Anyway, early game is also a research rush - you want to establish your defences as soon as possible, start the trains and crack oil so setting up red / green science production is of crucial importance.
With no automation, you would provide resources by yourself i.e. put them in chests, as few as possible, preferably. The following should let you through first red researches:

Should you discover automation T2, you may establish green science factory; there are dozens of approaches - mine uses hardly any belts, hand-crafting of which takes time and in general is against spirit of factorio where you strive to AUTOMATE all the things. There are only two input chests: one for iron plates, the other for copper ones. You may want to feed into first one as many of them as possible, as the factory eats them up in a fast pace:

Later on you would simply feed in two belts, one with copper, other one with iron to automate the production: