Basically i need delays/timers so I use an array like this : key= game.tick i want the code to perform, value= whatever data i need for the process
It's pretty handy to check on each tick if there's something to do
Code: Select all
script.on_event(, function(event)
if global.timer_array[event.tick] then
-- do stuff here using timer_array[event.tick]
my question is, is this technique efficient? I don't know how Lua works internally, does it need to iterate the whole array to find out this key is (un)used ?
Considering the table might have hundreds of elements with gaps of thousands of possible keys between each, should I test a simple boolean first? something like :
Code: Select all
script.on_event(, function(event)
if global.timer_state then
if global.timer_array[event.tick] then
-- do stuff here using timer_array[event.tick]
I'm hesitating because reading from the global table seems to be quite expensive. In the end I don't know if using another variable is worth the trouble.
Does the size of the array matters?