[MOD 0.15.29+] Creative Mode 0.3.12 - Infinite resources

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Re: [MOD 0.14.13+] Creative Mode 0.2.5 - Cheats++, Clicks--

Post by canidae »

Some food for the Mooncat:

Code: Select all

Error while running event on_tick (ID 0)
__creative-mode__/scripts/item-providers-util.lua:871: attempt to index field 'last_working_static_container' (a nil value)
Happens when I rotate a Matter void to eat up items on a belt.
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Re: [MOD 0.14.13+] Creative Mode 0.2.5 - Cheats++, Clicks--

Post by Mooncat »

canidae wrote:Some food for the Mooncat:

Code: Select all

Error while running event on_tick (ID 0)
__creative-mode__/scripts/item-providers-util.lua:871: attempt to index field 'last_working_static_container' (a nil value)
Happens when I rotate a Matter void to eat up items on a belt.
Thanks for the food. I somehow triggered it by placing a Matter Void next to and facing a Matter Source.
It will be fixed in the next release. ;)
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Re: [MOD 0.14.13+] Creative Mode 0.2.5 - Cheats++, Clicks--

Post by Mooncat »

I have a question in my mind for quite some time.... is it really useful to hide the Creative Mode menu?

As a note, the current behaviour is more like "Hide CM Menu" instead of "Disable", because CM is still functional. You just cant access the settings in menu. Existing CM entities/items are still working.

Should I just implement "Disable CM" (remove all event handlers and global data, but allow enabling it back later) and "Disable CM Permanently" ? This will disable all CM functionalities, but make the game more light weight.
Or should I keep "Hide CM Menu" as another option?
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Re: [MOD 0.14.13+] Creative Mode 0.2.5 - Cheats++, Clicks--

Post by Anson »

LOL ...
the following is a lesson to myself on what to assume and how to guess wildly where lag is produced.

it happened when using the creative passive provider chests ...

if you want to guess with me, read the first spoiler.
if you only want to see the solution, read the second spoiler.
creative passive provider chests and roboports create lag for me
the reason is clear now but is there also a solution
merry Xmas and a happy new year ... most of all health, and the rest will come by itself.
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Re: [MOD 0.14.13+] Creative Mode 0.2.5 - Cheats++, Clicks--

Post by Mooncat »

Anson wrote:LOL ...
the following is a lesson to myself on what to assume and how to guess wildly where lag is produced.

it happened when using the creative passive provider chests ...

if you want to guess with me, read the first spoiler.
if you only want to see the solution, read the second spoiler.
creative passive provider chests and roboports create lag for me
the reason is clear now but is there also a solution
merry Xmas and a happy new year ... most of all health, and the rest will come by itself.
Sorry for the inconvenience. Yes, unexpected things are very likely to happen when there are too many mods running at the same time. :lol:
Although CM is specialized for testing purpose but not normal gameplay, I still hope that it can bring no impact to the game if the mode is disabled. This will be the focus for the next update. So please feel free to share anything you think I can help on cooperating with other mods. ;)

Looking to your problem and solution, it sounds like the "logistical network contents" mod indeed is using a not-so-optimized way to count items in the network. And I think your solution will work! Please suggest it to the author! I am also using this approach to update the contents of all chests in my mod, so the number of contents will not affect FPS. The only drawback is that you will see delay before the contents are updated. But it is still better than lag.

And you too, merry Xmas and a happy new year! :D
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Re: [MOD 0.14.13+] Creative Mode 0.2.5 - Cheats++, Clicks--

Post by Optera »

Mooncat wrote:I have a question in my mind for quite some time.... is it really useful to hide the Creative Mode menu?

As a note, the current behaviour is more like "Hide CM Menu" instead of "Disable", because CM is still functional. You just cant access the settings in menu. Existing CM entities/items are still working.

Should I just implement "Disable CM" (remove all event handlers and global data, but allow enabling it back later) and "Disable CM Permanently" ? This will disable all CM functionalities, but make the game more light weight.
Or should I keep "Hide CM Menu" as another option?
Hiding the menu seems like something only admins need after setting up a MP game.
Really disabling CM would make CM usable in megabases. For example I use only ~5 entities from the whole mod for testing my designs, passive electric void, duplicating chest, loader, void chest. So for a test I'd switch CM on do the testing and disable it afterwards.

Another option would be to add a toggle for which entities are available and all disabled entities are hidden and have their event handlers removed.
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Re: [MOD 0.14.13+] Creative Mode 0.2.5 - Cheats++, Clicks--

Post by Anson »

Mooncat wrote:Although CM is specialized for testing purpose but not normal gameplay, I still hope that it can bring no impact to the game if the mode is disabled. This will be the focus for the next update. So please feel free to share anything you think I can help on cooperating with other mods.
this mod is one of the most reliable mods that i have used so far. many other mods aren't behaving well, eg do a loop on all items in 100k chunks only once every 10 minutes, etc. you also took great care of handling your own special items, occasionally hiding them, etc. in contrast i just got another problem with two other mods where one was adding its own items only in the end so that other mods couldn't see them, resulting in a crash unless the second mod would declare specific dependencies. When i write my first mod (i already have lots of ideas :-) I'll probably be one such programmer too since I'm missing the practical experience with factorio mods.

with all the additional functionality you have added during the last months, exploring this mod alone and how to use it best is already some interesting game by itself :-)

now for some real bug (or at least some strange mismatch) :

when i setup a train with creative wagons, i noticed that i needed as many wagons to get all items as i previously had needed creative provider chests. but since the wagons can hold 200 stacks (in this case 9 wagons for 1625 stacks) and the chests only 150 (in this case also 9 chests but for only 1294 stacks), there is some mismatch and the chests seem to be missing some items which are only available in the creative wagons.

comparing the two sets: the first 1251 stacks were identical, as well as the last 43 stacks (for a total of 1294, all that was available in the chests), but the wagons had some more stacks between the beginning and the end. the missing items were mostly 300+ textplates whose boxed versions were included in the first 1251 stacks, but also items from several other mods up to your energy absorption. the three loaders, railgun/ammo and the other creative items are those remaining 43 items at the end.

speaking of those creative wagons:
- how are they supposed to work at all ?
having personal bots on me, and a roboport in range (each having lots of logistic and construction bots), also having a fusion reactor and personal roboports in the provider wagon and in the engine and in another normal wagon, all didn't cause any robot to start working and build a few items on a blueprint or fill a requester chest.
- only to grab items from them manually ?
i can select an unlimited item in the crafting gui quicker than manually searching 9 wagons for such an item.
and having an unloader station do the searching doesn't make much sense to me when there are maybe 9+ wagons in a train.
- maybe for FARL ?
i have to test that ... would be crazy but nice to add creative wagons to a FARL train and thus never run out of rails, signals, poles, etc.

it would be really nice if we could get the same convenience for wagons that we already have for chests:
- creative chest and creative wagon
- creative provider chest
and creative provider wagon
- duplicating chest and duplicating wagon
- duplicating provider chest
and duplicating provider wagon
with the old factorio, it might be illogical to have logistic wagons, but since we got grids now, everything should be possible :-)

maybe active/passive provider wagons, requester wagons, and storage wagons would be an idea for a different new mod (there is already a similar mod which does logistic wagons by putting the functionality (provider/requester/storage) in the rails; but not yet with the help of grids in the wagons)
but then it would be really nice to have a counterpart as creative versions too :-)

Optera wrote:Really disabling CM would make CM usable in megabases. ...
for a test I'd switch CM on do the testing and disable it afterwards.
I would like to have two or a few presets. one of them would be to reset everything to the values that CM had at the start of the map (to start over after experimenting and messing up), a second would be my favorite settings for testing something (most of the time, this is only a set of at most 4 or 5 settings, like cheat mode, creative tools' recipes, instant research). setting some values to my own defaults also could replace several other mods like enable loaders, extend reach, etc. the latter option would also be useful when starting a new map, but i have no idea where/how to store such settings between saves or maps, if that would be possible at all.

edit: PS : how do i get rid of living turrets (worms) and enslaved watchposts (spawners) ?
i can't remove them with rightclick, and killing them is a lot of work since robots rebuild them unless i remove roboports in those areas first.
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Re: [MOD 0.14.13+] Creative Mode 0.2.5 - Cheats++, Clicks--

Post by Mooncat »

Optera wrote:Hiding the menu seems like something only admins need after setting up a MP game.
It sounds reasonable. Since the admin page can already let admins hide the menu for other players by lowering their access right, I will leave it there and replace such option from initial popup by a true disable option.
Optera wrote:Really disabling CM would make CM usable in megabases. For example I use only ~5 entities from the whole mod for testing my designs, passive electric void, duplicating chest, loader, void chest. So for a test I'd switch CM on do the testing and disable it afterwards.

Another option would be to add a toggle for which entities are available and all disabled entities are hidden and have their event handlers removed.
The performance issue may be hardware dependant. The high usage on CPU is real, so I will optimize it for sure. ;)
While the option for choosing which entities to enable is sweet, I think it is not a must-have feature. And it costs quite a bit of work, so I can't promise it. At least it won't be in 0.14.
Anson wrote:this mod is one of the most reliable mods that i have used so far. many other mods aren't behaving well....
My first impression on LUA was: although it is easy to use, it is slow. (Can't expect too much from an interpreted language.) Therefore, I tried my best on optimization. It may be premature optimization in most of the time, but I know everyone will be happy once it is done.
Fell free to read and learn from the source code of this mod. I have put human-readable comments in all files as a habit. 8-)
Anson wrote:with all the additional functionality you have added during the last months, exploring this mod alone and how to use it best is already some interesting game by itself :-)
Sounds like I can put aside the wiki for some time. Good to know, so I can focus on the mod itself. :lol:
Anson wrote:now for some real bug (or at least some strange mismatch)....
Not a bug. The default settings allow creative wagons to contain hidden items while creative chests don't. You can change them in config.lua.
The difference on the number of items in each cycle depends on how many hidden items your mods have created. Vanilla hidden items include the loaders, railgun and railgun dart, rocket part, coin, player port, etc.
I included them in the wagons because the wagons have larger size, I thought it would not be a bad idea to include more items that some people may find interesting.
In 0.15, this config will be obvious, thanks to the new mod config menu.

The wagons are supposed to work with FARL. They were implemented according to a request on Mod Portal. :P
As for logistic wagons, I haven't tried adding grids and roboports into the wagons. But I don't think it will automatically turn the wagons into logistic wagons. Need test though. Can't promise.
Anson wrote:I would like to have two or a few presets. one of them would be to reset everything to the values that CM had at the start of the map (to start over after experimenting and messing up), a second would be my favorite settings for testing something (most of the time, this is only a set of at most 4 or 5 settings, like cheat mode, creative tools' recipes, instant research). setting some values to my own defaults also could replace several other mods like enable loaders, extend reach, etc. the latter option would also be useful when starting a new map, but i have no idea where/how to store such settings between saves or maps, if that would be possible at all.
1. Yes, it can be added in the next update, as a follow-up popup after disabling CM.
2. I have thought about this some time ago and come up with a workflow in my mind: you change some settings, save them as a preset, then export all presets as a string. In the next game, you import the string and the presets will be loaded. Just like how blueprint string works.
But it won't be in 0.14. We are still not sure about what 0.15 will provide. Maybe there will be a better option for mods to save things globally.
Anson wrote:edit: PS : how do i get rid of living turrets (worms) and enslaved watchposts (spawners) ?
i can't remove them with rightclick, and killing them is a lot of work since robots rebuild them unless i remove roboports in those areas first.
Use the magic wands. The red one can remove them quickly in alt-mode (with SHIFT), while the purple one provides more options in standard mode (without SHIFT). ;)
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Re: [MOD 0.14.13+] Creative Mode 0.2.5 - Cheats++, Clicks--

Post by Optera »

Mooncat wrote: The wagons are supposed to work with FARL. They were implemented according to a request on Mod Portal. :P
As for logistic wagons, I haven't tried adding grids and roboports into the wagons. But I don't think it will automatically turn the wagons into logistic wagons. Need test though. Can't promise.
If you manage to have cargo wagons with personal roboports use the inventories of all wagons on the train instead of only the one where the roboport is installed you should make it a stand alone mod. That's a request I've seen pop up a lot ever since we can add grids to them.
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Re: [MOD 0.14.13+] Creative Mode 0.2.5 - Cheats++, Clicks--

Post by Nexela »

Also with FARL. If cheat_mode is true FARL will build without any items. you can even build without any cargo wagons attached if you want!
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Re: [MOD 0.14.13+] Creative Mode 0.2.5 - Cheats++, Clicks--

Post by Mooncat »

About the logistic wagons...

The closest thing should be the old Logistic Wagon mod. I have briefly checked its scripts on github. The way it works is placing a hidden logistic chest when the wagon is still. It requires the mod to synchronize contents between the chest and the wagons. I think it will cause lag if we do that in our creative wagons which have large inventory.
Adding delay may not be good because that will end up slower than getting/inserting items with inserters + logistic chests. (I personally expect that logistic robots should act instantly.)

The Logistic Railways mod also does similar things. It synchronizes contents between the hidden logistic chests and the wagons. Not so FPS friendly either. (Maybe that's why Supercheese has not updated the mod for 0.14?)

TL;DR I'm not dare to implement logistic wagons on my creative wagons at this moment.
Nexela wrote:Also with FARL. If cheat_mode is true FARL will build without any items. you can even build without any cargo wagons attached if you want!
Good to know that FARL also works with cheat_mode. ;)
Apparently the wagons are also useful in this discussion. :lol:
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Re: [MOD 0.14.13+] Creative Mode 0.2.5 - Cheats++, Clicks--

Post by kaleb_boren »

Can you post a link to download without the mod portal?
I have serious issues with logging in.
Thank You!!
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Re: [MOD 0.14.13+] Creative Mode 0.2.5 - Cheats++, Clicks--

Post by Optera »

kaleb_boren wrote:Can you post a link to download without the mod portal?
I have serious issues with logging in.
Thank You!!
You don't have to log in to download.
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Re: [MOD 0.14.13+] Creative Mode 0.2.5 - Cheats++, Clicks--

Post by Nexela »

Optera wrote:
kaleb_boren wrote:Can you post a link to download without the mod portal?
I have serious issues with logging in.
Thank You!!
You don't have to log in to download.
You do have to be logged in to download.

It uses your factorio.com login as well as requires having bought and linked the game in your factorio.com account.
If you bought the game on steam linking is really easy, if you bought it from humble or from factorio.com you should have received an email with a code to enter to upgrade your account.
If you are having troubles accessing or linking your account email support@factorio.com for help.
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Re: [MOD 0.14.13+] Creative Mode 0.2.5 - Cheats++, Clicks--

Post by Optera »

I stand corrected. After all this time of downloading without login it stopped working.
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Re: [MOD 0.14.13+] Creative Mode 0.2.5 - Cheats++, Clicks--

Post by BeaumontTaz »

Mooncat wrote:
canidae wrote:Some food for the Mooncat:

Code: Select all

Error while running event on_tick (ID 0)
__creative-mode__/scripts/item-providers-util.lua:871: attempt to index field 'last_working_static_container' (a nil value)
Happens when I rotate a Matter void to eat up items on a belt.
Thanks for the food. I somehow triggered it by placing a Matter Void next to and facing a Matter Source.
It will be fixed in the next release. ;)
This is the same error message I get when accidentally placing a matter void to void another matter void. Shouldn't ever be done, but if you misclick the game crashes with that same error. Not sure if they're related.
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Re: [MOD 0.14.13+] Creative Mode 0.2.5 - Cheats++, Clicks--

Post by kaleb_boren »

Nexela wrote:
Optera wrote:
kaleb_boren wrote:Can you post a link to download without the mod portal?
I have serious issues with logging in.
Thank You!!
You don't have to log in to download.
You do have to be logged in to download.

It uses your factorio.com login as well as requires having bought and linked the game in your factorio.com account.
If you bought the game on steam linking is really easy, if you bought it from humble or from factorio.com you should have received an email with a code to enter to upgrade your account.
If you are having troubles accessing or linking your account email support@factorio.com for help.
well i bought the game from a different person
so, i can't update my game...
all i was wondering if someone can post a dropbox link or something please
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Re: [MOD 0.14.13+] Creative Mode 0.2.5 - Cheats++, Clicks--

Post by Nexela »

feature request #23425625234

Add to the modifier wand entity details

read - unit_number (if exists)
read/write - backer_name (if exists)
read/write - health (if exists) Not needed I see the set to 1 option now :)

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Re: [MOD 0.14.13+] Creative Mode 0.2.5 - Cheats++, Clicks--

Post by Mooncat »

kaleb_boren wrote:well i bought the game from a different person
so, i can't update my game...
all i was wondering if someone can post a dropbox link or something please
Sorry, no.

Nexela wrote:feature request #23425625234

Add to the modifier wand entity details

read - unit_number (if exists)
read/write - backer_name (if exists)
read/write - health (if exists) Not needed I see the set to 1 option now :)

Yes, I can do that. ;)

For anyone who is wondering why I am so quiet lately:
Recently I am making a turret mod that introduces turrets to help you defence your factory by debuffing the enemies rather than directly dealing damage to them.
But the development is taking much more time than I expected. Making a fluid turret is very troublesome. Luckily, it is nearly finished. I want to release it ASAP so I can request artwork. Then I will have a one-week vacation (in Japan!) and then go back to CM. Hopefully I can release v0.2.6 before Factorio 0.15 come out. :mrgreen:
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Re: [MOD 0.14.13+] Creative Mode 0.2.5 - Cheats++, Clicks--

Post by Optera »

Mooncat wrote:For anyone who is wondering why I am so quiet lately:
Recently I am making a turret mod that introduces turrets to help you defence your factory by debuffing the enemies rather than directly dealing damage to them.
But the development is taking much more time than I expected. Making a fluid turret is very troublesome. Luckily, it is nearly finished. I want to release it ASAP so I can request artwork. Then I will have a one-week vacation (in Japan!) and then go back to CM. Hopefully I can release v0.2.6 before Factorio 0.15 come out. :mrgreen:
I'm getting a tower defense minigame vibe from this. :D
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