How to Automatically Distribute LogiButts [Demo]

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How to Automatically Distribute LogiButts [Demo]

Post by TI-89 »

So, yesterday I became the latest in a long line of those foolish enough to argue with ssilk (for which I beg forgiveness, O Glorious Moderator ;) ) and I made a thing. Thought others might be interested, so I decided to make a new post. I'm not sure this is in the right place, as it's more a demonstration than something I calculated/planned out, but it seemed most fitting.

I'm still pretty new to this game, but I've spent quite a bit of time figuring out the logistics system. In the beginning of this process I searched and read on the forums a lot, and found very little info on how to effectively utilize logistics. In fact most of what I found fell into one of two categories: 1) "logistics is OP/gamebreaking", or 2) "logistics needs to be changed so I can do more." Personally I find myself split rather evenly between the two camps -- logistics is ridiculously powerful, but I love it. That being said, the initial cost is high enough that to fully utilize it you need to more or less commit/plan for very late game.

Anyway, enough intro; if this gets attention I'm sure I'll be rambling away in the comments, and those disinclined to much reading can ignore me :D
Basically, on the suggestion page for extensions to logistics network (viewtopic.php?f=80&t=18093) there is a diagram of "what you could do with logistics extension." My point was that this can be done in the current system, but that the solution at first appears very unattractive. However, if you take the time to figure out how it all works, you can accomplish pretty much whatever you'd like.
Logistics Network Extension
In addition to sharing necessary resources for production, the networks all share logistics bots. After posting the sandbox save in another thread, I decided to add a logistics bot manufacturing zone. (it looks like this now: In the version I will post here, each network is 'primed' with a single bot, and manufacturing is proceeding, albeit very slowly. Everything is set up, but there is no power supplied to the assembly machines for logistics bots. Once a power pole is placed, the bots will begin to spread. Also it's cheat mode so if you don't want to wait just stick some bots in one of the networks.

I ran the game at 8x speed until bots were saturated (I don't recommend this, it did not seem very stable), then slowed things down and built up manufacturing a bit. You can see on the production chart each bottleneck that appeared.
How it works
Production and description of graph
This mechanic also provides a simple way to prevent overproduction of bots. Though I think I forgot to limit the provider on the logistic bot assembler, so it will keep a chest full in reserve. But because bots are able to move to where they are needed, extra bots will not be pulled from the production zone until there is a shortage. Note that this is not perfect. For example if you have a very busy network next to your bot production, it will pull new bots before bots which have migrated to other parts of the network. But in essence it works.

There is also quite a bit of optimization that could be done in how bots are shared, both in the quantities requested by each network, and the topology created by deciding which networks have 'bot links' between them. For example with this layout, blue circuit production is one of the last to get more bots (even though it is right next to bot production) because they basically have to work their way through all other networks to get there. Hopefully some people try this out, I would love some feedback.
Sandbox --
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