[0.14.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion

Some mods, made by Bob. Basically streaks every Factroio-area.

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Re: [0.14.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion

Post by Xeanoa »

ukezi wrote:real nice. making the combo module direct is way more efficient. you start a lot of rockets, don't you :D
It's more efficient, but it wouldn't fit in there :D
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Re: [0.14.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion

Post by Recon777 »

ukezi wrote:real nice. making the combo module direct is way more efficient. you start a lot of rockets, don't you :D
I just began upgrading production to gear up for the rocket phase. All science is now researched, and the rocket production line is pretty much all set up. It's just a matter of getting the raw material throughput increased. Making enough solid fuel is a significant challenge.

This factory produces about 800 solid fuel per minute from coal and hydrogen only. I tried making the hydrogen off site and piping it in, but after it feeds 4 or so chemical plants, it just doesn't propagate down the pipes fast enough. I had to produce the hydrogen in clumps of 4 electrolysers feeding one chemical plant and then array that twelve times.

I may have to supplement with solid fuel from oil as well.

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Re: [0.14.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion

Post by bman212121 »

ukezi wrote:yeah productivity, even with more then 100% works fine, if you don't overdo it with speed.
Yea the speed modules definitely seem to break things. If you use Beacon MK3 and speed module 8s, you can cause the inserters to go silly and stop loading resources into a factory. It looks like the game tries to compensate for the number of items needs to keep it going, so it starts increasing the amount on hand in the factory. Once it starts trying to have more than 1,000 or so of each item in the factory, the inserter will just continue inserting one item in until it runs out, and will hold onto that item and can't put it into the factory. Then the factory will run out of another item, but the inserter is stuck with an item in hand and can't load the correct items that are needed. For the rocket silo it doesn't seem like we could cap that out and get around that limitation since we use 1 item per inserter for it, and even with like a 10,000% increase in crafting speed it continued to work just fine. I wonder at what point it's capping out though if it can only do 1 per tick.

bobingabout wrote: The grids for trains are added in Logistics, the grids for tanks and the car are added by Warfare. The equipment mod itself doesn't add the grids.

This is something I plan to change for 0.15 version of the mods, the Vehicle equipment should add the grids.
mikavelli wrote:"Suggestions"
snip.... Finding entities that already exist is a very CPU intensive task, the first iteration of my inserter migration script would cause the game to lock up for about 2 minutes, and that was just finding all existing inserters.

I'm not saying a mod can't be made to do these things, I'm just not going to be the one to do it.
If you don't mind a couple questions bob, I'm curious about a couple things. Is there a reason why the personal shield MK6 has 2.4x the hitpoints of the mk6 shield that goes into the tank / vehicles? They both use the exact same recipe but the tank is at a severe disadvantage. Couple that with the small grid and you're simply better off running around as a person because the MK5 power armor allows you to setup to run 5x as fast, have like 10x the hitpoints, and still use other equipment for similar damage. The MK3 tank might be fine as is, but maybe a MK4 / MK5 addition with larger grids so you can actually equip the tank with some real toys. (Even the train has a 10 x 8 grid making it so you can put more plasma cannons in it than a tank)

I am also genuinely curious about your experiences with the scripting. We came across and issue where it is very possible to make the server stop talking to the clients, causing them all to think they were dropped. Like you said the game "locks up" for xx amount of time, but in reality it was not locked up at all, it was just busy processing stuff. You might have the answer to a question I have about the single threaded nature of the way the server runs. It seems like a loop kicks off for the main thread and lets a mod do whatever it wants, and the normal game processing cannot continue until that mod exits it's loop. If you were to do something as simple as throw a "sleep 30" into a script, would that actually work to basically stop the server from doing anything for 30 seconds?
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Re: [0.14.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion

Post by StoneLegion »

Going to use RSO since i love trains and like spreading out.

Is the default settings fine? If not do you have suggestions were not too hardcore but we also don't want to have 1000000 patches :P

Either way love to hear your suggestions:


Also, I have to ask... Combat harder? I notice there does not seem be to new weapons / etc to Bobsmod? I always found vanilla a bit weak and assume Bob's be a bit harder but can't seem any weapons :)

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Re: [0.14.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion

Post by bobingabout »

There are weapons added in the bobwarefare mod, but most of the upgrades are actually to the ammo, not the weapons themselves.

Though Tanks do offer a fair bit of an upgrade there.
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Re: [0.14.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion

Post by StoneLegion »

bobingabout wrote:There are weapons added in the bobwarefare mod, but most of the upgrades are actually to the ammo, not the weapons themselves.

Though Tanks do offer a fair bit of an upgrade there.
Ahh, thanks that makes much more sense why I kept missing it. I was looking at just the weapons and beside it and was quite sadden. So I just double check and was missing the warefare module hehe. I downloaded it all via just in order on the mods.factorio but I guess I missed it then compared them all again to what I did have and was just off by the 1 so derp me :)

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Re: [0.14.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion

Post by TheChosenOne »

Hi guys. So I got highly recommended to check out Bob's Mods and there are a lot of mods of Bob. Is it recommendable/possible to install all of them? :mrgreen:
Just want a fun but also bugfree game which I can continue for a long time without restarting due to conflics with mods/the game. I'll avoid using Angels mod for now.

Some others I got on my wishlist/got recommended (incase of comp issues)
- Bottleneck - https://mods.factorio.com/mods/trold/Bottleneck
- Warehousing Mod - https://mods.factorio.com/mods/anoyomouse/Warehousing
- Larger Inventory - https://mods.factorio.com/mods/Rseding9 ... 0Inventory
- Air filtering - https://mods.factorio.com/mods/Schorty/air-filtering
- Yet Another Resource Monitor Fork - https://mods.factorio.com/mods/Narc/YARM
- Advanced Logistics System - https://mods.factorio.com/mods/anoutsid ... ics-system
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Re: [0.14.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion

Post by bobingabout »

Bob's mods adapt to the situation of the game when they are added, so for best results, if you intend to use them all you probably should add them all at the same time.

There shouldn't be any negative effects Technology Tree wise by adding them all, however, some of your factories will need to be rebuilt due to changes in recipes.
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Re: [0.14.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion

Post by StoneLegion »

So my friends and I want to do sort of a competitive multiplayer game.

This what we want to do:
* Separate Bases
* Separate Teams
* Separate Research
* No Friendly Fire.

Now the 4 of them should be easy to due via a bit of lua commands, etc.

But anyone know if there is a decent way with RSO to start with your own base as well? Maybe spread out.

Also anyone have suggestions on slowing down evo. Sometimes people play at diff times so if someone plays first 24 hours 2nd guys a bit behind he gets owned by the biters. Not sure if there is much we can do for this.

EDIT: Does anyone know if this is the right starting stuff? if I'm missing something or don't need it. Making custom map:
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Re: [0.14.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion

Post by StoneLegion »

Does anyone know what resources you must start with on Bobs? I have Iron,Copper,Coal and Oil from vanilla then small patches of Galena, Tin, and Quartz. I'm trying make a special 4 player map where we go to 4 corners and build our base.


I'm guessing the following trying to guess here:

- Tin - Basic Electronic Board?
- Galena (Lead) - Basic Electronic board?
- Quartz - Greenhouse?

This should let me get to Rail System, The Quartz not sure if needed early level but to make greenhouse to produce wood?

If anyone has more suggestions of must have let me know.
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Re: [0.14.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion

Post by Neversleep »

Hi all, don't know if it's the right place to post this, hope I'm not mistaken
I've downloaded a modpack some time ago (for 14.22) but I think I have a problem concerning dytech/bob's mods and some recepies
Some items recepies have two slots for the same ingredient, and inserters will only fill one of these slots, so that I have to manually fill the other one. Since dytech is not being developed anymore by Dysoch (am I correct ?) I thought I could post this problem here. Is it a bug, or a feature ? How can I solve this ? I already checked those two recepies and they don't have double ingredient requirements in the script
Thanks in advance :)
factorio double ingredient.png
factorio double ingredient.png (164.84 KiB) Viewed 7833 times
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Re: [0.14.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion

Post by bobingabout »

Kane wrote:- Tin - Basic Electronic Board?
- Galena (Lead) - Basic Electronic board?
- Quartz - Greenhouse?
The idea is that it gives you the bare minimum required to make the Tier 3 electronics boards (Advanced electronics), for this you need to make Transistors, which requires Silicon, which comes from Quartz. That's why you have the Quartz there.

But in short, yes, you need all base game resources, plus those listed three.

To advance further, you then need to venture out to get other resources, like Nickel, Zinc, Titanium, Aluminium and Gold.
Neversleep wrote:Hi all, don't know if it's the right place to post this, hope I'm not mistaken
I've downloaded a modpack some time ago (for 14.22) but I think I have a problem concerning dytech/bob's mods and some recepies
Some items recepies have two slots for the same ingredient, and inserters will only fill one of these slots, so that I have to manually fill the other one. Since dytech is not being developed anymore by Dysoch (am I correct ?) I thought I could post this problem here. Is it a bug, or a feature ? How can I solve this ? I already checked those two recepies and they don't have double ingredient requirements in the script
Thanks in advance :)
This issue has cropped up before, it may be able to be solved if you add the optional dependency (have a ? at the start) for all of the DyTech mods to bobplates info.json. The flags were removed from the official mod release mostly because some people thought you NEEDED everything in the dependencies list, coupled with DyTech being a Dead mod when I did it, they weren't needed.

It's also an issue that may crop up if you use Athmagar's bobtweaks mod.
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Re: [0.14.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion

Post by StoneLegion »

Thanks bob I derped and forgot quartz haha. But we found some near by overtime and just went and mined it by hand since you don't need much early game. Having a blast!

My base so far:


Full Map with my mates Base:
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Re: [0.14.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion

Post by TheDarkNoise »

Hey i got a question about BoBEnemies.zip
is there a way to remove it and still use the other mods instead??
get this when i DONT use that Zip
works fine with the zip ofc
but i want to skip that mod

Bobtech , BobPlates ARE updated version's !
only says that when i got the bobenemies NOT in folder
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Re: [0.14.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion

Post by orzelek »

TheDarkNoise wrote:Hey i got a question about BoBEnemies.zip
is there a way to remove it and still use the other mods instead??
get this when i DONT use that Zip
works fine with the zip ofc
but i want to skip that mod

Bobtech , BobPlates ARE updated version's !
only says that when i got the bobenemies NOT in folder
You want to connect to server with different mod set - you can't.
You can play with part of bob's mods but not on a server that has all of them.
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Re: [0.14.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion

Post by TheDarkNoise »

orzelek wrote:
TheDarkNoise wrote:Hey i got a question about BoBEnemies.zip
is there a way to remove it and still use the other mods instead??
get this when i DONT use that Zip
works fine with the zip ofc
but i want to skip that mod

Bobtech , BobPlates ARE updated version's !
only says that when i got the bobenemies NOT in folder
You want to connect to server with different mod set - you can't.
You can play with part of bob's mods but not on a server that has all of them.
thought so
i hosted within client and worked fine
but not server but thx for the reply so i know100% :) !
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Re: [0.14.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion

Post by NewSwiss »

Quick question, what are the base movement speeds of the mk2-4 robots? I'm currently playing with Late Upgrades, and with 30 levels of robot speed research I'm curious just how fast they're actually going.
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Re: [0.14.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion

Post by bobingabout »

Yeah, you MUST have all mods the same as what the server has. Also, since my mods adapt to the situation, the lack of Enemies (and the items within the mod), then plates and tech load differently to make up for the items being missing, resulting in different content, and hence a miss match (even though the versions are the same)
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Re: [0.14.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion

Post by ukezi »

NewSwiss wrote:Quick question, what are the base movement speeds of the mk2-4 robots? I'm currently playing with Late Upgrades, and with 30 levels of robot speed research I'm curious just how fast they're actually going.
logistic: bot2:0.07 payload 3 bot3:0.09 payload 6 bot4: 0.12 payload 11
construction: bot2:0.09 payload 2 bot3:0.12 payload 4 bot4: 0.15 payload 6
I think the speed is in tiles/tick. payload for construction does I reckon only apply to deconstructing of entities with inventory.
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Re: [0.14.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion

Post by NewSwiss »

ukezi wrote: logistic: bot4: 0.12 payload 11
I think the speed is in tiles/tick.
Good god. Since the bonus with 30 levels of robot speed research is +3490%, assuming the tiles are 1m each, that means my robots are flying as fast as commercial airliners (260 m/s, 580 mph). With that speed and an energy consumption of 5 kJ/m, that means they consume around 1.3 MW each during flight... What's funny is even when they run out of charge they still move faster than I can with power armor and several pairs of mk3 legs.
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