CTD when finishing LAN game

Things that has been reported already before.
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CTD when finishing LAN game

Post by Xeanoa »

Factorio crashed to desktop when finishing a LAN game.

>Finished game, summary window appears
>Client presses finish
>Host presses finish (Client's game hadn't quit yet at that point)
>At the same moment the error message appears

Attached the log file. Not sure if there is any additional info I can provide.
(17.03 KiB) Downloaded 68 times

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Re: CTD when finishing LAN game

Post by Loewchen »

Duplicate of: viewtopic.php?f=29&t=35496

Code: Select all

   0.003 2016-12-19 19:05:59; Factorio 0.14.21 (build 25327, win64, steam)
   0.003 Operating system: Windows 10 (version 1607) 
   0.003 Program arguments: "C:\Steam\steamapps\common\Factorio\bin\x64\Factorio.exe" 
   0.003 Read data path: C:/Steam/steamapps/common/Factorio/data
   0.003 Write data path: C:/Users/Aline/AppData/Roaming/Factorio
   0.003 Binaries path: C:/Steam/steamapps/common/Factorio/bin
   0.046 System info: [CPU: AMD FX(tm)-6300 Six-Core Processor             , 6 cores, RAM: 8156MB]
   0.047 Display options: [FullScreen: 1] [VSync: 0] [UIScale: 130%] [MultiSampling: OFF] [Screen: 255]
   0.049 Available display adapters: 1
   0.049  [0]: \\.\DISPLAY1 - AMD Radeon (TM) R9 380 Series {0x80005, [0,0], 2560x1440, 32bit, 60Hz}
   0.050 Create display on adapter 0. Size 1664x936 at position [438, 234].
   0.179 Initialised Direct3D:[0] AMD Radeon (TM) R9 380 Series; driver: aticfx64.dll
   0.183     Video memory size (dedicated video/dedicated system/shared system/available): 4072/0/4078/4082 MB
   0.238 DSound: Starting _dsound_update thread
   0.238 DSound: Enter _dsound_update; tid=6508
   0.239 Device reset internal.
   0.244 Desktop composition is active.
   0.245 Graphics options: [Graphics quality: normal] [Video memory usage: high] [Light scale: 25%] [DXT: false]
   0.363 Loading mod core 0.0.0 (data.lua)
   0.386 Loading mod base 0.14.21 (data.lua)
   0.802 Checksum for core: 1291735968
   0.802 Checksum for mod base: 786624017
   1.295 Info PlayerData.cpp:55: Local player-data.json available, timestamp 1482109346
   1.295 Info PlayerData.cpp:60: Cloud player-data.json available, timestamp 1482109346
   1.485 Initial atlas bitmap size is 16384
   1.487 Created atlas bitmap 16384x5589
   1.487 Created atlas bitmap 4096x968
   1.488 Created atlas bitmap 4096x3652
  23.443 Sprites loaded
  23.443 Convert atlas 4096x968 to: trilinear-filtering 
  23.470 Convert atlas 4096x3652 to: mipmap 
  23.724 Loading sounds...
  26.288 Custom inputs active: 0
  26.351 Factorio initialised
  26.351 RivaTuner Statistics Server hook detected (rtsshooks64.dll)
  44.330 Info UDPSocket.cpp:27: Opening socket at (
  44.332 Info UDPSocket.cpp:27: Opening socket at (
  44.432 Info UDPSocket.cpp:235: Socket closed
  44.433 Info UDPSocket.cpp:235: Socket closed
  48.698 Info UDPSocket.cpp:27: Opening socket at (
  48.698 Info UDPSocket.cpp:27: Opening socket at (
  53.079 Info UDPSocket.cpp:235: Socket closed
  53.105 Info UDPSocket.cpp:235: Socket closed
  53.106 Joining game
  53.106 Info UDPSocket.cpp:33: Opening socket
  53.106 Info ClientMultiplayerManager.cpp:539: MapTick(-1) changing state from(Ready) to(Connecting)
  53.141 Connection refused
  53.145 Info ClientMultiplayerManager.cpp:177: Quitting multiplayer connection.
  53.145 Info ClientMultiplayerManager.cpp:539: MapTick(-1) changing state from(Connecting) to(Disconnected)
  53.226 Info UDPSocket.cpp:235: Socket closed
  56.751 Info HttpSharedState.cpp:44: Downloading https://auth.factorio.com/api-login?api_version=2
  57.538 Info HttpSharedState.cpp:111: Status code: 200
  57.538 Info AuthServerConnector.cpp:165: Got token from auth server for username(Catlady).
  57.538 Info HttpSharedState.cpp:44: Downloading https://auth.factorio.com/generate-user-server-key
  57.645 Info HttpSharedState.cpp:111: Status code: 200
  57.645 Info AuthServerConnector.cpp:132: Received key(iDawks0IR05oJOkAXNCr/A==) for username(Catlady) from auth server.
  57.645 Joining game
  57.645 Info UDPSocket.cpp:33: Opening socket
  57.646 Info ClientMultiplayerManager.cpp:539: MapTick(-1) changing state from(Ready) to(Connecting)
  57.690 Info ClientSynchronizer.cpp:34: Initialized Synchronizer local peer(1) latency(32).
  57.691 Info ClientMultiplayerManager.cpp:539: MapTick(-1) changing state from(Connecting) to(ConnectedWaitingForMap)
  57.691 Info ClientRouter.cpp:219: ConnectionAccepted
  58.190 Info ClientMultiplayerManager.cpp:669: Received mapReadyForDownload
  58.190 Downloading file C:\Users\Aline\AppData\Roaming\Factorio\temp\mp-download.zip (7058485 B, 14033 blocks)
  58.193 Info ClientMultiplayerManager.cpp:539: MapTick(-1) changing state from(ConnectedWaitingForMap) to(ConnectedDownloadingMap)
  58.984 Finished download (0 s, 7.0 MB, 8.9 MB/s)
  59.027 Info ClientMultiplayerManager.cpp:650: mapTick(-1) map download finished creating scenario
  59.027 Info ClientMultiplayerManager.cpp:539: MapTick(-1) changing state from(ConnectedDownloadingMap) to(ConnectedLoadingMap)
  59.029 Loading map C:\Users\Aline\AppData\Roaming\Factorio\temp\mp-download.zip
  59.202 Info Scenario.cpp:152: Map version 0.14.21-0
  60.015 Checksum for script C:/Users/Aline/AppData/Roaming/Factorio/temp/currently-playing/control.lua: 1057114497
  60.041 Info ClientMultiplayerManager.cpp:539: MapTick(1186148) changing state from(ConnectedLoadingMap) to(TryingToCatchUp)
  60.259 Info ClientMultiplayerManager.cpp:539: MapTick(1186274) changing state from(TryingToCatchUp) to(WaitingForCommandToStartSendingTickClosures)
  60.357 Info ClientMultiplayerManager.cpp:539: MapTick(1186274) changing state from(WaitingForCommandToStartSendingTickClosures) to(InGame)
  60.424 Info GameActionHandler.cpp:2556: MapTick(1186278) processed PlayerJoinGame peerID(1) playerIndex(1) mode(connect)
  69.024 Info ClientSynchronizer.cpp:255: Changing local latency from 32 to 14 (nextTickToSend: 1186823, ticksClientWillJumpOver: 0 {})
  79.025 Info ClientSynchronizer.cpp:255: Changing local latency from 14 to 12 (nextTickToSend: 1187409, ticksClientWillJumpOver: 0 {})
  89.023 Info ClientSynchronizer.cpp:255: Changing local latency from 12 to 10 (nextTickToSend: 1188007, ticksClientWillJumpOver: 0 {})
  99.575 Info ClientSynchronizer.cpp:255: Changing local latency from 10 to 7 (nextTickToSend: 1188609, ticksClientWillJumpOver: 0 {})
 365.623 Info ClientSynchronizer.cpp:255: Changing local latency from 7 to 6 (nextTickToSend: 1204505, ticksClientWillJumpOver: 0 {})
 430.656 Info ClientSynchronizer.cpp:255: Changing local latency from 6 to 8 (nextTickToSend: 1208406, ticksClientWillJumpOver: 0 {})
 445.624 Info ClientSynchronizer.cpp:255: Changing local latency from 8 to 6 (nextTickToSend: 1209306, ticksClientWillJumpOver: 0 {})
1645.958 Info ClientSynchronizer.cpp:255: Changing local latency from 6 to 7 (nextTickToSend: 1281005, ticksClientWillJumpOver: 0 {})
1947.591 Info ClientSynchronizer.cpp:255: Changing local latency from 7 to 6 (nextTickToSend: 1299006, ticksClientWillJumpOver: 0 {})
2012.590 Info ClientSynchronizer.cpp:255: Changing local latency from 6 to 7 (nextTickToSend: 1302905, ticksClientWillJumpOver: 0 {})
2023.091 Info ClientSynchronizer.cpp:255: Changing local latency from 7 to 6 (nextTickToSend: 1303505, ticksClientWillJumpOver: 0 {})
3589.974 Info ClientSynchronizer.cpp:255: Changing local latency from 6 to 8 (nextTickToSend: 1397105, ticksClientWillJumpOver: 0 {})
3604.956 Info ClientSynchronizer.cpp:255: Changing local latency from 8 to 7 (nextTickToSend: 1398006, ticksClientWillJumpOver: 0 {})
3664.941 Info ClientSynchronizer.cpp:255: Changing local latency from 7 to 6 (nextTickToSend: 1401605, ticksClientWillJumpOver: 0 {})
3699.973 Info ClientSynchronizer.cpp:255: Changing local latency from 6 to 8 (nextTickToSend: 1403706, ticksClientWillJumpOver: 0 {})
3715.458 Info ClientSynchronizer.cpp:255: Changing local latency from 8 to 6 (nextTickToSend: 1404606, ticksClientWillJumpOver: 0 {})
4980.856 Info ClientSynchronizer.cpp:255: Changing local latency from 6 to 7 (nextTickToSend: 1480205, ticksClientWillJumpOver: 0 {})
4990.857 Info ClientSynchronizer.cpp:255: Changing local latency from 7 to 6 (nextTickToSend: 1480806, ticksClientWillJumpOver: 0 {})
5030.858 Info ClientSynchronizer.cpp:255: Changing local latency from 6 to 8 (nextTickToSend: 1483205, ticksClientWillJumpOver: 0 {})
5046.390 Info ClientSynchronizer.cpp:255: Changing local latency from 8 to 6 (nextTickToSend: 1484107, ticksClientWillJumpOver: 0 {})
5051.390 Info ClientSynchronizer.cpp:255: Changing local latency from 6 to 8 (nextTickToSend: 1484405, ticksClientWillJumpOver: 0 {})
5066.390 Info ClientSynchronizer.cpp:255: Changing local latency from 8 to 7 (nextTickToSend: 1485307, ticksClientWillJumpOver: 0 {})
5422.991 Info ClientSynchronizer.cpp:255: Changing local latency from 7 to 6 (nextTickToSend: 1506606, ticksClientWillJumpOver: 0 {})
7085.508 Info ClientSynchronizer.cpp:255: Changing local latency from 6 to 8 (nextTickToSend: 1605905, ticksClientWillJumpOver: 0 {})
7100.473 Info ClientSynchronizer.cpp:255: Changing local latency from 8 to 7 (nextTickToSend: 1606805, ticksClientWillJumpOver: 0 {})
7206.007 Info ClientSynchronizer.cpp:255: Changing local latency from 7 to 6 (nextTickToSend: 1613106, ticksClientWillJumpOver: 0 {})
12920.723 Info ClientSynchronizer.cpp:255: Changing local latency from 6 to 15 (nextTickToSend: 1678503, ticksClientWillJumpOver: 0 {})
12930.723 Info ClientSynchronizer.cpp:255: Changing local latency from 15 to 7 (nextTickToSend: 1679112, ticksClientWillJumpOver: 0 {})
12965.723 Info ClientSynchronizer.cpp:255: Changing local latency from 7 to 6 (nextTickToSend: 1681205, ticksClientWillJumpOver: 0 {})
13829.923 Info ClientSynchronizer.cpp:255: Changing local latency from 6 to 8 (nextTickToSend: 1732805, ticksClientWillJumpOver: 0 {})
13844.923 Info ClientSynchronizer.cpp:255: Changing local latency from 8 to 7 (nextTickToSend: 1733707, ticksClientWillJumpOver: 0 {})
13869.923 Info ClientSynchronizer.cpp:255: Changing local latency from 7 to 6 (nextTickToSend: 1735206, ticksClientWillJumpOver: 0 {})
13996.157 Info ClientSynchronizer.cpp:255: Changing local latency from 6 to 8 (nextTickToSend: 1742705, ticksClientWillJumpOver: 0 {})
14011.156 Info ClientSynchronizer.cpp:255: Changing local latency from 8 to 7 (nextTickToSend: 1743607, ticksClientWillJumpOver: 0 {})
14226.706 Info ClientSynchronizer.cpp:255: Changing local latency from 7 to 6 (nextTickToSend: 1756505, ticksClientWillJumpOver: 0 {})
15634.023 Info ClientSynchronizer.cpp:255: Changing local latency from 6 to 7 (nextTickToSend: 1840504, ticksClientWillJumpOver: 0 {})
16046.441 Info ClientSynchronizer.cpp:255: Changing local latency from 7 to 6 (nextTickToSend: 1865106, ticksClientWillJumpOver: 0 {})
16513.390 Info ClientSynchronizer.cpp:255: Changing local latency from 6 to 8 (nextTickToSend: 1893004, ticksClientWillJumpOver: 0 {})
16529.073 Info ClientSynchronizer.cpp:255: Changing local latency from 8 to 7 (nextTickToSend: 1893906, ticksClientWillJumpOver: 0 {})
16539.073 Info ClientSynchronizer.cpp:255: Changing local latency from 7 to 6 (nextTickToSend: 1894505, ticksClientWillJumpOver: 0 {})
17458.890 Info ClientSynchronizer.cpp:255: Changing local latency from 6 to 8 (nextTickToSend: 1949405, ticksClientWillJumpOver: 0 {})
17473.890 Info ClientSynchronizer.cpp:255: Changing local latency from 8 to 7 (nextTickToSend: 1950307, ticksClientWillJumpOver: 0 {})
17861.690 Info ClientSynchronizer.cpp:255: Changing local latency from 7 to 6 (nextTickToSend: 1973406, ticksClientWillJumpOver: 0 {})
19289.456 Info ClientSynchronizer.cpp:255: Changing local latency from 6 to 8 (nextTickToSend: 2058605, ticksClientWillJumpOver: 0 {})
19305.106 Info ClientSynchronizer.cpp:255: Changing local latency from 8 to 7 (nextTickToSend: 2059506, ticksClientWillJumpOver: 0 {})
19335.106 Info ClientSynchronizer.cpp:255: Changing local latency from 7 to 6 (nextTickToSend: 2061305, ticksClientWillJumpOver: 0 {})
19425.823 Info ClientSynchronizer.cpp:255: Changing local latency from 6 to 8 (nextTickToSend: 2066705, ticksClientWillJumpOver: 0 {})
19440.823 Info ClientSynchronizer.cpp:255: Changing local latency from 8 to 7 (nextTickToSend: 2067607, ticksClientWillJumpOver: 0 {})
19707.257 Info ClientSynchronizer.cpp:255: Changing local latency from 7 to 6 (nextTickToSend: 2083506, ticksClientWillJumpOver: 0 {})
20210.057 Info ClientSynchronizer.cpp:255: Changing local latency from 6 to 7 (nextTickToSend: 2113505, ticksClientWillJumpOver: 0 {})
20220.056 Info ClientSynchronizer.cpp:255: Changing local latency from 7 to 6 (nextTickToSend: 2114106, ticksClientWillJumpOver: 0 {})
22432.706 Info ClientSynchronizer.cpp:255: Changing local latency from 6 to 8 (nextTickToSend: 2246104, ticksClientWillJumpOver: 0 {})
22448.406 Info ClientSynchronizer.cpp:255: Changing local latency from 8 to 6 (nextTickToSend: 2247006, ticksClientWillJumpOver: 0 {})
23052.006 Info ClientSynchronizer.cpp:255: Changing local latency from 6 to 8 (nextTickToSend: 2283005, ticksClientWillJumpOver: 0 {})
23067.006 Info ClientSynchronizer.cpp:255: Changing local latency from 8 to 7 (nextTickToSend: 2283907, ticksClientWillJumpOver: 0 {})
23414.140 Info ClientSynchronizer.cpp:255: Changing local latency from 7 to 6 (nextTickToSend: 2304605, ticksClientWillJumpOver: 0 {})
24766.940 Info ClientSynchronizer.cpp:255: Changing local latency from 6 to 8 (nextTickToSend: 2385304, ticksClientWillJumpOver: 0 {})
24781.940 Info ClientSynchronizer.cpp:255: Changing local latency from 8 to 7 (nextTickToSend: 2386206, ticksClientWillJumpOver: 0 {})
24826.940 Info ClientSynchronizer.cpp:255: Changing local latency from 7 to 6 (nextTickToSend: 2388906, ticksClientWillJumpOver: 0 {})
24862.623 Info ClientSynchronizer.cpp:255: Changing local latency from 6 to 8 (nextTickToSend: 2391004, ticksClientWillJumpOver: 0 {})
24882.622 Info ClientSynchronizer.cpp:255: Changing local latency from 8 to 7 (nextTickToSend: 2392206, ticksClientWillJumpOver: 0 {})
25058.056 Unlocked achievement "smoke-me-a-kipper-i-will-be-back-for-breakfast"
25058.057 Unlocked achievement "lazy-bastard"
25058.057 Unlocked achievement "smoke-me-a-kipper-i-will-be-back-for-breakfast"
25073.474 Info ClientMultiplayerManager.cpp:129: Disconnecting multiplayer connection.
25073.474 Info ClientMultiplayerManager.cpp:539: MapTick(2403609) changing state from(InGame) to(DisconnectScheduled)
25073.506 Info ClientMultiplayerManager.cpp:539: MapTick(2403609) changing state from(DisconnectScheduled) to(WaitingForDisconnectConfirmation)
25073.574 Info ClientMultiplayerManager.cpp:539: MapTick(2403609) changing state from(WaitingForDisconnectConfirmation) to(Disconnected)
25073.574 Info ClientMultiplayerManager.cpp:773: Disconnect notification for peer (1)
25073.940 Info UDPSocket.cpp:235: Socket closed
25077.031 Error CrashHandler.cpp:230: Received SIGSEGV
Factorio crashed. Generating symbolized stacktrace, please wait ...
c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-skvdcq\libraries\stackwalker\stackwalker.cpp (906): StackWalker::ShowCallstack
c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-skvdcq\src\util\logger.cpp (337): Logger::writeStacktrace
c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-skvdcq\src\util\logger.cpp (391): Logger::logStacktrace
c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-skvdcq\src\util\crashhandler.cpp (105): CrashHandler::writeStackTrace
c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-skvdcq\src\util\crashhandler.cpp (233): CrashHandler::SignalHandler
d:\th\minkernel\crts\ucrt\src\appcrt\misc\exception_filter.cpp (219): _seh_filter_exe
f:\dd\vctools\crt\vcstartup\src\startup\exe_common.inl (273): `__scrt_common_main_seh'::`1'::filt$0
ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00007FF65CCA4614)
00007FF65CCA4614 (Factorio): (filename not available): __C_specific_handler
ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00007FF95B6D992D)
00007FF95B6D992D (ntdll): (filename not available): _chkstk
ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00007FF95B6786D3)
00007FF95B6786D3 (ntdll): (filename not available): RtlImageNtHeaderEx
ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00007FF95B6D8A4A)
00007FF95B6D8A4A (ntdll): (filename not available): KiUserExceptionDispatcher
c:\program files (x86)\microsoft visual studio 14.0\vc\include\xstring (1145): std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >::assign
ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00007FF65C812E2F)
00007FF65C812E2F (Factorio): (filename not available): ScenarioLocation::ScenarioLocation
ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00007FF65C812BF3)
00007FF65C812BF3 (Factorio): (filename not available): ScenarioExecutionContext::ScenarioExecutionContext
c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-skvdcq\src\appmanagerstates.cpp (1556): InFinishedGameGui::process
c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-skvdcq\src\appmanager.cpp (187): AppManager::process
c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-skvdcq\src\mainloop.cpp (277): MainLoop::prePrepare
c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-skvdcq\src\mainloop.cpp (352): MainLoop::mainLoopStep
c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-skvdcq\src\mainloop.cpp (208): MainLoop::run
c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-skvdcq\src\main.cpp (808): wmain
f:\dd\vctools\crt\vcstartup\src\startup\exe_common.inl (255): __scrt_common_main_seh
ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00007FF95A2F8364)
00007FF95A2F8364 (KERNEL32): (filename not available): BaseThreadInitThunk
ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00007FF95B695E91)
00007FF95B695E91 (ntdll): (filename not available): RtlUserThreadStart
25079.158 Error Util.cpp:77: Unexpected error occurred. If you're running the latest version of the game you can help us solve the problem by posting the contents of the log file on the Factorio forums.
Please also include the save file(s), any mods you may be using, and any steps you know of to reproduce the crash.

Fast Inserter
Fast Inserter
Posts: 190
Joined: Tue Apr 26, 2016 4:32 pm

Re: CTD when finishing LAN game

Post by Xeanoa »

Loewchen wrote:Duplicate of: viewtopic.php?f=29&t=35496
None of these specified that the OTHER player crashed the exact moment I pressed the finish button (same room, audio feedback). Maybe that's a hint?
We also finished an achievement (Lazy Bastard) in that game, though that's probably irrelevant.

Fast Inserter
Fast Inserter
Posts: 190
Joined: Tue Apr 26, 2016 4:32 pm

Re: CTD when finishing LAN game

Post by Xeanoa »

I was able to reproduce the crash!

Played another game.
Again unlocked achievements. Different ones this time. Still don't think this matters, though.
Client pressed finish first.
Host pressed finish.
Client crashes.

We loaded the last autosave, and tried again. Same result, it's reproducible.
(8.49 MiB) Downloaded 45 times
(15.95 KiB) Downloaded 45 times
(9.68 KiB) Downloaded 49 times

Fast Inserter
Fast Inserter
Posts: 190
Joined: Tue Apr 26, 2016 4:32 pm

Re: CTD when finishing LAN game

Post by Xeanoa »

Has anyone else been able to reproduce the crash?

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