Explanation on ore richness increasing by distance?

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Explanation on ore richness increasing by distance?

Post by Zaflis »

Related page is this https://wiki.factorio.com/World_generator

The Perlin noise graph is either from old version, or not show that ore amount increases in some pattern the further you go from spawn. I've made a very long exploration in the map and found veins ore amount does increase. Where at spawn using richest settings you have about 2000 ore per tile, at furthest i went it had gone up to 147k per tile. That is pretty significant increase and people should know about it. And there is still some random in the generation even in extreme distances, so some veins still are smaller than others.

Satellite Uplink Station mod is a fast way to explore the map if you want to see it yourself.
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Re: Explanation on ore richness increasing by distance?

Post by orzelek »

Out of curiosity - how far you got to get that big piles?
You can check tile coordinets under F5 debug at the top.

Since you did the testing I could check if RSO is not worse then vanilla :D
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Re: Explanation on ore richness increasing by distance?

Post by Zaflis »

It was "really far away", further than most people will bother build trains to :P And it was richest tile in that vein propably. Very difficult to say averages or anything by range without a ton of testing.
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Re: Explanation on ore richness increasing by distance?

Post by daniel34 »

That wiki article was mostly written for 0.12 or earlier, but almost everything in it is still the same I think. Ore richness increasing by distance was introduced in 0.13.0. The page needs to be refurbished a little bit, but I don't know how it exactly works. I think it is the same as it's already described, with further away patches getting a multiplier depending on distance.
FactorioBot in 0.13 changelog wrote:
  • Minor Features
    • Map generator algorithm changed, further resource field now have greater richness.
orzelek wrote:Since you did the testing I could check if RSO is not worse then vanilla :D
Things have a tendency to get interesting at extreme values. All following tests were done with default frequency, very big size and very good richness.

At the edge of the "infinite" map (a straight 4h train ride at max speed) the vanilla ore patches have roughly the same size as in the starting area but with vastly increased richness, big patches have 20M (!) ore per tile. Oil fields have top yields of about 20k %.

With RSO (default config) ore patches increase in size with big ore patches on the edge having a diameter of ~100 tiles or a bit more. Richness here is contrary to vanilla richness; it depends more on the size of the patch, smaller patches have higher richness (in vanilla it's the reverse). The 100 tile sized patch has a center richness of ~120k/tile, small patches have around 500k/tile. Oil is increased compared to vanilla, of the few oil fields I checked the richest one had 110k % yield.
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Re: Explanation on ore richness increasing by distance?

Post by orzelek »

Ohh thanks for the testing.
It seems that RSO is quite a bit worse then..
How do you test this? 4h ride with train would be with using FARL?
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Re: Explanation on ore richness increasing by distance?

Post by daniel34 »

orzelek wrote:Ohh thanks for the testing.
It seems that RSO is quite a bit worse then..
How do you test this? 4h ride with train would be with using FARL?
4h train ride was just for comparison purposes, it would take that long manually driving there.

Code: Select all

/c game.player.teleport({999980, 999980}, game.player.surface)
spawns you right to the bottom right corner of the map. I also recommend doing that in sandbox mode with game.speed=5 to get a quick overview of nearby ores fast when moving with WASD.
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Re: Explanation on ore richness increasing by distance?

Post by Zaflis »

If someone is in a reasonably advanced state of game, it would be actually fun packing up all needed stuff in inventory and start a new home far out there :P
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Re: Explanation on ore richness increasing by distance?

Post by Bilka »

I overhauled the page, it should no longer be outdated :)
I'm an admin over at https://wiki.factorio.com. Feel free to contact me if there's anything wrong (or right) with it.
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Re: Explanation on ore richness increasing by distance?

Post by aka13 »

I know I am propably overlooking it, but is there a way to approximate ressource scaling with distance? I don't see anything regarding that on the wiki.
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