So now on to what I need help with. Rail signals.....are so confusing! I have watched a few differnet videos and read a couple tutorials but still cant manage to figure it out. I will show you a picture of one part I am having a problem with, please read below for an explanation.
So this is my home base Iron dropoff point we are looking at. I have two iron outposts, one south the other east, way far away from my base. You can get another look at it from the minimap. The train from the east iron outpost comes in on the bottom track and leaves on the top. The train frmo the south outpost comes in on the right track and goes out on the left. They move clockwise around the "loop". I cant figure out how to setup the rail signals. I havent had em crash into eachother, but I am of course trying to plan to prevent that. However, nothing I do seems to realy work and the trains always just get stuck at some point. Ignore the current rail signals I have placed because I have just been fiddling around with them for awhhile. Any help guys?