My suggestion:
(assembling machines - enter stations, and scale in a real situation will be «a little» more)Make recipe with «Transport water tubes», with new kind of Pipes. Probably larger than current pipes. With stop (and enter) stations and with engines, which will distill water with player's «capsule».
You can sit at station and you will automatically be sent very quickly on ways to the next near station. At station you can choose at which side you want to move (one of the four sides).
Anybody watched Man in Black 2?
Main idea comes from that moment.
If the structural integrity of the Tube is broken (with random Biters attack or you forgot to build one title of Tube at the way), then you throw away in the rift place, without the possibility to continue your the path. But if you had a station, you can place it, at broken pass, to continue your way, but it needs electricity for working.
Movement on it will be faster than a train or car, but for if you should lay Tubes from one base to another. And it not attracted Bites, but if they are to pass by, then they attack.
Of course, it's a very late expensive content.
p.s. at first I thought about teleportation stations, but it's so boring and too easy (but perhaps, as the final end content).