Support - Uranium Power

Power generation with atoms.

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Re: Support - Uranium Power

Post by Fatmice »

katalex wrote:Image
What's happend? I have this message after connecting steam-tube.
You should allow the steam-generator to fill with steam then connect the pipes. I've never had such a message pop up.

Code: Select all

local superHeatedSteamConsumed = (energyBufferCapacity - energy) / ((generatorFluidBox.temperature - fluid_properties[generatorFluidBox.type][1]) * fluid_properties[generatorFluidBox.type][3] * generatorEfficiency * 1000)
I guess that you are not generating steam at the sufficient rate such that the above line is less than 0

A temporary fix is to replace that line with

Code: Select all

local superHeatedSteamConsumed = math.max(0,(energyBufferCapacity - energy) / ((generatorFluidBox.temperature - fluid_properties[generatorFluidBox.type][1]) * fluid_properties[generatorFluidBox.type][3] * generatorEfficiency * 1000))
Or let the steam generator fill with superheated steam then connect the turbine generator. I will add this fix to 0.6.7
Maintainer and developer of Atomic Power. See here for more information.
Current release: 0.6.6 - Requires 0.14.x
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Re: Support - Uranium Power

Post by Demosthenex »

Fatmice wrote:Calling Angel's and Bob's mod player.

I need the minimum list of these two mods so that I can test them. Apparently mineral sludge is giving absurd amounts of fluorite and uraninite. I can not test because either one of them do not play nice. I guess Angel's is the culprit....
So I know you nerfed the amount of fuel obtained by sludge processing in an update after we talked. That's a wise decision.

Were you aware that Angel's Resource Refining also allows you to create 6 Uranium ore or 6 Fluorite ore by combining Angel's ores? 6 Uranium ore from 2 Saphirite Crystals + 2 Rubyte Crystals + 2 Bobmonium Crystals + 1 Brown Catalyst. 6 Fluorite ore from 2 Jivolite crystals + 2 Stiratite crystals + 2 crontinnium crystals + 1 brown catalyst. Late game it's trivial to mix these refined ores to make ore on demand, and the return on uranium and fluorite is very high.
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Re: Support - Uranium Power

Post by Fatmice »

Demosthenex wrote:
Fatmice wrote:Calling Angel's and Bob's mod player.

I need the minimum list of these two mods so that I can test them. Apparently mineral sludge is giving absurd amounts of fluorite and uraninite. I can not test because either one of them do not play nice. I guess Angel's is the culprit....
So I know you nerfed the amount of fuel obtained by sludge processing in an update after we talked. That's a wise decision.

Were you aware that Angel's Resource Refining also allows you to create 6 Uranium ore or 6 Fluorite ore by combining Angel's ores? 6 Uranium ore from 2 Saphirite Crystals + 2 Rubyte Crystals + 2 Bobmonium Crystals + 1 Brown Catalyst. 6 Fluorite ore from 2 Jivolite crystals + 2 Stiratite crystals + 2 crontinnium crystals + 1 brown catalyst. Late game it's trivial to mix these refined ores to make ore on demand, and the return on uranium and fluorite is very high.
Yep, I am aware. That has also been tweaked.
Maintainer and developer of Atomic Power. See here for more information.
Current release: 0.6.6 - Requires 0.14.x
Example build - Requires 0.14.x
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Re: Uranium Power

Post by samrrr »

i have a problem with heat swap can you tell me how its work?

what formula you using to cout output temps to heat swap?
in physics formula
C-нeat capacity of liquid
P-amount of liquid in pipe

in water energy counts as Energy=Temp
in pressure water i dont know how count Energy
how to count energy in pressure water?

when i try swap pressured water and water this dont chargre water temp if pressure water input low.
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Re: Uranium Power

Post by Fatmice »

samrrr wrote:i have a problem with heat swap can you tell me how its work?

what formula you using to cout output temps to heat swap?
in physics formula
C-нeat capacity of liquid
P-amount of liquid in pipe
I use a similar formula
samrrr wrote: in water energy counts as Energy=Temp
in pressure water i dont know how count Energy
how to count energy in pressure water?
C for water is 1 KJ/temp, where temp is difference above standard temp, 15 for water or pressurised water
C for pressurised water is 2.4 KJ/temp
samrrr wrote: when i try swap pressured water and water this dont chargre water temp if pressure water input low.
Show me your build?
Maintainer and developer of Atomic Power. See here for more information.
Current release: 0.6.6 - Requires 0.14.x
Example build - Requires 0.14.x
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Re: Uranium Power

Post by samrrr »

This my working get energy.
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Re: Support - Uranium Power

Post by Fatmice »

samrrr wrote:This my working get energy.
I will assume that the reactor loop is pressurised-water.
What is in your intermediate loop? Pressurised-water or water?

If the temperature in the intermediate loop is too low, the final heat exchange may not occur. The temperature in the intermediate loop at the point of final heat exchange needs to be at or above 100 temperature.

Your build essentially has bottlenecked the heat at the reactor -> intermediate loop. You should have multiple reactor -> intermediate loop to carry away the heat from the reactor. You can download and look at my example build for this, which is capable of much much more MW output.
Maintainer and developer of Atomic Power. See here for more information.
Current release: 0.6.6 - Requires 0.14.x
Example build - Requires 0.14.x
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Re: Support - Uranium Power

Post by samrrr »

This simple 15C problem exsample
Up heater not work because have low heat input
Down work ok
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Re: Support - Uranium Power

Post by Fatmice »

You did something wrong.
Screenshot from 2017-01-19 19-45-56.png
Screenshot from 2017-01-19 19-45-56.png (2.22 MiB) Viewed 11568 times
Both north and south are working just fine. I duplicated your build as shown in the picture.
Maintainer and developer of Atomic Power. See here for more information.
Current release: 0.6.6 - Requires 0.14.x
Example build - Requires 0.14.x
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Re: Support - Uranium Power

Post by samrrr »

hey at up side i used basic pump not fast pump
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Re: Support - Uranium Power

Post by samrrr »

i found code of exchange

Code: Select all

				local hotFluid_energy = hotFluid_v * (hotFluid_t - hotFluid_minT) * hotFluid_heatCapacity
				local coldFluid_energy = coldFluid_v * (coldFluid_t - coldFluid_minT) * coldFluid_heatCapacity
				local totalEnergy = (hotFluid_energy + coldFluid_energy) * heatExchangerCoeff
				-- Exchange heat
				local newHotFluidTemperature = 0
				local newColdFluidTemperature = 0
				local deltaTemperature = math.min(hotFluid_t - coldFluid_t, coldFluid_maxT - coldFluid_t)
				local exchangedEnergy = coldFluid_v * (deltaTemperature) * coldFluid_heatCapacity
				-- This prevents negative temperature
				if hotFluid_energy >= exchangedEnergy then
					newHotFluidTemperature = math.min(((hotFluid_energy - exchangedEnergy) / (hotFluid_v * hotFluid_heatCapacity)) + hotFluid_minT, hotFluid_maxT)
					newColdFluidTemperature = math.min(((coldFluid_energy + exchangedEnergy) / (coldFluid_v * coldFluid_heatCapacity)) + coldFluid_minT, coldFluid_maxT)
					newHotFluidTemperature = hotFluid_t
					newColdFluidTemperature = coldFluid_t
				-- game.print(game.tick..","..hotFluid_energy..","..exchangedEnergy..","..((hotFluid_energy - exchangedEnergy) / (hotFluid_v * hotFluid_heatCapacity))..","..hotFluid_v..","..coldFluid_v)
				-- Copy fluidboxes
				local changedFluidBox1 = recipeHeatExchangerFluidBox[3]
				local changedFluidBox2 = recipeHeatExchangerFluidBox[4]
				if hotFluid_t > coldFluid_t then
					changedFluidBox1["temperature"] = newHotFluidTemperature
					changedFluidBox2["temperature"] = newColdFluidTemperature
					entity_table[1][2][3] = changedFluidBox1
					entity_table[1][2][4] = changedFluidBox2
					return true, 0, "recipe_heat_exchange_crafting_progress"
this exchange heat works strange...

Code: Select all

				-- this make always min<temp<max
				local coldFluid_minT = math.min(coldFluid_minT,coldFluid_t)
				local coldFluid_maxT = math.max(coldFluid_maxT,coldFluid_t)
				local hotFluid_minT = math.min(hotFluid_minT,hotFluid_t)
				local hotFluid_maxT = math.max(hotFluid_maxT,hotFluid_t)

				local hotFluid_energy = hotFluid_v * (hotFluid_t - hotFluid_minT) * hotFluid_heatCapacity
				local coldFluid_energy = coldFluid_v * (coldFluid_t - coldFluid_minT) * coldFluid_heatCapacity
				local totalEnergy = (hotFluid_energy + coldFluid_energy) * heatExchangerCoeff

				local energyF = hotFluid_heatCapacity*hotFluid_minT*hotFluid_v+coldFluid_heatCapacity*coldFluid_minT*coldFluid_v+totalEnergy

				local NewTemp1 = (energyF) / (hotFluid_heatCapacity*hotFluid_v+coldFluid_heatCapacity*coldFluid_v);

				local NewTemp_H=NewTemp1
				local NewTemp_C=NewTemp1

					local NewTemp_C= (energyF-hotFluid_heatCapacity*hotFluid_minT*hotFluid_v) / (coldFluid_heatCapacity*coldFluid_v)--make C temp lower to balance

					--hidden for make unusable 350 pressused water with 15 water combine  (this will be lost a lot of E)
					--local NewTemp_C= (energyF-hotFluid_heatCapacity*hotFluid_maxT*hotFluid_v) / (coldFluid_heatCapacity*coldFluid_v)--make C temp highther to balance


					local NewTemp_H= (energyF-coldFluid_heatCapacity*coldFluid_minT*coldFluid_v) / (hotFluid_heatCapacity*hotFluid_v)

					--local NewTemp_H= (energyF-coldFluid_heatCapacity*coldFluid_maxT*coldFluid_v) / (hotFluid_heatCapacity*hotFluid_v)


				if(NewTemp_C<=coldFluid_t and NewTemp_H<=hotFluid_t) then

				newHotFluidTemperature = NewTemp_H
				newColdFluidTemperature = NewTemp_C

my version based on physics you can see difference
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Re: Support - Uranium Power

Post by Fatmice »

samrrr wrote:hey at up side i used basic pump not fast pump
Looks-fine-to-me-with-small-pump.png (4.55 MiB) Viewed 11554 times
(1.03 MiB) Downloaded 224 times
samrrr wrote: this exchange heat works strange...
The code is not strange. Even if it is, it is not the reason why you're having problems.
samrrr wrote: my version based on physics you can see difference
So is mine. But that isn't the issue here. The issue is you're doing something different that lead it not working for you. Also, my code works just fine. If two mediums are left alone to exchange heat, eventually they will equal in temperature, unless one of the liquid has a higher heat capacity.
Maintainer and developer of Atomic Power. See here for more information.
Current release: 0.6.6 - Requires 0.14.x
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Re: Support - Uranium Power

Post by samrrr »

I have 15 when input low. Not when full.
This version have 15.
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Re: Support - Uranium Power

Post by Fatmice »

samrrr wrote:I have 15 when input low. Not when full.
This version have 15.
That is expected. Nothing strange at all. Fluid can not be modified safely when it is "low." My algorithm tries to catch when a fluid is "high" but will miss if they drain too fast. This is due to the fact that the algorithm is resetting is every 60 ticks so there are time windows when it will always miss the "high." This can be improved upon but not a high priority.

Proper use is to not allow input fluid on either side to be low. Fluid on the hot side should fill and drain as fast as possible. Fluid on cold side should fill as fast as possible, but drain slowly. Also, you deliberately bottlenecked the input then gripe about why it is not working. I would say you got the right result. :P

Alternatively, use the wall-type heat exchanger. It will not "miss" the fluid.
Maintainer and developer of Atomic Power. See here for more information.
Current release: 0.6.6 - Requires 0.14.x
Example build - Requires 0.14.x
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Re: Support - Uranium Power

Post by Fatmice »

I should elaborate on how the recipe-type heat exchanger work.

It works similar to how you would expect hot fluid and cold fluid being together. They will reach an equilibrium temperature. This is true also for the wall-type heat exchanger. However, there is a very subtle difference. The recipe-type also acts as a diode when the hot side fluid has a higher heat capacity. This is by design. I purposely coded it like that as when do you want to pull heat from the cold side and shunt it back into the hot side? Another subtle difference is due to the "catching" mechanism to sense when there's actually fluid in outputs. The current algorithm catches when a crafting progress reaches 100% by first polling every 60 tick if something is crafting. If it is, the crafting progress is noted and the crafting progress is predicted to reach 100% at some tick. The algorithm then checks on that predicted tick, if crafting progress is 100% as predicted, it will then check every following tick until both hot and cold output boxes have fluid. When they do, it performs the heat exchange then reset itself back into the 60 tick polling mode. If the crafting progress is not 100%, as predicted on that tick, the algorithm resets itself back into the 60 tick polling mode.

Most of the time the algorithm will chase the correct game tick when the crafting progress reaches 100% and fluids just got placed into the outputs. However, due to how fluid works in factorio, they will immediately "flow" if the adjacent fluidbox is of a certain orientation and direction. This causes a volume discrepancy and so heat discrepancy which results in a very small heat loss. Thus if you cycle fluids in a closed system over a long time without additional heat input, the cold and hot side will not only read the same temperature but they will eventually loose all of their heat and settle at close to their minimum allowed temperature. As to why sometimes my algorithm can not chase the correct tick, well that is again due to how factorio fluid flows. Fluid in the output boxes don't immediately flow if the next fluid box is full and it is this flow that resets the crafting progress. This can screw up the synchronization and sometimes my algorithm never recovers, as in the case of your example. No matter what I do, unless I break and replace the upper recipe-type heat exchanger, it will never work as expected, even after replacing pumps to relieve the bottleneck. The lower recipe-type heat exchanger recovered just fine due again to factorio's fluid flow idiosyncrasies and flow priorities.

Long story short, the algorithm for catching the output boxes being full of fluid can be improved a little further. The alternative is to ditch the recipe-heat exchanger using recipes and make my own hybrid entities with a GUI that allows you to set rules. This hybrid entity would not need a catching algorithm.
Maintainer and developer of Atomic Power. See here for more information.
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Re: Uranium Power

Post by SharkCK »

I'm not sure if I'm posting in the proper place... if not, please excuse me.
Is there a tutorial for this mod that explains everything? I'm using Angel's mod setup and it appears I'm on the 0.6.6 version. So far, I have successfully created two 250MW reactors and each reactor has two 43MW cooling towers. I got my first two depleted 4.7% rods today and figured out the first process of using them but ran into an issue. After figuring out that the Oxygen Gas and Nitrogen Gas in the pack is not compatible, I used the atmosphere to nitrogen/oxygen recipe in the chemical plant. This creates an imbalanced ratio of Nitrogen vs Oxygen and I can find no way to burn off/void the excess nitrogen. I've tried the Flare stack as well as the clarifier and neither will accept Uranium power's Nitrogen. The chemical lab producing the concentrated nitric acid can only get about 260 units made up before the system backs up how are you supposed to get over 4k units aside from shooting a nitrogen storage tank every 10 seconds?

Also, I was reading through the posts and it sounds like this mod is supposed to be a lot more detailed than what I am seeing in-game. Were a lot of the features taken out or something?

One last question is... I read earlier on in this thread, that steam generators are supposed to be able to accept up to 4? cooling towers? So far, I've only been able to get it to work with the setup of 1 cooling tower per steam generator. Any suggestions?

I really like the mod so far but 90% of the information I've found has been for versions from back in the day, or information that seems like it's about an entirely different mod.

Thank you all for your time and patience!
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Re: Uranium Power

Post by Light »

SharkCK wrote:I'm not sure if I'm posting in the proper place... if not, please excuse me.
Is there a tutorial for this mod that explains everything? I'm using Angel's mod setup and it appears I'm on the 0.6.6 version. So far, I have successfully created two 250MW reactors and each reactor has two 43MW cooling towers. I got my first two depleted 4.7% rods today and figured out the first process of using them but ran into an issue. After figuring out that the Oxygen Gas and Nitrogen Gas in the pack is not compatible, I used the atmosphere to nitrogen/oxygen recipe in the chemical plant. This creates an imbalanced ratio of Nitrogen vs Oxygen and I can find no way to burn off/void the excess nitrogen. I've tried the Flare stack as well as the clarifier and neither will accept Uranium power's Nitrogen. The chemical lab producing the concentrated nitric acid can only get about 260 units made up before the system backs up how are you supposed to get over 4k units aside from shooting a nitrogen storage tank every 10 seconds?
Here's a peek at how I do nitrogen for recycling. If for some odd reason the setup is using bob's version of nitrogen, then use the converter valve instead.

SharkCK wrote:Also, I was reading through the posts and it sounds like this mod is supposed to be a lot more detailed than what I am seeing in-game. Were a lot of the features taken out or something?

One last question is... I read earlier on in this thread, that steam generators are supposed to be able to accept up to 4? cooling towers? So far, I've only been able to get it to work with the setup of 1 cooling tower per steam generator. Any suggestions?
A lot of what you've been seeing in the past several pages are concepts and materials planned. Right now the mod consists of:
  • Fuel Rod Fabrication
  • OP Uranium Ammo
  • 250 MW Reactor for Two Cooling Towers
  • 500 MW Reactor for Steam Engines
  • Fuel Rod Recycling
Many features will have to wait until 0.15, but Fatmice has mentioned a plan for a small update which will include the 4 steam generator setup with the 500 MW reactor. Bug testing that will be fun.
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Re: Uranium Power

Post by Fatmice »

SharkCK wrote:I'm not sure if I'm posting in the proper place... if not, please excuse me.
Is there a tutorial for this mod that explains everything? I'm using Angel's mod setup and it appears I'm on the 0.6.6 version. So far, I have successfully created two 250MW reactors and each reactor has two 43MW cooling towers. I got my first two depleted 4.7% rods today and figured out the first process of using them but ran into an issue. After figuring out that the Oxygen Gas and Nitrogen Gas in the pack is not compatible, I used the atmosphere to nitrogen/oxygen recipe in the chemical plant. This creates an imbalanced ratio of Nitrogen vs Oxygen and I can find no way to burn off/void the excess nitrogen. I've tried the Flare stack as well as the clarifier and neither will accept Uranium power's Nitrogen. The chemical lab producing the concentrated nitric acid can only get about 260 units made up before the system backs up how are you supposed to get over 4k units aside from shooting a nitrogen storage tank every 10 seconds?
Do you have Bob's mods? Compatibility for Angel's mod is done implicitly through Bob's since it seems that is how most people play, Bob's + Angel's. If that is not how you play, then you should flare the excess N2 into vanilla steam engines, which will destroy any fluid. Take a look at my example build in my signature.
SharkCK wrote: Also, I was reading through the posts and it sounds like this mod is supposed to be a lot more detailed than what I am seeing in-game. Were a lot of the features taken out or something?

One last question is... I read earlier on in this thread, that steam generators are supposed to be able to accept up to 4? cooling towers? So far, I've only been able to get it to work with the setup of 1 cooling tower per steam generator. Any suggestions?

I really like the mod so far but 90% of the information I've found has been for versions from back in the day, or information that seems like it's about an entirely different mod.

Thank you all for your time and patience!
Many are planned features that will have to wait for 0.15 due to the disruptive nature of that update. My mod uses boilers for many of its under the hood workings and 0.15 will change how boilers work so new features will have to wait. My old videos are still useful but only so. When I've reworked the mod to be compatible with 0.15, I will make newer videos, obviously this will have to wait till after 0.15 is released, which has been moved by the devs to the end of March.

0.6.7 is almost done. It will allow you to setup 2 turbine-generator / steam-generator for the 500 MW reactor. This version will also bring a water maker and barreling of water so you can supply your reactor with water away from a water source. It has interesting play.

What I can work on during the wait for 0.15 is adding circuit to the reactor and reactor maintenance. These new features should not be affected by anything in 0.15.
Maintainer and developer of Atomic Power. See here for more information.
Current release: 0.6.6 - Requires 0.14.x
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Re: Uranium Power

Post by SharkCK »

Light wrote: Here's a peek at how I do nitrogen for recycling. If for some odd reason the setup is using bob's version of nitrogen, then use the converter valve instead.
Thanks a ton! I had no idea that converter valve was in there. lol. I think this may be useful in a few other operations we've got setup around the base.

Fatmice, I loaded up your example world and everything runs for a few moments and then shuts down. I'm sure that's somehow because of the mods but I cannot explain why it happens. This makes it really difficult figuring out things... especially that confusing heat exchanger setup for the 500MW reactor. Is it just me or are all the pipes interconnected? How is the cold and hot water separated? Believe it or not, I've actually spent some time trying to look it all over... I just haven't tried the 500MW setup yet since I've been trying to perfect the 250.

I really appreciate your time and dedication to this mod! This is something I would have thought that the dev's would have implemented into the game themselves. From what I've read over the past 8 months of posts, this mod is going to get pretty damned amazing!
Here are the mods we're running: ... 7.png?dl=0 ... 9.png?dl=0
I do get this one warning saying active and passive water gen was removed when the map is loaded: ... 3.png?dl=0
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Re: Uranium Power

Post by Fatmice »

SharkCK wrote: Fatmice, I loaded up your example world and everything runs for a few moments and then shuts down. I'm sure that's somehow because of the mods but I cannot explain why it happens.
Do elaborate. :o What shutdown? No electricity? Have you tried running that example map using only the base-game + my mod? I've tested that map extensively before releasing it to the wild. It's supposed to just work and serves as an example of what you can do with the mod. It would be pretty embarrassing for it to not work as intended with just my mod and base-game.
SharkCK wrote: This makes it really difficult figuring out things... especially that confusing heat exchanger setup for the 500MW reactor. Is it just me or are all the pipes interconnected? How is the cold and hot water separated? Believe it or not, I've actually spent some time trying to look it all over... I just haven't tried the 500MW setup yet since I've been trying to perfect the 250.
One thing at a time. The big setup in the example map is composed of six inner loops, six intermediate loops, and six outputs. The outputs are each supplied with two offshore pumps, a total of twelve. The pipes are not interconnected. They may look that way.
SharkCK wrote: I really appreciate your time and dedication to this mod! This is something I would have thought that the dev's would have implemented into the game themselves. From what I've read over the past 8 months of posts, this mod is going to get pretty damned amazing!
Here are the mods we're running: ... 7.png?dl=0 ... 9.png?dl=0
I do get this one warning saying active and passive water gen was removed when the map is loaded: ... 3.png?dl=0
Don't worry about the message. It shouldn't be there and I don't know how it got there. Maybe I was sloppy with one of the save and some developer version was used in the save. I have internal features of the mod that I do not release to the public due to how often I try out some ideas then trash it. The active and passive water gen is a feature of 0.6.7.
Maintainer and developer of Atomic Power. See here for more information.
Current release: 0.6.6 - Requires 0.14.x
Example build - Requires 0.14.x
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