Survival Mode

Ideas that are too old (too many things have changed since) and ones which won't be implemented for certain reasons or if there are obviously better suggestions.

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Survival Mode

Post by Nyhmus »

Hey Guys,
(I'm not a native speaker but i try my best to prevent grammar and spellingmistakes)
I know this game is about building the biggest factory ever, but what would be if hunger and thirst would be a problem for you? It would make it harder. And some people like it hard.
So my suggestion is adding hunger and thirst into this game. Maybe also with some climatic changes to the game.

Climate and regions:
Climat could be desertlike -> very hot, higher chance that your buildings begin to overheat and begin to burn when getting to hot. High thirst because it's dry here.
Forest -> a lively forest with a moderate climate. hunger and thirst sink on a normal basis. if you build your buildings here you destroy the forest and it becomes a wasteland.
Wastlands -> high air pollution and destoyed forest. your thirst and hunger are higher in this climate. and rain could dmg you and your buildings.
rainy fields -> you have more hunger than thirst because you can drink the rain.
snow and cold climate -> your hunger is quite high here. machines are slower because the ice slows them down. you could build fires to keep them icefree.

Big Fires -> prevent machines from freezing
Rain Catcher -> collects water if it rains. Poisoned water in wastelands.
(automated )Fields or glasshouses -> you can plant crops here but attention they attract the aliens. they need water to sprinkle the plants.
water cooler -> keeps your machines next to it cool.
Repair stations -> uses electrizity or coal and repairs near structures.
forest stations -> regrows trees in a radius and cuts them down when they are grown. get's you wood but won't work if the area is to polluted through your factory or the climate is desertlike
water regenerator -> purifies polluted or poisoned water.
water pump -> gets you water in dessertlike climate. maybe with water nodes like the oil ones.

other ideas:
let forests grow when not in a polluted area
small critters that won't attack you and that you can harvest for food. -> they live in healthy forests and spawn there.
water drones -> cooling machines down and extinct fires and water fields
let more enemys spawn in wastelands and dessertlike areas.

I hope some of you might like these ideas and that they get implemented in the game.
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Re: Survival Mode

Post by EditorRUS »

I know this game is about building the biggest factory ever
No. It's a game about automatization. Factory building aspect is merely a way to make this happen.
but what would be if hunger and thirst would be a problem for you? It would make it harder. And some people like it hard.
Hunger and thirst have been suggested since forever: viewtopic.php?f=80&t=14638
This is not going to be implemented in base game because there is no need for it. This is not a survival game.
Maybe also with some climatic changes to the game.
Just... no. Thirst and hunger are already excluded so this only adds needless maintenance, which was also suggested a lot and for the most part maintenance is not going to be added.
Repair stations -> uses electricity or coal and repairs near structures.
forest stations -> regrows trees in a radius and cuts them down when they are grown. get's you wood but won't work if the area is to polluted through your factory or the climate is desertlike
I hope some of you might like these ideas and that they get implemented in the game.
They have no real gameplay value as I see it, require a lot of coding, contradict the idea of the game... no. They won't be added, I am sure of it.

Also check this: README
One suggestion per thread! If your subject is something like "My Cool Ideas" or "Suggestions" you failed. :)
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Re: Survival Mode

Post by ssilk »

Well, this is a suggestion for a mod. See

Factorio is and will never be a survival game, even if there are very much elements of survival in it: Instead of hunger and thirst you have technology; you can survive only with technology and that is the point of the whole game. :)
Moved to won't implement.
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