with the server (when you are able to connect) and this is simply caused by your machine not being fast enough.
The second issue is the loss of connection, this might be caused by the client pc changing its port, but I would expect additional messages in the log, so I am not sure.
No offense intended, but i seriously doubt that is the case. If it was then i would have exactly the same problem when i would host it locally (client side server hosting), there i am however not experiencing the issues. I can play it at full speed when i host it on the same client i am playing on. Others can connect and play just fine.

If it is that the client pc is changing ports, how can i control this?
the disconnect only happens when i go thru the server browser instead of selecting LAN play, so secondary issue to me.

orzelek wrote:Looking at that screenshot you packet your base with a lot of CPU heavy mods.
You could try to set game speed to 0.05 and see if it helps in any way - but your update times are extreme.
I would need to see the file to say more but my guess is that factory is very big or has a lot of containers with high amount of slots.
Or some bugged combination that leads to very high entity processing time. And on top of that you have heavy script use from add loader, FLAN, bottleneck and very high from stone water well.

With all of this going on my guess is that badwith usage might be pretty high due to all global tables that are synced between mods - you are stressing the network code pretty well and something started failing.
You're right, there is indeed some mods in it. However i don't think i'm stressing the bandwidth much. local netwerk is all gigabit network and i'm on 500/500 fiber connection.
If i was stressing, i would expect the same issues occuring to other players who are connected. They don't experience anything of the sorts (except complaining that they can't build / run as fast cause of me having to reduce the game speed)
What file do you need to see? anything i can supply?

HOSH wrote:We first tried and could not slow it down with core ratios since it was a dell cheap box... So I created a Ubuntu Server 16.x LTS Linux VM on my run of the mill micro-desktop that runs i5-4590T at 2 GHz to 3 Ghz and low and behold not as many issues on LAN, WAN (VPN), or even Internet Private Server with a password. My friend then tried on one of his laptops that had a similar processor under windows hosting a LAN game and not as many issues either. We even have another friend with a Surface 3 Pro 1.9Ghz - 2.9Ghz connected to the game <80 hour so far as a training game for him.
So you are suggesting to underclock the cpu on the server? to say 2ghz? (or even doing it with Virtual box or the likes for resource management)
Ill give that a shot right away and post results!
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Re: Headless server - Lan play unable to keep up

Post by Caennanu »

so, the underclocked cpu on server looked positive.
I am once again able to play at full speed, now i'm getting sync issues, server not responding, so i'm geussing the underclock i did was too heavy from 3.2 to 2ghz.

Geuss ill get to tweaking that to a lil more and see how the stability holds up.
Else i geuss i will have to start looking into the new AMD cpu line-up, however that seems a bit silly to do that just for 1 game.
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Re: Headless server - Lan play unable to keep up

Post by Caennanu »

Right so 2.5ghz seems to hit the spot.
Workable for now. Any way to add this to a known issues list of some sorts?
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Re: Headless server - Lan play unable to keep up

Post by HOSH »

Caennanu wrote:Right so 2.5ghz seems to hit the spot.
Workable for now. Any way to add this to a known issues list of some sorts?
Agreed hoping that they fix these odd issues, but glad you can play at full speed again. For me looking at the logs the sweet spot my VM was running is between 2.5 and 2.9GHz and I left my boost enabled on the host & VM.

Do not hold me to this but I think I remember reading they were working on headless server multi-threading and other items for the full version release. They also were working on the belt and other tick related items from the FFF posts...

I am just hoping when I get another SSD storage drive that moving the VM to my ESXi server with dual X5675 running 3.06-3.46Ghz would cause any issues. I from what you and I are seeing I may have to throttle that VM CPU clock speed back for just that VM server. Sad part is it requires one OS per game due to another bug even though you can run multiple games on one OS install by adding additional operational folders on different ports, it just does not show up right on LAN game search. :?
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Re: Headless server - Lan play unable to keep up

Post by Caennanu »

i hear ya, i dread the same.
Having to throttle a server seems a little 'out of whack' to me :D
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