But (I'm running 3 Servers on the same machine) they all crash in parallel.
As I mentioned before, the Log in the logfile is different to the one output to the console, hence 2 logs per Server.
I dont think it's related to the map, since it just crashed on a brand new map with 0 seconds playtime.
A very similar crash just happened again, so I'm attaching 2 x 2 logs.
My Console's scrollback is only 1000 lines, which is why you don't see the beginning of launching the Server in case of longjump1.txt
I'm running a Fedora Server Version 24 Server, virtualized on VMWare ESXi.
Don't have a lot of other stuff running on the Server, but I haven't seen anything else crash due to memory corruption / violations.
Since I'm the only one with this problem it could just be my install, or I'm haunted by a rare bug, I dont know.
This is similar to This Bug
Thanks for your awesome work, guys and gals. Keep it up
