A glider is a self-contained factory that moves itself across the map with no human input. The first such design (I believe) is shown above, and uses the Recursive Blueprints mod. Longer video of the same.The blueprint for it is below.
My challenge to the community: build the fastest glider! This one is my first attempt, and has no optimization done to it. I'm sure you can do better!
In Conway's Game of Life, a spaceship is any pattern that moves across the field; a glider is one specific example. I propose we call all such designs in Factorio "gliders" to reduce confusion.
What's the point? Well, recursion and self-replication are pretty awesome. If that's not enough, think of what you could do with a weaponized glider.
The winner of this challenge will get a copy of Factorio for their friends, or anything else on Steam <$20. Or a $20 donation to the charity of your choice, within reason. At least 5 legitimate contestants have to enter, though. Honorable mentions for: most creative glider; fastest glider that can travel through forest; best glider that can travel through biter territory. Non-racing gliders are welcome to leave trash behind. If there are fewer than 5 entrants in the race, I'll turn this into a contest for most interesting glider, as decided by me or a vote (with the same prize).
Fun fact: the deadline of this competition will be the one-year anniversary of a discovery of a new kind of spaceship in the Game of Life, almost half a century after it was developed.
Glider Race Competition Rules
- A glider must be self-contained: it cannot use external power, or leave anything behind as it travels. The glider cannot contain the player as a component (no personal roboports). The glider must be capable of indefinite travel (only exception: train fuel may be consumed). It must contain at least one entity.
- The competition will close at 12:00 AM EST, March 6th (9 PM PST, March 5th). You've got two weeks.
- You do not have to deal with trees or biters: tests will be on a blank area with no obstacles or enemies. (But if you want to put lasers on it and have it go on a rampage, be my guest). An easy way to set this up is on a sandbox map with Creative Mode and "instant deconstruction" enabled to clear the area.
- Allowed mods: Recursive Blueprints, ConMan/Location Combinators, Logistic Train Network, Smarter Trains, Stringy Train Stops/Signal Strings. You may make changes to values in LTN's config.lua (Within reason. Don't add code.) If you want to use a different mod, make a case for it and I'll consider; I'll allow it if it's in the spirit of the competition.
- All technologies are researched.
- You must use Factorio 0.14.22.
- Submission: PM me either here or on reddit. Include your score, any mods, a blueprint, and simple instructions on how to use it. I'll keep a leaderboard in this post. I'll publish the winners at the end if they were submitted privately. Scores will be kept private: contestants will be told the score of the person above them on the leaderboard.
- You may submit updates to your entry no more frequently than once every 24 hours except for the last day of competition.
- At the end I'd like to put together a race of competitors, so if you could avoid deconstructing everything around you that'd be appreciated
- Scoring: Your score is based on average easterly speed. To calculate your score, get your glider ready, and copy the full code below into the console. Make sure there are no player entities besides the glider on the map. Scoring will start as soon as your cursor contents change (i.e. you place a building, or drop an item). The script will speed up time so it'll only take a couple minutes. You can also type "/c stop()" in console to cancel it. Don't interact with the glider while scoring.
- While the scoring code will work wherever you place your glider, for official scoring I will place it like this: the topmost and leftmost non-ghost entities of your glider, at the moment of start, will touch the X=0 and Y=0 axes. To find this, use the console command "/c game.player.teleport{0,0}", and turn on the grid with shift-space (or F4->show_tile_grid->F5). Example.
- Scoring code
- At the beginning of dusk, it'll report your average day speed.
- Two full game days after you start, it'll report average speed and final score.
- Average speed is based on the distance between the right-most entity at the start and at the end.
- Final score is similar, but based on your right-most entity at the start, and left-most entity at the end: the full distance you crossed. This will penalize really wide gliders.
- Score is in meters/second, where 1 meter=1 tile and 1 second=60 ticks.
- I reserve the right to change the rules, disqualify people, etc. If you find a loophole in the rules I'll close it.
- For final scoring, I'll take average of 3 runs. If the worst-of-3 run for the first place contestant is worse than the best-of-3 run for the second-place, I'll use average of 5 runs instead.
- If the results are within 0.1 m/s of each other, lowest number of buildings+items in the initial configuration will win.
Rule Updates
Sample Submission
The first gliderMod: Recursive Blueprints
Final score: 0.379 (Day speed: 0.72 m/s, Avg speed: 0.432 m/s)
Note: my glider actually breaks at night sometimes. Yours shouldn't

Beat my score to join the leaderboard. Entrants will be told the score of the next person above them.- Yoyobuae
- Nemek
- DaveMcW
- canidae
- hansinator
- nielskool
- thraxxaldor
- ertex
- NiftyManiac (Score: 0.379)