Portable Fusion Reactor / tank

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Portable Fusion Reactor / tank

Post by Predator »

I want you all to try look at the bigger picture of this "overpowered" fusion reactor.

We are talking about almost or even end game play when we got best armor ect... You can put 1 or 2 of those reactors then about 6 or 8 exoskeletons or mixed with shields - like 3 exoskeletons and 10 shields and get 1500 additional live with superfast regen...
If we delete this fusion reactor and leave only portable solar panels + batteries it will restore ballance ( of course make live worse... ) and force us again to use cars and tanks to kill and perhaps also trains to travel.
Without fusion reactor we'll have to load batteries with portable solar panels and then work / fight only for short period of time until battery is dead...

But fusion reactor with unlimited energy letting you walk 3x normal speed or gives even 2k shield when tank is 1k ? come on ...
Please kill fusion reactor or make an option during creation of game to disable it or make it much harder to get and .... seriously ... no neverending nenergy 750kw....

Thank you and ,hope some of you share my point of view...

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Re: Portable Fusion Reactor / tank

Post by Xeanoa »

The tank has a buff for it planned in 0.15, so changes are on the way.

Currently, you need to look at it like this:

Tank is an early/mid game armour that doesn't self repair.
Energy shield is an late game armour with self repair.

Car is an early game transport with limitations (size, fuel, all the drawbacks of sitting in a vehicle).
Exoskeleton is a late game transport without these limitations.

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Re: Portable Fusion Reactor / tank

Post by Hannu »

Predator wrote:Please kill fusion reactor or make an option during creation of game to disable it or make it much harder to get and
I agree that fusion reactor is not very consistent pat of the game. However, running of long trips at endgame is very annoying without it and exoskeletons. I would not like to give away its functionality. I would change it to some kind of RTG which output would decrease exponentially and it would need to be replaced or reloaded after maybe 10 hours. But it would be so small change in the game that it is no sane reason to use programming resources to fix it. At that phase of the game player should have millions of resources and easy ways to automate maintaining.

There is one very easy solution to the problem you do not like some special endgame object in the game. I have experience of at least thousand hours and the method has worked always perfectly. My personal problem is beacons and the solution is that I do not make and use them. I am sure that it works as well with fusion reactors. There is no need to demand that everything I do not like should be removed from the game.

It is also easy to make own mod to change recipes. I have for example added wood to rails.

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