[1.0][1.1] Building Platform v1.2

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Re: [0.14] Building Platform v1.0.5

Post by system »

Where should I ask about compatibility with Alien Biomes mod? Some of biomes allow building on them, even if platform is not there.
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Re: [0.14] Building Platform v1.0.5

Post by Neemys »

You are at the right place, I will take a look tomorow.
Want more space restriction ? Or maybe you want to be forced to use train for other thing than ore and oil ? Try Building Platform Mod !
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Re: [0.14] Building Platform v1.0.5

Post by system »

Another question: would it be possible to configure, so concrete and other floors go under building platform? When it is over - it is hard to find edges.
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Re: [0.14] Building Platform v1.0.5

Post by Neemys »

system wrote:Another question: would it be possible to configure, so concrete and other floors go under building platform? When it is over - it is hard to find edges.
Not possible, game limitation. They are two kind of tile in factorio : non mineable tile (ground, platform, ...) and mineable tile (concrete, stone-path, ...) they can only be one of EACH kind on a specific position and non mineable tile is everytime under the mineable tile.

If you place a non mineable tile on the ground (like if you craft a platform) it will replace any ground tile. In the same manner as you can't place stone-path and concrete at the same place. If I make platform mineable, you will make them disapppear when you place concrete.

But I could do a config to block concrete (and other mineable tile) to be place over platform so you can do a big brush around them but no concrete will be ever place on the platform. It will be 'like' concrete is under but you won't see it is not ;) I will look at the compatibility problem later today.
Want more space restriction ? Or maybe you want to be forced to use train for other thing than ore and oil ? Try Building Platform Mod !
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Re: [0.14] Building Platform v1.0.5

Post by system »

Option that prevent covering platforms with floors would help a lot.
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Re: [0.14] Building Platform v1.0.5

Post by Neemys »

system wrote:Option that prevent covering platforms with floors would help a lot.
I remember why I haven't make that feature before, using vanilla place_as_tile, because of some water weirdness, tile has been made blocked in a 3 tile radius around other tile by dev by default making something like that :
concretenotplaceable.jpg (157.96 KiB) Viewed 9445 times
I could reduce the radius but doing so enable water to be removed by concrete.... People that want to make tile going next to platform should use water-fix mod in combinaison to my mod ;)
As you use alien biome, you already have water-fix.

So it's added to next release ;)
system wrote:Where should I ask about compatibility with Alien Biomes mod? Some of biomes allow building on them, even if platform is not there.
I couldn't reproduce the issue. Is it a particular building that is not blocked or all building that should be blocked aren't ? (if a particular building tell me which one) It does so on all biome from the mod or only some ? There shouldn't be any problem as all ground from that mod are recognised by my mod as ground
Want more space restriction ? Or maybe you want to be forced to use train for other thing than ore and oil ? Try Building Platform Mod !
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Re: [0.14] Building Platform v1.0.5

Post by system »

I would be happy even with border if easy to make.

Here is screenshot where it is possible to place not on platforms:


On the right there is platform which work as expected. At center, dark dirt(?) not possible to place, on left, white dirt(?), and any object is placeable on it.
list of mods that i have
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Re: [0.14] Building Platform v1.0.5

Post by Neemys »

Blocking tile on platform is already done earlier today ;) It will be available in the next release.

I found the same biome as you and I have no problem so probably an incompatibility with one of the mod you have, could you upload all mods you have as one zip here for me to take and test ?
Want more space restriction ? Or maybe you want to be forced to use train for other thing than ore and oil ? Try Building Platform Mod !
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Re: [0.14] Building Platform v1.0.5

Post by system »

https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/fold ... m00R1doUUE
mods: factorio_344.zip
save: save_344.zip
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Re: [0.14] Building Platform v1.0.5

Post by system »

I managed to find the mod that make it wrong: More_Floors_1.1.0.zip

I'll just remove it :)
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Re: [0.14] Building Platform v1.0.5

Post by Neemys »

I came to the same conclusion. After investigation, alien biomes use vanilla dirt tile as base tile to add it's own tile (like dirt-grey in our case). As base dirt is non minable (it's ground) no problem with my mod. But More_floor edit vanilla dirt to make it minable. You can see it, if you place concrete over the floor that let building be placed then remove it (with more floor enabled), the game place an other ground instead of making the dirt-grey visible again (the dirt-gray was remove when you place concrete because only one minable and one non-minable tile on same coordinate is allowed by the game. Building are not blocked because the mineable grey-dirt has been place during world generation and there is no ground under it (I only block building on ground)

There is two problem here, one on More Floor side, he is not compatible with alien biomes as including both make some biome ground disapear if we place other tile on it. For this problem I will contact the author to report the problem with necessary information. If he fix it, there shouldn't be any problem with the building.
But there is a problem on my hand that I will fix for the next release. I don't script-block building when there is no non-minable floor under a tile. If my fix come before his, the footprint of a buiilding will still be green over this grey dirt, but the script should block it if you try to place it (like on concrete or other tile).

Thanks for the report.

edit : Link to bug report for More floor mod
Want more space restriction ? Or maybe you want to be forced to use train for other thing than ore and oil ? Try Building Platform Mod !
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Re: [0.14] Building Platform v1.0.5

Post by system »

Thank you very much!
Is there already some nightly build with config option to not cover platform with floors?
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Re: [0.14] Building Platform v1.0.5

Post by Neemys »

As I don't intend to release next mod version soon and my git repo is not public yet, here for you :
BP mod version 1.0.5 with config to block tile placement on platform activated by default.
(1.12 MiB) Downloaded 165 times
I haven't increment the version number but don't worry, it works, just replace your actual building platform with this one. The game will not remove tile that are already on a platform as their is no collision check between tile and ground but you can remove them yourself. If you have water-fix mod, there will be no gap between platform and tile. I already test it and have no problem but as always backup your save before ;)

Oh, and no need to change the config file, I already activated the option for you, but I intend to make this option disabled by default so you will need to edit the config file when I update my mod later. In 0.15 config will be less bothersome as you will be able to change it in game.

Edit : Reupload of the mod zip file without .git hidden subfolder.
Want more space restriction ? Or maybe you want to be forced to use train for other thing than ore and oil ? Try Building Platform Mod !
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Re: [0.14] Building Platform v1.0.5

Post by Neemys »

To More Floor mod users :

Bug with More Floor mod has been fixed in More Floor new release five days ago.

If you have (normally blocked) building outside platform on the "bugged" floor and you update more floor mod, those buildings will still be on the ground but you will be unable to place them again if you remove them. Moreover, editing any tile (concrete, ...) under those misplaced building will make those buildings disappear without any compensation or message. It's the game behavior when it see a collision.
Want more space restriction ? Or maybe you want to be forced to use train for other thing than ore and oil ? Try Building Platform Mod !
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Re: [0.14] Building Platform v1.0.5

Post by Neemys »

Old release for Building-Platform and Building-Platform-Tweaks on mod portal will be removed soon. A JSON property inside them need to be changed. I will do it when I release 0.15 version of my mod. I will only reupload one release for 0.13 and 0.14 (the latest for each one). When my git repo and website will be available to every one, all release will be downloadable here.

To repeat my plan for 0.15.

First, when 0.15 is release, I will do a quick release that only make the actual building-platform works on 0.15. It will not benefit from new feature or whatever so people that want to play with my mod can do it quickly.
Then I will do more release to take advantage of 0.15 feature like config option for mod in game and continuing develloping the mod. For example, I've been working on a custom generation for platform more tweakable and I expect to be able to do a better graphics for the platform.

One thing that migth happen in 0.15 is the discontinuation of the building-platform-tweaks mod. In 0.15 you should be able to transport any liquid inside train with the help of a pump and liquid wagon so my barrel recipes and the special assembling machine won't be needed anymore. I will surely move the radar inside building-platform toggleable by config. I will still make a 0.15 version of tweaks mod to not break save and let people make the change to the new 0.15 entity
Want more space restriction ? Or maybe you want to be forced to use train for other thing than ore and oil ? Try Building Platform Mod !
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Re: [0.14][0.15] Building Platform v1.0.6 (experimental v1.1.6)

Post by Neemys »

Release of both mod for 0.13 are no longer updated and no longer downloadable on the forum post (still downloadable on the mod portal).

My git repository is now available publicly at the following URL : http://git.neemys.name/Neemys/building-platform
I will add a way for people to add Pull request and issue later.

New releases for building platform mod :

24-04-2017 - 1.0.6 (for 0.14) (commit d86d513d21) :
  • Added "buildingplatform.config.blockTileOnPlatform" config option that make building platform block all tile placement. The same gap as between water and tiles will be present. It is a game restriction that I cannot change without making tile replace water. If you want the gap to disappear, use water-fix mod.
  • Reduced the number of platform addable by addPlatform function to 4 from 5.
  • Fix case of building not blocked on minable tile that have no ground under it.
24-04-2017 - 1.1.6 (for 0.15) (commit 82ec456785) :
  • Made necessary change to make the mod working as in 0.14 in 0.15. No 0.15 feature currently implemented. This release is only for those who wants to play with my mod as soon as possible.
  • Steam-turbine blocking rule moved from reactors.lua file to vanilla.lua as it is now a vanilla entity. It is blocked by default (unblock it with unrestrictPower config).
  • Heat exchanger is blocked by platform by default. Unblock it with unrestrictPower or unrestrictBoiler config.
  • Nuclear reactor is blocked by platform by default. Unblock it with unrestrictPower config.
  • Centrifuge is blocked by platform by default. Unblock it with unrestrictAssemblingMachine config.
The new blocking rules might change in the futur if needed. Programmable speaker is not blocked (yet). It might change in the future. I don't know if it is really necessary to block it.
Next I will implement config option from ingame instead of config file and fix bug that arise and take a look at everything that 0.15 bring to see if there is not something else that can be used in my mod.

New (and last) release for building platform tweaks :

24-04-2017 - 1.1.2 (for 0.15) :
  • Made necessary change to make this mod work in 0.15.
  • Known bug : Barreling recipes for water and lubricant still exist alongside vanilla ones but generate and consume crude oil barrel. I will not fix that recipe as you should switch to vanilla recipe. It will not break your save as assembling machine remember recipes. But if you use to move by train or stockpile barrel of different type at the same time, they will mix.
  • This mod is now discontinued as you can now move liquid by train with the new fluid wagon (no need for the barreling machine) and vanilla create barreling recipe for all liquid by default. I will move the radar in building-platform mod in a futur release.

As always please report any bug you encounter. Have fun with Factorio 0.15.

Edit : As the mod portal is still offline, I will post those release on it later. If the mod portal is not online when I go to sleep, I will do it tomorow. It is now available in the mod portal !
Want more space restriction ? Or maybe you want to be forced to use train for other thing than ore and oil ? Try Building Platform Mod !
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Re: [0.14][0.15] Building Platform v1.0.6 (experimental v1.1.6)

Post by WarmCat »

Awesome! Thanks for updating it soon as 0.15 was released.
Working great so far :-)
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Re: [0.14][0.15] Building Platform v1.0.6 (experimental v1.1.6)

Post by Dreadicon »

So, You're likely super busy still updating for (and of course playing) Factorio 0.15, but I wanted to request a compatability update so that it works with the Factorissimo2 mod. Looking briefly at your code, You could either add 'hidden' platform tiles to the layers he uses for factory buildings, or add the following to the acceptable list of tiles: "factory-floor-1", "factory-pattern-1", "factory-floor-2", "factory-pattern-2", "factory-floor-3", "factory-pattern-3".

Why do I want Factorissimo + Platforms? Because I also like to use Angel's + Bob's and a biter AI mod that makes them VERY dangerous. So I like having island factories connected by train networks and defended with close-in walls. It makes for a neat play experience (especially when you disable the infinite recursion for Factorissimo like I do). If there's some invisible tile I can cover his layers in I could write a script for that and submit it to him to add to Factorissimo, I could do that too. (that's what I did to add the blocky-pattern for RSO when using Platforms).
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Re: [0.14][0.15] Building Platform v1.0.6 (experimental v1.1.6)

Post by dnsdhrj »

Hello, I have a bug report in 0.15.x.
When I spawn logistic robots on ground, the game crashes.

Exception: nil value with 'collisionMask' in 'contorl.lua' line 51.

The bug can be easily fixed by just doing nil check.
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Re: [0.14][0.15] Building Platform v1.0.6 (experimental v1.1.6)

Post by Neemys »

Dreadicon wrote:So, You're likely super busy still updating for (and of course playing) Factorio 0.15, but I wanted to request a compatability update so that it works with the Factorissimo2 mod. Looking briefly at your code, You could either add 'hidden' platform tiles to the layers he uses for factory buildings, or add the following to the acceptable list of tiles: "factory-floor-1", "factory-pattern-1", "factory-floor-2", "factory-pattern-2", "factory-floor-3", "factory-pattern-3".

Why do I want Factorissimo + Platforms? Because I also like to use Angel's + Bob's and a biter AI mod that makes them VERY dangerous. So I like having island factories connected by train networks and defended with close-in walls. It makes for a neat play experience (especially when you disable the infinite recursion for Factorissimo like I do). If there's some invisible tile I can cover his layers in I could write a script for that and submit it to him to add to Factorissimo, I could do that too. (that's what I did to add the blocky-pattern for RSO when using Platforms).
If I understand correctly, you want to have factorissimo building act as platform so building inside them is possible for all blocked building ? It is possible to add a set of tile that accept building so it won't be difficult. It should make it for the next release soon. It seem logical to accept building in factorisimo. I don't know why I haven't thought of it when I made a config to restrict them to platform. It's unpractical to have them on platform and not be able to build inside them...
dnsdhrj wrote:Hello, I have a bug report in 0.15.x.
When I spawn logistic robots on ground, the game crashes.

Exception: nil value with 'collisionMask' in 'contorl.lua' line 51.

The bug can be easily fixed by just doing nil check.
Oh ? I see the problem, yes seem like I forget to check for collision mask existence. I will fix it for next release. Thank you for your report.
Want more space restriction ? Or maybe you want to be forced to use train for other thing than ore and oil ? Try Building Platform Mod !
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