[0.14] Reactors & Atomic Locomotives

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Re: [0.14] Reactors

Post by Optera »

Nice change, it always bugged me a bit how rare plutonium was and how slurry was processed in assemblers.

Here's the migration scripts I used to change from Nucular to Reactors 1.4.5 without having to do a clean save.

What mods did you use to get concrete on the edge of water pools?
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Re: [0.14] Reactors

Post by Optera »

I'm impressed the UPS drop was only ~6 when placing ~100 reactors.
2016-11-02-10-57-05-3874766.jpg (504.12 KiB) Viewed 12231 times
Changing TICKS_PER_UPDATE to 20 dropped it only to ~2.5 though.
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Re: [0.14] Reactors

Post by Speadge »

somehow i dont get an circuit interface when placing a new reactor (no blueprint)

well, interface was built under the boiler
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Re: [0.14] Reactors

Post by Pin-Lui »

GotLag wrote:Updated to 1.5.0, with hopefully final structural change to fuel processing. All processing steps except MOX creation now take place in a chemical plant, reprocessing requires acid and produces uranium slurry instead of DU. Breeder cycle now produces plutonium directly, in addition to that extracted in waste reprocessing. The result of this change is to make breeders produce more plutonium.

As a result, (including reprocessing and using MOX):
  • fission-only will produce limited power and lots of depleted uranium
  • breeder-only will produce limited power and lots of plutonium
  • a balanced/circuit-controlled mix of the two will produce large amounts of power (almost two reactor cycles per unit of uranium slurry) and no residue
A sample setup using generating power entirely from fission, with a breeder reactor switched on only as needed to balance plutonium/depleted uranium, and forced to full throttle via override signal:
I would love to get those Blueprints, i cant set it up correctly
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Re: [0.14] Reactors & Atomic Locomotives

Post by wildgreen1701 »

i really like this mod but I can't get the reactor to go above 20% even using target reactor output. I might be using it wrong. could you show me a example of how to use it.
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Re: [0.14] Reactors & Atomic Locomotives

Post by GotLag »

Here's a clearer example of fuel processing:

The slurry pump is connected to a one-way valve acting as a measuring point, and if there's more than 5 slurry in the pipe the pump turns off. This means that more slurry is only injected when the reprocessed slurry runs low.

The decider combinator emits a shutdown command if the belt sensor shows >2 plutonium. The constant combinator is emitting a throttle override signal of 100 on the same wire. This wire goes to a breeder reactor just off the top of the image.

My power generation is 100% basic fission, which runs a DU surplus and Pu deficit. When there's no Pu at the belt sensor the breeder is turned back on to produce Pu until the amount has increased again.

The belt taking enriched fuel from the separating chemical plants and the MOX assemblers is set up so that the fuel is taken from the chemical plants by preference. This allows the chemical plants to only back up with DU, and means the MOX assemblers only operate when enriched fuel runs low.
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Re: [0.14] Reactors & Atomic Locomotives

Post by Hendo »

I would love if someone made a tutorial video on this mod, I built the reactor based on the pictures in the OP but I have no idea how to do the circuit system to make it work
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Re: [0.14] Reactors & Atomic Locomotives

Post by Semaphor »

Would it be possible to add uranium (or plutonium)-tipped missiles to this mod? The explosion would create a cloud of radiation/poison. The Nucular mod has this, but your mod is the better of the two, IMO.
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Re: [0.14] Reactors & Atomic Locomotives

Post by sneakyloz »

Hendo wrote:I would love if someone made a tutorial video on this mod, I built the reactor based on the pictures in the OP but I have no idea how to do the circuit system to make it work
Saw a few posts here asking for a tutorial, must admit I could have used one at the start - I'll try and do one soon, I've been doing some fun designs recently..

my fave build so far:
Mark IX Synergy Reactor
4-pot circuit-regulated breeder reactor harnessing the "extra bit" over 2 turbines each reactor has.
Cooling towers completely negated by mixing hot water with input cold water.
East and West pots are primaries, the south pot is on demand based on their load.
North pot is a "booster" reactor, and pre-heats the input water of east and west reactors to 50 degrees when their water temperature drops below 100, allowing greater water flow beyond the reactor's heating ability.
Indicator lamps to show reactor output and on/off state (blue >= 20%, green >= 40%, yellow >= 60%, orange >= 80%, red >= 100%
Power output: 130MW
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Re: [0.14] Reactors & Atomic Locomotives

Post by safan »

So i had a lot of fun? yesterday trying to contain rolling blackouts yesterday.

Due to an attack in an outpost, there was a brownout leading to poweroff on the cooling pumps, leading to overheating. It took me 30 minutes before i had it back to stable. I'm thinking about using a solar field to power the reactor and pumps. Is there a way to make accus that fill up with the global network, but that can only be used by the reactors?

anyways good work.
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Re: [0.14] Reactors & Atomic Locomotives

Post by GotLag »

I'm not aware of any way to make accumulators that only power certain entities, but there are other things you can do.

One thing you can try is putting a small steam engine between your reactor and the pump leading to your turbines. If you are careful with your power poles you can then have these engines powering the reactor and pumps only, and the turbines only feeding the rest of your grid:
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Re: [0.14] Reactors & Atomic Locomotives

Post by oliveawesomesauz »

Would it be possible to raise the power priority of express pumps? I'm currently dealing with an issue where a very high amount of loud will cause the express pumps to fail, causing the whole reactor to fail.
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Re: [0.14] Reactors & Atomic Locomotives

Post by GotLag »

I can raise priority on the express pumps, but they'd still be competing with other primary-input loads.

If you look at the picture above your post, that reactor will always power its own pumps before powering anything else, using the two regular steam engines.
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Re: [0.14] Reactors & Atomic Locomotives

Post by rlerner »

GotLag -- Beautiful job on this mod, I've thoroughly enjoyed working with it / optimizing stuff.


My setup uses quite a few mods, windfarm to power the water pumps (to avoid having to jumpstart two services, also finding a nice sexy lake.) The water area became a bit intense for what is needed, but I committed as soon as I copied the mod in the folder.

Anyway, there's four reactors here that use constant combiners to enable/disable them (I haven't made them automatically scale to load, and I'm convinced if three are running at 20%, I'm wasting fuel). Since I'm on an actually generated water supply, vs. a lake, I have the typical setup as well as a set of express pumps to the cooling towers (these only run when the water temp is > 20). Since the reactor will shut off at 16 degrees on an overload/shutdown situation, there's a 4 degree deadband here. This stops the persistent cloud of steam when the plants are shut down, and prevents my water stations from being dry.

Other conditions:
- Temp > 160, set yellow signal
- Overload Condition, set yellow signal
- Shutdown Condition, set yellow signal
- Water < 400, set blue signal

The blue pulls in water from the tanks, the yellow activates the first set of express pumps to the cooling towers. (The second set is the water control I mentioned).

In the event you have a complete blackout, your plant will be impossible to start w/o other power source, so there's the nine accumulators with two switches. They both default to open, however when the power level (accumulator A signal) is > 80, then one latches shut to charge the accumulators to at least 80. Below 80, the bank is isolated. In a different area, below 90 I have the plant isolated from the power plant. This allows you to start the plant when it is blacked out simply by fixing whatever reactor issue there was, and flipping the switch on the accumulator pack.

In other areas, I have a ton of electric furnaces loaded with Speed3's that dynamically run either iron or copper, based on demand. Should the power fall below 80, this area will stop fueling the furnaces. Sadly this causes a ripple in the current, as once the power is killed to the furnaces, the accumulators charge > 80, turn the power to the furnaces back on, and repeat from step 1. Deadbanding would be nice, but I'm new to circuit combiners here. Either way, you should see an impact in production.

Other mods include the Nixie Tube mod which is great for displays, as you can see, and iron/copper letters, which are also nice looking and useful.

Really enjoying "Reactors"! Thanks!
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Re: [0.14] Reactors & Atomic Locomotives

Post by Lemlin »

Wow, what a wonderful design. Since I have water pump mod myself I`m thinking of doing something similar in the future, right now I have a large coastline to get my water supply from.
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Re: [0.14] Reactors & Atomic Locomotives

Post by GotLag »

Found and fixed a bug that prevented reactors from powering up again if the recipe changed while they were shut down
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Re: [0.14] Reactors

Post by DarkHelmet »

GotLag wrote:A sample setup using generating power entirely from fission, with a breeder reactor switched on only as needed to balance plutonium/depleted uranium, and forced to full throttle via override signal:
I have two hopefully easy questions:
  • What is the second combinator used for on your breeder configuration above? I understand the one used for overheat shutdown condition recovery. I can't think of an obvious use for a second combinator unless its for two stage cooling tower turn-on.
  • I'm finding it "interesting" trying to balance breeder vs fission reactor ratios. Is there an approximate rule of thumb for how many are optimal for supplying an efficient power generation fuel cycle?
I love this mod but it's driving me crazy trying to optimize it. :)
A guide to planning your factory's space requirements:
1) Figure out how much space you need, double it to be safe.
2) Wrong! There's never enough space.
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Re: [0.14] Reactors & Atomic Locomotives

Post by GotLag »

The cooling towers run when a 'C' signal is > 0. One combinator is set to emit 'C' = 1 if the reactor is active (power > 0), the other if the reactor is scramming.

The power reactors' combinators are similar, except they activate if core temp rises above 155, rather than if the reactor is active.
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Re: [0.14] Reactors & Atomic Locomotives

Post by Gnomical »

GotLag wrote:The cooling towers run when a 'C' signal is > 0. One combinator is set to emit 'C' = 1 if the reactor is active (power > 0), the other if the reactor is scramming.

The power reactors' combinators are similar, except they activate if core temp rises above 155, rather than if the reactor is active.
Loving the mod so far, but I am having a little trouble with getting a breeder to function. I have it set up the same as in the picture, and the pumps to the cooling towers turn on if there is any power or if it is overheating. What happens is the reactor goes from working and producing fuel to overheated constantly. It generally takes a cycle or two to finish actually producing fuel because of this. It seems that while the coolant goes from 15C to 100, the core temp goes from 15 until 200 and then both decrease for a while until the reactor turns back on when it decides to stop overheating. Is this intended? Do I have something wired incorrectly? The output water decreases back to 15 so all the water coming into the reactor is at 15C, the temp increases until it overheats regardless.
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Re: [0.14] Reactors & Atomic Locomotives

Post by GotLag »

Do you have a limit on your water inlet pumps? If you let the reactor fill completely then the cold water from the cooling towers can't re-enter the reactor, so the cooling towers back up.
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